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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Sounds violent. Don't know why you want to fight at a gay bar?
    In my experience, those that threaten and boast are usually put away rather quickly.


      Meanwhile, the dotard continues to make a fool of himself. One tweet at a time.


        Wow, so much much hate.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          In my experience, those that threaten and boast are usually put away rather quickly.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            In my experience, those that threaten and boast are usually put away rather quickly.
            Trump is a huuge pansy, isn't he?


              Hypocrisy at it's finest...

              A Boston radio host called out U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren this week for criticizing America's "One Percent," noting that her net worth ranks her among the class she consistently attacks.

              “How can you rail against the One Percent, when in a sense you are and live like the One Percent?,” Jeff Kuhner asked Warren on Monday in the hallway of the WRKO's studio, referring to the class of America's wealthiest people.

              The Massachusetts Democrat responded with a brief history of her modest childhood, growing up with little money and how the opportunities in America allowed her to build her career.

              “I had opportunities because America invested in kids like me,” Warren said, adding that those same opportunities are often no longer available to many people born in circumstances similar to hers as a youth.

              But Kuhner continued to press the senator, accusing her of hypocrisy for her political rhetoric against the One Percent.

              “You’re part of the One Percent and you rail against the One Percent, you don’t see the hypocrisy there?” Kuhner asked.

              Warren has made a lucrative career in consulting for insurance companies and big banks, the Daily Caller reported. Estimates of the senator's net worth range from $3.7 million to $10 million, CNN reported.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Hypocrisy at it's finest...

                A Boston radio host called out U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren this week for criticizing America's "One Percent," noting that her net worth ranks her among the class she consistently attacks.

                “How can you rail against the One Percent, when in a sense you are and live like the One Percent?,” Jeff Kuhner asked Warren on Monday in the hallway of the WRKO's studio, referring to the class of America's wealthiest people.

                The Massachusetts Democrat responded with a brief history of her modest childhood, growing up with little money and how the opportunities in America allowed her to build her career.

                “I had opportunities because America invested in kids like me,” Warren said, adding that those same opportunities are often no longer available to many people born in circumstances similar to hers as a youth.

                But Kuhner continued to press the senator, accusing her of hypocrisy for her political rhetoric against the One Percent.

                “You’re part of the One Percent and you rail against the One Percent, you don’t see the hypocrisy there?” Kuhner asked.

                Warren has made a lucrative career in consulting for insurance companies and big banks, the Daily Caller reported. Estimates of the senator's net worth range from $3.7 million to $10 million, CNN reported.
                Her biggest opportunity was that she lied about her ethnicity and no one had the stones to call BS. Really hope this fraud runs in 2020. She is a constant embarassment to our State. Amazing how the left refuses to answer a direct question and immediate returns to tje talking points.


                  Is "dotard" the 45th president?

                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Her biggest opportunity was that she lied about her ethnicity and no one had the stones to call BS. Really hope this fraud runs in 2020. She is a constant embarassment to our State. Amazing how the left refuses to answer a direct question and immediate returns to tje talking points.
                  hypocrites, the lot of you.

                  a person pulling herself up by her bootstraps and making it you attack.

                  The billionaire CEOs ripping off the public daily with their mortgage and real estate scams you vote in as your dotard and all other reps ,.



                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    hypocrites, the lot of you.

                    a person pulling herself up by her bootstraps and making it you attack.

                    The billionaire CEOs ripping off the public daily with their mortgage and real estate scams you vote in as your dotard and all other reps ,.

                    Bootstraps or moccasin laces?


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      hypocrites, the lot of you.

                      a person pulling herself up by her bootstraps and making it you attack.

                      The billionaire CEOs ripping off the public daily with their mortgage and real estate scams you vote in as your dotard and all other reps ,.


                      Attacking her hypocrisy, as you call someone a hypocrite you should understand what the word is.

                      She, as a 1%-er, rails against the 1%. Like...doesn't that sink in?


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        hypocrites, the lot of you.

                        a person pulling herself up by her bootstraps and making it you attack.

                        The billionaire CEOs ripping off the public daily with their mortgage and real estate scams you vote in as your dotard and all other reps ,.

                        Laughable. Let's have Lizzie take a DNA test, I will pay. Then unseal her employment records. If she is the beacon of all that is true and right as she claims, she has nithing to hide.

                        A complete fraud.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Bootstraps or moccasin laces?
                          So predictable. Knew it was only a matter of time...


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            hypocrites, the lot of you.

                            a person pulling herself up by her bootstraps and making it you attack.

                            The billionaire CEOs ripping off the public daily with their mortgage and real estate scams you vote in as your dotard and all other reps ,.

                            Lizzie works for those guys as a consultant! Takes their donations, she is an unapologetic huckster. Wake up buttercup!


                              He's milking the public teet, that's what he's doing.

                              “No one is quite sure what [Price] is doing,” a senior White House official told Politico. “You look at this week, we’re doing a last final push trying to get this over the finish line, and he’s nowhere to be found.”


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Spinning? Call it what it is...lying!

                                He's even foolish enough to throw in the comment that the FISA warrants are confidential and he can't discuss them, but he had no problem answering questions about FISA targets in March. That would fall under "discussing".
                                This is really significant and yet I doubt much will be done about it.

                                The FISA wiretap story of Paul Manafort to a whole new level, if the media is interested in pursuing it. Follow along:James Clapper was the Director of National Intelligence overseeing the surveillance and intelligence gathering of seventeen different government agencies. He has correctly asserted that if there was a FISA order to wiretap an American citizen he would know about it. CNN has now confirmed that the FBI had just such an order to monitor Paul Manafort. This leaves us with only a handful of conclusions.

                                CNN’s reporting is completely wrong resulting it possibly one of the most high-profile journalistic blunders of our time.

                                James Clapper is a serial liar.

                                James Clapper has a health condition that has damaged his memory.

                                The FBI under James Comey’s direction and under President Obama’s control conducted covert, renegade surveillance of American citizens without the appropriate oversight or constitutional checks and balances at such a high level that even the Director of National Intelligence was kept in the dark.


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