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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Who said I voted FOR Trump?
    Here we go ...some are backing away already .....

    Nutter why don't you just bring the CLARITY

    Albatross really smells btw


      Which side of the Democratic civil war are you falling on?

      Answer the question.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Who said I voted FOR Trump?
        Funny Bore - us Always take a short leave of absence whenever one of his sick puppets check in


        You must be 12


          "Liberals are white supremacists"


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Which side of the Democratic civil war are you falling on?

            Answer the question.
            There is none.

            Trump has united all opposition against him.

            Besides this isn't about party it's about removing an agent of foreign influence from the WH.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              "Liberals are white supremacists"
              ^^^^^^like trump whose tweeting is unhinged today the 🥜 ter is also feeling the pressure

              Do you need a minder 🥜 ter I hear Gen Kelly may need employment soon


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                "Liberals are white supremacists"
                Are you back Bore -us or did the conservative who didn't vote for trump write this

                Bwa hahahaha


                  The Failing @nytimes set Liddle' Bob Corker up by recording his conversation. Was made to sound a fool, and that's what I am dealing with!

                  Half hour ago.

                  Sounds just BONKERS doesn't he? Infantilizing HIMSELF with "Liddle" at a time he has been compared to a toddler.

                  Putin is laughing and thanks you nutters for your assistance in this matter.

                  Well we KNOW Bore -us is a fan and voted for....Bore-us step up and defend this please






                        BONKERS Today chapter 2

                        President Donald Trump said he would surpass Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in an IQ test, if Tillerson really called him a moron.

                        Last week, after NBC News reported that Tillerson, increasingly angry with Trump and other administration figures, referred to Trump as “a moron,” the president dismissed the story as “phony.”

                        But in an interview with Forbes magazine published Tuesday, Trump said that if the NBC report was true, he’d compare IQ test results with Tillerson and come out the smartest.

                        “I think it’s fake news,” Trump said in the interview. “But if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win.”
                        The idiot depravity is on full display .

                        Where is Bore - us ....must be looking for the Prius that doesn't exist


                          Tillerson will be quitting very soon. He’s had enough of the infantilism.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Tillerson will be quitting very soon. He’s had enough of the infantilism.
                            When I saw the bit about IQ tests I figured no way he makes it so end of year


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              When I saw the bit about IQ tests I figured no way he makes it so end of year
                              It’s possible Tillerson will completely divorce himself from Trump and stay on as duty to country/world...make Trump fire him. Only problem is that Tillerson’s pretty much neutered as things are right now. No support whatsoever.


                                Wasn't it just a day or two ago when Tee Hee was upset that someone posted so often? Man, really ripping them off today, aren't ya'?

                                But, to the point...are you seriously saying the Democrats are aligned? Really? Straight face and all?


                                Which side, Tee Hee...which side?

                                Answer the question.


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