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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Yes, there should be background checks for guns.

    Oh, wait, there already is...
    Oh please. Just by the thinnest of margins. Due to time restrictions for the FBI to respond many gun sales go unchecked. Not to mention gun shows, private sales, etc......


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Connection to the BOR and tying up a bridge, preventing a sick child to make it to the hospital? To throw rocks at police, then hide behind them when shots are fired?
      Was the KKK ever designated as a domestic terrorist group, how about pro life nuts, how about American Nazi Party. Oh wait those are WHITE organizations....

      You want to escalate things don't you. What we need right now is for cooler heads to prevail on both sides. Everybody stand down and take a deep breath.

      - Cujo


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Oh please. Just by the thinnest of margins. Due to time restrictions for the FBI to respond many gun sales go unchecked. Not to mention gun shows, private sales, etc......
        I'm not a gun-owner, and you appear to have much more knowledge than I on the subject, so could you advise how many people killed by a gun would've been prevented by the gun shows & private sales?

        As for the FBI, I don't think we should put in another law that would basically say "do what you are doing, but just do it better".


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Was the KKK ever designated as a domestic terrorist group, how about pro life nuts, how about American Nazi Party. Oh wait those are WHITE organizations....

          You want to escalate things don't you. What we need right now is for cooler heads to prevail on both sides. Everybody stand down and take a deep breath.

          - Cujo
          I would be in favor of designating those groups as domestic terrorists, yes. If they are domestically-based, and goal is to terrorize, seems applicable to me.

          But, I didn't make it into a black or white issue, you just did. I just asked about how we should be viewing this "movement".


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Was the KKK ever designated as a domestic terrorist group, how about pro life nuts, how about American Nazi Party. Oh wait those are WHITE organizations....

            You want to escalate things don't you. What we need right now is for cooler heads to prevail on both sides. Everybody stand down and take a deep breath.

            - Cujo
            Typical Cujo. Injecting race where race had nothing to do with the OP's post. Swinging at windmills again.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Connection to the BOR and tying up a bridge, preventing a sick child to make it to the hospital? To throw rocks at police, then hide behind them when shots are fired?
              Amazing. Ambulances couldn't get to hospitals etc during Chris Christies bridge gate. That was ok since it was intended to punish people who didn't support Christie.

              Can't make it up. Go sit on an ice cube nutter and get over your faux outrage. Baby.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Typical Cujo. Injecting race where race had nothing to do with the OP's post. Swinging at windmills again.
                Not Cujo here but I see the point.

                Can you simple tell us what designations have been given to the haters, from the KKK till Tim mcveigh and beyond.

                So please weigh in on e question. You just dodged it. Period.


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Typical Cujo. Injecting race where race had nothing to do with the OP's post. Swinging at windmills again.
                  Race has EVERYTHING to do with the nutters' posts on this board.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Amazing. Ambulances couldn't get to hospitals etc during Chris Christies bridge gate. That was ok since it was intended to punish people who didn't support Christie.

                    Can't make it up. Go sit on an ice cube nutter and get over your faux outrage. Baby.
                    Who defends Christie?

                    Can't you make a point without an insult and name-calling?

                    As Cujo said: "What we need right now is for cooler heads to prevail on both sides. Everybody stand down and take a deep breath."

                    Can't do that if you're too insistent on insulting.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Race has EVERYTHING to do with the nutters' posts on this board.
                      OP here: Not a single post, word, or comment has ever had a tinge of real racism in it. I inquire, a lot. I don't have all the answers, but do ask questions.

                      There were a LOT of commentary about calling some whites who committed awful crimes 'domestic terrorists' as a retort to comments made about 'Islamic terrorists'. I asked if we should consider this #BLM movement in a same light.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Not Cujo here but I see the point.

                        Can you simple tell us what designations have been given to the haters, from the KKK till Tim mcveigh and beyond.

                        So please weigh in on e question. You just dodged it. Period.
                        The point is that it wasn't a racist inquiry I made. Couldn't all domestic organizations with the intent to terrorize considered domestic terrorists? Why should the #BLM movement be so easily disregarded?

                        As for McVeigh: Timothy James McVeigh (April 23, 1968 – June 11, 2001) was an American terrorist convicted and executed for the detonation of a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995

                        See, nobody defends McVeigh, but yet he's always brought up with a "see?". Dude was a doosh. A terroristic-doosh.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Typical Cujo. Injecting race where race had nothing to do with the OP's post. Swinging at windmills again.
                          Race as you nutters define it has everything to do with it. Today I saw a sign outside a church that read "It is your Christian duty to rise up against tyranny"..... Replace the word Christian with Muslim and there would be news cameras and protests outside the church. This situation is going to escalate until police stop shooting people who are not holding a gun or knife and threatening them.



                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Race as you nutters define it has everything to do with it. Today I saw a sign outside a church that read "It is your Christian duty to rise up against tyranny"..... Replace the word Christian with Muslim and there would be news cameras and protests outside the church. This situation is going to escalate until police stop shooting people who are not holding a gun or knife and threatening them.

                            Now you are bringing religious differences in here. Any other groups you want to try to interject into the conversation?


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              OP here: Not a single post, word, or comment has ever had a tinge of real racism in it. I inquire, a lot. I don't have all the answers, but do ask questions.

                              There were a LOT of commentary about calling some whites who committed awful crimes 'domestic terrorists' as a retort to comments made about 'Islamic terrorists'. I asked if we should consider this #BLM movement in a same light.
                              So all one posts about Obama Michelle Jayz Beyoncé didn't read a tinge of racism there at all did you?


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                The point is that it wasn't a racist inquiry I made. Couldn't all domestic organizations with the intent to terrorize considered domestic terrorists? Why should the #BLM movement be so easily disregarded?

                                As for McVeigh: Timothy James McVeigh (April 23, 1968 – June 11, 2001) was an American terrorist convicted and executed for the detonation of a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995

                                See, nobody defends McVeigh, but yet he's always brought up with a "see?". Dude was a doosh. A terroristic-doosh.
                                What you haven't done is attached McVeigh to the WIDE organized group of white nationalist haters that were networked and organized ......stop treating him like a one-off (he wasn't) so that you can consider the same approaches there that are being advocated for use against people's that don't look as much like whitey as mcveigh did.

                                While we are at it you can tell us why NRA didn't defend the law abiding open carry black people at protests.


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