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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

    Dems don't care??? Then why are they throwing a hissy fit over the investigation?

    Dems should care. It would put this thing to bed once and for all. It's the perfect opportunity for Dems to prove Trump is lying.
    Trying to put parties aside.

    Why would Trump feel that all of this is necessary? Surely he has more important matters on his plate at this particular time? It would be far easier to put this on the back burner and consider an investigation at a later date.

    On the other hand, why is there such push back from the Dem's? They have been pushing this popular vote (no mandate) agenda since the election. Jill Stein's recounts found many irregularities in votes counted and possible votes cast.

    Makes me think that there is something to it.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      "49 percent of those who watched "

      none of the rest of us could listen to this unAMerican nefarious insulting narcissist....

      so yeah.... corrected it for ya ... 49% of your losing voters.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

        Dems don't care??? Then why are they throwing a hissy fit over the investigation?

        Dems should care. It would put this thing to bed once and for all. It's the perfect opportunity for Dems to prove Trump is lying.
        Hissy fit??? The Dems baited him into asking for an investigation by pressing him about why he wasn't investigating what would amount to a core threat to democracy if what he was claiming is true. He looked ridiculous with his press secretary stuck on an island trying to back him up when everyone knew it was absurd. A totally made up story from Trump to cover for how much HE rigged the election. Remember what he famously said? "I'll accept the result of the election...IF I WIN!"


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Trying to put parties aside.

          Why would Trump feel that all of this is necessary? Surely he has more important matters on his plate at this particular time? It would be far easier to put this on the back burner and consider an investigation at a later date.

          On the other hand, why is there such push back from the Dem's? They have been pushing this popular vote (no mandate) agenda since the election. Jill Stein's recounts found many irregularities in votes counted and possible votes cast.

          Makes me think that there is something to it.
          Nobody cared about what Stein did. And the Dems weren't saying anything about voter fraud. TRUMP brought it up again BECAUSE he was so ticked off about the pictures of the inauguration crowds. He is totally insecure under his blustering shell. He and and his team were sure he was going to lose and he still can't fathom that he won (or stole it depending on your pov).


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Nobody cared about what Stein did. And the Dems weren't saying anything about voter fraud. TRUMP brought it up again BECAUSE he was so ticked off about the pictures of the inauguration crowds. He is totally insecure under his blustering shell. He and and his team were sure he was going to lose and he still can't fathom that he won (or stole it depending on your pov).
            I believe that all of this talk about no mandate has forced his hand.

            Dem's didn't expect him to challenge their assertions that the popular vote results would limit his ability to rule. Now we will see just how many fraudulent votes are cast.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              I believe that all of this talk about no mandate has forced his hand.

              Dem's didn't expect him to challenge their assertions that the popular vote results would limit his ability to rule. Now we will see just how many fraudulent votes are cast.
              You still just don't get it. The Dems weren't talking about any of that. Trump was pssed about how the crowd size looked and HE revived the voter fraud thing out of insecurity. His own staff admits there is zero evidence and their only response to repeated questions about his outlandish claim is to say "he just has a feeling." The press wouldn't let go so Trump was cornered into saying he would investigate because the press called his bluff by asking why he wasn't asking for an investigation given he was claiming the largest scandal in American election history. It's silly...And stupid. What will he do if an investigation reveals 5 million fraudulent votes FOR HIM??


                We need a President who makes decisions based on his overall assessment of what's best for the country....not in response to his daily, frequent ego bruises.


                  He also should be reaching out to the more than 50% who didn't and or don't support him instead of delusionally claiming they just don't exist.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    He also should be reaching out to the more than 50% who didn't and or don't support him instead of delusionally claiming they just don't exist.
                    I agree, but I would also argue there is no possibility of it. Hard to reach out when #notmypresident is trending and you have people in the media and entertainment industry who continue to mock him (even if he's oh so mockable) and refuse to treat him equally.

                    So, he's giving it the big F-U...


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      You still just don't get it. The Dems weren't talking about any of that. Trump was pssed about how the crowd size looked and HE revived the voter fraud thing out of insecurity. His own staff admits there is zero evidence and their only response to repeated questions about his outlandish claim is to say "he just has a feeling." The press wouldn't let go so Trump was cornered into saying he would investigate because the press called his bluff by asking why he wasn't asking for an investigation given he was claiming the largest scandal in American election history. It's silly...And stupid. What will he do if an investigation reveals 5 million fraudulent votes FOR HIM??
                      Weren't talking about any of it? I read it on here every single day. All I read is how Hypocrillary got more votes, so she's the real president.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                        Dems don't care??? Then why are they throwing a hissy fit over the investigation?

                        Dems should care. It would put this thing to bed once and for all. It's the perfect opportunity for Dems to prove Trump is lying.
                        Unless the Dems have something to hide....

                        Paul Ryan interviewed last night by Greta. He is all for looking into Voter Fraud. Anyone with nothing to hide should be.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Nobody serious listens to the Clinton News Network anymore. They are "THE" purveyors of fake news. They were bad before, but are really bad with Zucker in charge.
                          How CNN Can Save Itself



                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Trying to put parties aside.

                            Why would Trump feel that all of this is necessary? Surely he has more important matters on his plate at this particular time? It would be far easier to put this on the back burner and consider an investigation at a later date.

                            On the other hand, why is there such push back from the Dem's? They have been pushing this popular vote (no mandate) agenda since the election. Jill Stein's recounts found many irregularities in votes counted and possible votes cast.

                            Makes me think that there is something to it.
                            Are you suggesting government is incapable of chewing gum and walking at the same time?


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              He also should be reaching out to the more than 50% who didn't and or don't support him instead of delusionally claiming they just don't exist.
                              It has become abundantly clear that "reaching out" to the left is a fools errand. They have decided that they will support nothing except for Trumps failure.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Unless the Dems have something to hide....

                                Paul Ryan interviewed last night by Greta. He is all for looking into Voter Fraud. Anyone with nothing to hide should be.
                                Bring it on! How many extra votes do you think he'll get as result of an "investigation"?

                                Ryan has not interest at all...he and his R colleagues are just trying to appease Trump and avoid appearing publicly in dispute.

                                Trump won the electoral college, and so he wins. Hillary won popular vote. End of story. And btw, if the popular vote was "rigged" then why didn't the Dems go ahead and "rig" the electoral college outcome???? Or is that where Russia comes in, lol?


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