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    The mainstream media is completely obsessed with Stormy Daniels after the adult film star’s widely viewed interview on “60 Minutes,” but some of President Trump’s biggest critics are having a hard time faking outrage over the alleged one-time affair.

    CNN analyst Mark Geragos essentially admitted that CNN wants him to go on TV and bash Trump, but he couldn’t find the motivation after the “60 Minutes” interview and peeled back the curtain on Jeff Zucker’s programming strategy in the process. CNN was all-in with post-show coverage of the “60 Minutes” interview, conducted by the network’s Anderson Cooper, but the liberal attorney spoiled the Trump-bashing party.

    “I know that as a CNN analyst I’m supposed to give you some smart, legal insight here but I really am somewhat perplexed and bewildered as to what the endgame is here,” Geragos said on Sunday evening.

    Geragos said he believes Daniels in general but doesn’t think the allegations are a big deal.

    “I understand we’re supposed to beat our chests and say, ‘This is horrible and blah blah blah,’ and I’m not a great supporter of Donald Trump at all,” Geragos said.


    “I think people thought there was going to be like a smoking gun here,” Goldberg said directly to Avenatti. “Did we miss something?”


    Take away the TS loons, and really, nobody cares about consensual sex between adults 10 years ago.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      I actually think it's a bit telling when he admits he "haven’t laughed at you THIS hard since BEFORE Nov 2016". Been nothing but crying since.

      Nice try !

      Been laughing a lot. For months . This is just the first you’ve competed with your most feckless

      What about Katie Johnson though ....don’t you want to get to the bottom of that ? Especially since it involved convicted pedo Epstein ....

      You were fine talking about Epstein before trump but no more


      You protect and shield trump from alleged pedo stuff

      It needs a full airing doesn’t it ? I mean oh can’t be that upset about my anon comments and then pivot and give trump a mulligan on those allegations against him....

      Or can you HYPOCRITE


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        But the Polls, the Polls, still show him above 40 . After the non stop onslaught of the MSM and sniping and backstabbing by Dems. There he is . Still alive.

        And now he is kicking Russians out, as part of a coalition with other countries . The UN, a favorite of the Lefty Progressives is inactive and neutered.
        That isn't doing so well with the " collusion" narrative is it ?
        Next ? Iran. Too bad he can't get those pallets of cash back Obama sent . Think any of it was used to finance the hacking from the Iranians just indicted ?
        Nixon was above 40 right before he plunged to 25

        Tee hee
        Bwa ha ha

        Patience young grasshopper . He will be degraded far more

        In fact I WANT it to take time. We want him to bottom out at the PERFECT time for the midterms

        Don’t you get it? Trump and cons can only respond now. Lost his agenda


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          The mainstream media is completely obsessed with Stormy Daniels after the adult film star’s widely viewed interview on “60 Minutes,” but some of President Trump’s biggest critics are having a hard time faking outrage over the alleged one-time affair.

          CNN analyst Mark Geragos essentially admitted that CNN wants him to go on TV and bash Trump, but he couldn’t find the motivation after the “60 Minutes” interview and peeled back the curtain on Jeff Zucker’s programming strategy in the process. CNN was all-in with post-show coverage of the “60 Minutes” interview, conducted by the network’s Anderson Cooper, but the liberal attorney spoiled the Trump-bashing party.

          “I know that as a CNN analyst I’m supposed to give you some smart, legal insight here but I really am somewhat perplexed and bewildered as to what the endgame is here,” Geragos said on Sunday evening.

          Geragos said he believes Daniels in general but doesn’t think the allegations are a big deal.

          “I understand we’re supposed to beat our chests and say, ‘This is horrible and blah blah blah,’ and I’m not a great supporter of Donald Trump at all,” Geragos said.


          “I think people thought there was going to be like a smoking gun here,” Goldberg said directly to Avenatti. “Did we miss something?”


          Take away the TS loons, and really, nobody cares about consensual sex between adults 10 years ago.
          And nobody cares about whether whether consensual sex with a lib is the BEST SEX women with con husbands and fathers will ever have a

          Have a great afteRnoon Cons !


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

            I see you can’t let go.

            Excellent !!!!

            Keep crying .

            You are clearly more concerned with an anonymous blow to your EGO nothing more but showing all the readers that rules you while you are really unconcerned about whether or not trump raped a thirteen year old?

            Excellent ! Keep it up. Show EVERYONE who you are
            Hi everyone!

            Aarav asked me to show you all who I am. What I am is a caring father and husband, who would never even consider the thought of asking someone to send over their wives and daughters to some internet creep so they can have their way with them. The thought, literally, never even crosses my mind. So, to type it, defend it, mock it when called out on it, and laugh about it after...are just not in my nature.

            Everyone, that's who I am.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              But the Polls, the Polls, still show him above 40 . After the non stop onslaught of the MSM and sniping and backstabbing by Dems. There he is . Still alive.

              And now he is kicking Russians out, as part of a coalition with other countries . The UN, a favorite of the Lefty Progressives is inactive and neutered.
              That isn't doing so well with the " collusion" narrative is it ?
              Next ? Iran. Too bad he can't get those pallets of cash back Obama sent . Think any of it was used to finance the hacking from the Iranians just indicted ?
              Con now using polls to say “trump is great “



                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Hi everyone!

                Aarav asked me to show you all who I am. What I am is a caring father and husband, who would never even consider the thought of asking someone to send over their wives and daughters to some internet creep so they can have their way with them. The thought, literally, never even crosses my mind. So, to type it, defend it, mock it when called out on it, and laugh about it after...are just not in my nature.

                Everyone, that's who I am.
                You just threaten my family with a home invasion and me with a slow and painful death.

                Yeah you are a real peach .

                And CRYING that it wasn’t you isn’t convincing have been THE nutter voice here for years so it’s a stretch that you didn’t threaten those things when , as usual, you periodically lose your composure

                Unlike you I brush it off as I KNOW you have no power over me ....

                Now TRY to be as evolved .

                Tee hee

                Bwa ha ha


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  You just threaten my family with a home invasion and me with a slow and painful death.

                  Yeah you are a real peach .

                  And CRYING that it wasn’t you isn’t convincing have been THE nutter voice here for years so it’s a stretch that you didn’t threaten those things when , as usual, you periodically lose your composure

                  Unlike you I brush it off as I KNOW you have no power over me ....

                  Now TRY to be as evolved .

                  Tee hee

                  Bwa ha ha
                  Not me. From what I can tell, there's at least three on here today.

                  So, as with every other time I have seen you accuse me of threatening, I will continually respond the same: wasn't me, appears to have happened before this thread was started, and your justification about taking out a threat from someone else on wives and daughters is sad.

                  But, continue to tell me that you're in my head, when it's obvious it's the other way around. I'm comfortable I've helped to educate my family to watch out for the internet creeps. Nothing is foolproof, but I've done what I can and hope it works.

                  That's who I am, and I'm comfortable with that characterization.

                  Bigger question is tell us who you are...a person who asks for wives and daughters to be sent their way to have his way with them (Creep). Laughs about it later (Creep). Mocks someone for being troubled by it (Creep).

                  Walks like a duck..talks like a duck....

                  I'm more surprised the other liberal on here let's it go.


                    Cons love polls today so here’s one

                    A poll released this morning by CNBC’s All America Economic Survey, conducted by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies in mid-March, found that only a third of the Americans have noticed more money in their paychecks because of $1.5 trillion Trump tax cuts. More than half — 52 percent — say they’ve seen no change at all.

                    The extra take home pay is so inconsequential to most people that of the minority who says they’ve noticed the extra funds, a little less than 40 percent say it’s improved their finances “a great deal” or “a fair amount,” with the remainder saying it the money either helps a small amount or not at all.

                    Keep flacking those tax cuts cons !


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Not me. From what I can tell, there's at least three on here today.
                      You are constantly hostile toward me on here so if you don’t understand how that makes you fhe leading suspect on saying that I’m sorry that I can’t compensate for your low IQ

                      You seem like it’s VERY important to you to dismiss it out of hand ....can you prove what you say? That it wasn’t you?

                      Then if not maybe slow down with the protestations that price NOTHING

                      We KNOW how you LIE

                      Can’t prove it ? Need to own it. Many have seen how you talk to me and about me .

                      Now I personally could care less. I have NOTHING else o fear from the likes of you . But can’t let you keep lying to our HS readers

                      So, as with every other time I have seen you accuse me of threatening, I will continually respond the same: wasn't me, appears to have happened before this thread was started, and your justification about taking out a threat from someone else on wives and daughters is sad.

                      But, continue to tell me that you're in my head, when it's obvious it's the other way around. I'm comfortable I've helped to educate my family to watch out for the internet creeps. Nothing is foolproof, but I've done what I can and hope it works.

                      That's who I am, and I'm comfortable with that characterization.

                      Bigger question is tell us who you are...a person who asks for wives and daughters to be sent their way to have his way with them (Creep). Laughs about it later (Creep). Mocks someone for being troubled by it (Creep).

                      Walks like a duck..talks like a duck....

                      And you are the guy who when a lib pisses him off talks about enjoying the notion of his wife and children suffering a home invasion

                      That’s you

                      I'm more surprised the other liberal on here let's it go.
                      Consciously trying to enmesh others in the drama YOU started when you made the home invasion threat so long ago? Not very well adjusted .....

                      Did I ask Sick Puppet to weigh in on your home invasion threat ? No I did not .


                        Constantly hostile?

                        If calling out someone for asking for my wife and daughter to be sent your way to have your way with them is hostile, then guilty as charged.

                        Threatened? Not a once. I would think "even with your low IQ" it would be pretty evident when I post. Since...every time I do post I make darn sure to remind everyone of your filthy thoughts, Aarav. So, yes, the few days I do post over the last few months have been directed at you and your requests to have my wife and daughter sent to you so you can have your way with them. Because, you showed your filth and all attempts to mock it and laugh about it only makes it worse.

                        I get it. You were out of line, but pride prevents you from saying so. I feel for you in some ways. You know you wrong, you make a habit of directing your ire at individuals and people who disagree with you, and you took it too far. It happens. Just own up to it. I tell my daughter it's not the mistake, it's how you react to the mistake.

                        Another suggestion: Reply to the individual post and not a whole basket when making a characterization. We know how well that went for the Runner-up.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Constantly hostile?

                          If calling out someone for asking for my wife and daughter to be sent your way to have your way with them is hostile, then guilty as charged.

                          Threatened? Not a once. I would think "even with your low IQ" it would be pretty evident when I post. Since...every time I do post I make darn sure to remind everyone of your filthy thoughts, Aarav. So, yes, the few days I do post over the last few months have been directed at you and your requests to have my wife and daughter sent to you so you can have your way with them. Because, you showed your filth and all attempts to mock it and laugh about it only makes it worse.

                          I get it. You were out of line, but pride prevents you from saying so. I feel for you in some ways. You know you wrong, you make a habit of directing your ire at individuals and people who disagree with you, and you took it too far. It happens. Just own up to it. I tell my daughter it's not the mistake, it's how you react to the mistake.

                          Another suggestion: Reply to the individual post and not a whole basket when making a characterization. We know how well that went for the Runner-up.
                          I get it. You threatened my wife and children anonymously and now you want to run away from

                          Tough guy you had your chance and didn’t show and then you threaten wife and children like a coward .

                          I invite you to PROVE it wasn’t you (sit for lie detector ? I’ll pay the fee ....) but if you can’t I suggest you stop your weak protestations .

                          I never denied asking you to send over any women over the age of consent for the best consensual sex they ever had.

                          I’m crying with laughter still about howndeeply under your skin I am.

                          Be a good boy and MAYBE I’ll give you another chance at me ....


                          Remeber when you accused the libs of “alinsky rules”

                          I’m using “Trump rules” and you seem to be howling from a taste of your own medicine



                            One more question. .....

                            Do they smell like 🐐? Or honeysuckle ? Matters


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Constantly hostile?

                              If calling out someone for asking for my wife and daughter to be sent your way to have your way with them is hostile, then guilty as charged.

                              Threatened? Not a once. I would think "even with your low IQ" it would be pretty evident when I post. Since...every time I do post I make darn sure to remind everyone of your filthy thoughts, Aarav. So, yes, the few days I do post over the last few months have been directed at you and your requests to have my wife and daughter sent to you so you can have your way with them. Because, you showed your filth and all attempts to mock it and laugh about it only makes it worse.

                              I get it. You were out of line, but pride prevents you from saying so. I feel for you in some ways. You know you wrong, you make a habit of directing your ire at individuals and people who disagree with you, and you took it too far. It happens. Just own up to it. I tell my daughter it's not the mistake, it's how you react to the mistake.

                              Another suggestion: Reply to the individual post and not a whole basket when making a characterization. We know how well that went for the Runner-up.
                              One more thing . I’m STILL laughing about it. I think it’s hilarious .

                              If your family were threatened with a home invasion you would be FAR more upset me ...but you didn’t see me act like you then did you ?

                              Libs are just more evolved that way


                                Note that the con justifies losing his head over what was said to him but NEVER gets as animated condemning his con FRIENDS for threatening that home invasion.

                                See that’s an obvious tell. By extension he should feel righteous anger about SOME con threatening a home invasion targeting someone’s innocent children (if for a moment we believe it wasn’t him) but he DOES NOT. It’s all good to snicker when it’s said to a lib.

                                So tell you what BORE-US. Attack the threats of home invasion against me for a week and I will reward you with the belief it wasn’t you.

                                Deal? Cause otherwise it looks like you did .

                                Try to be as big hearted as me for a change

                                Tee hee
                                Bwa ha ha


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