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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Believe it , it is all I need. Just going to Youtube to watch the MSM in tears is enough to last a lifetime.

    Just simply awesome. The sure to win smug Progressives having to grab their ankles !

    Cue up Election night on Youtube, pass the popcorn !
    Hey did you see this one? Priceless.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Bill Clinton, the original hound dog ! Public knowledge. Couldn't even control himself in the White House !

      He holds the record you know. There were without a doubt other President's fooling around, but only one GOT CAUGHT red handed, or was it Blue Dress Handed !
      ^^^^ please hold onto this as the reason justifying your trump “movement”


      Monica did not have him drop his drawers and immediately get spanked though , did she

      Keep in mind that Bore-us projects all sorts of sexual innuendo about libs but proudly follows a man who goes beta to a woman almost young enough to be his granddaughter

      Submitting to a spanking from her

      LMAO at Bore-us and Trump


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Hey did you see this one? Priceless.
        I think you should worry about what Putin thinks about his alter ego being made to submit to a sex worker 30 yrs his junior

        RESPECT! MAGA!

        World leaders BLINDED by trump’s greatness !!!!!



          Bore-us is busy watching old “cons gone wild “ clips with fingers in ears about trump.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            You have to watch it ! So satisfying to see the smug looking so depressed.

            I know of quite a few Progressives that had to be talked to on the ledge that evening. So many have never recovered. So many shattered dreams. Love it !
            Up until the last few hours, even your propaganda State TV was sure the Orange One was going down in flames that night. Remember the Con tears from Hannity earlier that evening?



              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              I think you should worry about what Putin thinks about his alter ego being made to submit to a sex worker 30 yrs his junior

              RESPECT! MAGA!

              World leaders BLINDED by trump’s greatness !!!!!

              Consenting adults, Mr. Lib, consenting adults. Same line you used when Bill was porking Monica with a cigar.


                I’m hearing that Trump lawyer Ty Cobb will be leaving soon. And also White House counsel Don McCahn. Who will that leave? Michael Cohen? Lol


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  There were zero statistics about assault weapons pre and post ban there so keep bleating about it
                  In other words, you are incapable of arguing the points made. Got it.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Consenting adults, Mr. Lib, consenting adults. Same line you used when Bill was porking Monica with a cigar.
                    Did that line of reason slow you down for a second?

                    No it did not, so let’s get back to the tone YOU set long ago.

                    Who among us hasn't had unprotected intercourse with a porn star & playmate while wife #3 (the one you had intercourse with while still married to wife #2, the woman you slept with while still married to wife #1) was home nursing child number five?
                    Bareback sex.

                    Tell your daughter she should use a condom if sleeping with any trump-like critters ok?

                    He’s germ phobic though 🤭🤫😂🤷*♂️


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      In other words, you are incapable of arguing the points made. Got it.
                      I asked you to raise a statistic from the article you posted

                      Still waiting


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        I’m hearing that Trump lawyer Ty Cobb will be leaving soon. And also White House counsel Don McCahn. Who will that leave? Michael Cohen? Lol
                        Here’s the thing .

                        Cobb is outside WH lawyer
                        McGahn , WH counsel , is also a witness against trump in mueller investigation

                        So Cobb has duties beyond trump as personal client , see

                        There is basically no one at helm vis a vis a lawyer taking charge of donnie’s Personal peril.

                        Trump really thinks his is a PR issue


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Nah, Trump won because of the crap Dems are selling in the big cities on both coasts ain't selling in middle America. In other words, those who actually have to work for a living (middle class) as opposed the the those parts of the country where free stuff is promised to the lower income class in exchange for votes to keep the highest income levels in power. And yet the lower classes in those big cities keep voting for Dems. Who are the real dumbasses?

                          So a city filled with immigrants approves spending $200,000 to help immigrant children (brought here by their parents) get due process. Meanwhile the STATE of Maryland has been shorting the school system hundreds of millions of dollars promised to them. The picture you showed? From one of the worst cold snaps in the region in 30+ years and only 1/3 of the schools had heat issues.

                          "The schools' funding formula is in the spotlight right now. The Baltimore city school board is not elected and how much money each pupil gets is decided by the state. In various ways, governors of the past and present manipulated the school funding formula – and that almost always negatively affected Baltimore city. For example, in 2008 (FY09) the state cut the inflation factor – a critical part of the education funding formula to ensure that school districts can keep up with growing costs (health care premiums, energy, transportation, food, etc.) That shorted city schools by $290 million dollars annually, says Frank Patinella, senior education advocate for the ACLU of Maryland's Education Reform Project.

                          City Schools were also promised money when casinos opened eight years ago. That revenue is in the billions. Some of it is going to city schools, but every year state lawmakers dump it in and take some money out for roads or other state projects. It replaces and doesn't add money to the city schools' coffer, which was the promise when it went on ballot."



                          Meanwhile in GOP controlled KS and OK, where they drastically cut taxes without raising revenues, kids are going to school 4 days a week now.
                          Not only is she spending money for illegals, she was spending money to send 60 buses to DC for the march.

                          Baltimore had 13 city high schools with zero students proficient in math. Only 15% of students passed the English test. (Partnership for Assessments of Career and College Readiness, or PARCC)



                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            I asked you to raise a statistic from the article you posted

                            Still waiting
                            Follow the links dopey.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Did that line of reason slow you down for a second?

                              No it did not, so let’s get back to the tone YOU set long ago.

                              Bareback sex.

                              Tell your daughter she should use a condom if sleeping with any trump-like critters ok?

                              He’s germ phobic though 🤭🤫😂🤷*♂️
                              Consenting adults. What they do in the privacy of their bedroom is their business. That's what you guys have said all these years. It's not much different than Clinton banging all the women (and young girls if the rumors regarding Jeffrey Epstein are true) he's banged in his life. And btw Juanita Broaddrick accuses Clinton of raping her in 1978. He married Hillary in 1975. I'd have a lot more respect for Hillary had she'd kicked his sorry azz out the door.


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