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    What, no Russia commentary added for good measure?


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Cons are going to love watching Trump and the GOP dragged for so much more ....


      WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican-led House intelligence committee on Friday released a lengthy report concluding it found no evidence that Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign, a finding that drew praise from the president and rebuttals from Democrats.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Cons are going to love watching Trump and the GOP dragged for so much more ....


        The press continues to feed the dying Russia collusion conspiracy theory, spending Friday’s news cycle regurgitating Democrat talking points from the just-filed Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act lawsuit against the Trump campaign, WikiLeaks, and Russia.

        Yet the mainstream media took no notice of last week’s federal court filing that exposes an $84 million money-laundering conspiracy the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign executed during the 2016 presidential election in violation of federal campaign-finance law.

        That lawsuit, filed last week in a DC district court, summarizes the DNC-Clinton conspiracy and provides detailed evidence from Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings confirming the complaint’s allegations that Democrats undertook an extensive scheme to violate federal campaign limits.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican-led House intelligence committee on Friday released a lengthy report concluding it found no evidence that Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign, a finding that drew praise from the president and rebuttals from Democrats.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            EVERYBODY knows that Trump had an affair with a porn actress.
            EVERYBODY knows that she was paid $130,000 by TrumpCo to keep her quiet as the election approached.

            Tell us more about sketches.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Watch his 30 minute diatribe on Fox today. Fox even stopped it. It was the ramblings of a man trapped in a corner, becoming unhinged. To top it off some of what he said only made his situation worse.
              Agreed. Comey should just shut up before he gets himself in any more trouble.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                He said today on Fox that Cohen represented him in the "Stormy Daniels thing". Yup. He said it. Cohen said he took out a loan to pay her off. Done.

                The only person who thinks he didn't have an affair is Trump himself. Lying is part of his DNA. He can't discern fact from fiction any longer


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Ok. We got it. You are standing with the NRA position. Not the police chiefs. Duly noted. Deflecting with your anecdotal mumblings don’t distract us from noting your bottom line.

                  Just another issue where we see lib policy is better. We support police chiefs in their opposition of concealed carry.

                  See? Simple.
                  I'm with the Yarmouth Police Chief. How about you?

                  Yarmouth chief: The system fails again




                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — Shocking video is calling attention to what’s going on in one of the busiest BART stations in the Bay Area: junkies blatantly shooting up out in the open as commuters walk by, others slumped along filthy corridors.

                      It’s a gauntlet commuters walk through every morning at the Civic Center BART and Muni station.

                      Regular commuter Shannon Gafford knows people have to see it to believe it. “One morning I said, ‘I got to pull out the camera and show my friends this. They’re not going to believe it,’” he said.

                      And over the course of a week, Gafford documented his trip to work. His videos show dozens of people slumped along a hallway, open IV drug use, unconscious men and women, and piles of vomit on either side of the hallways.

                      Some may find the video shocking. Others may find it routine.

                      “Every day. Every morning. 5:30 to 6 o’clock. You can see there’s dozens of them. Needles everywhere. Crack. Heroin.”

                      “It’s a real concern for our riders, and we appreciate that,” said BART spokesman Chris Filippi. “But what we have to do is make the most of the resources, the limited resources that we have.”

                      BART, which has been pledging to address the problem, says it’s recruiting more community service officers, more than 30 new sworn officers and 20 new station cleaners. But will that be enough
                      One of the contributing factors for flight out of California. Parts look like third world countries. The rich elite don't care. They live in gated communities.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Trump is so hated by the left that they actively root against progress and success. Amazing.
                        Yes they do. Even some liberals are figuring that out.

                        "This is all too typical of the about-face many civil libertarians have taken since Trump became president. I have previously written about the ACLU’s abdication of its traditional role in challenging governmental overreach. For the new ACLU, getting Trump trumps civil liberties. It is ironic to see many right-wingers being the ones to criticize overreach by law enforcement, while many left-wingers now defend such overreaching. Hypocrisy and selective outrage abounds, as neutral principles take a back seat." - Alan Dershowitz


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          That long post ....they’ve lost it

                          After eight years and flailing and failing to put a glove on obama , they sense their savior and more importanrly the majority in both houses that makes it go is threatened

                          Keep flailing

                          Watch and learn
                          Can't wait until Trump gets his Nobel Peace Prize. One he will have actually earned unlike a certain someone else.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            The press continues to feed the dying Russia collusion conspiracy theory, spending Friday’s news cycle regurgitating Democrat talking points from the just-filed Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act lawsuit against the Trump campaign, WikiLeaks, and Russia.

                            Yet the mainstream media took no notice of last week’s federal court filing that exposes an $84 million money-laundering conspiracy the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign executed during the 2016 presidential election in violation of federal campaign-finance law.

                            That lawsuit, filed last week in a DC district court, summarizes the DNC-Clinton conspiracy and provides detailed evidence from Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings confirming the complaint’s allegations that Democrats undertook an extensive scheme to violate federal campaign limits.
                            FEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million


                              DEVIN NUNES: It took a long time to actually get this... the original intelligence, the original reasons that the counterintelligence investigation was started.

                              This is really important to us because a counterintelligence investigation uses the tools of our intelligence services, that are not supposed to be used on American citizens. So we've wanted to know what intelligence they had that actually led to this investigation.

                              So what we found now, after investigators have reviewed it is that, in fact, there was no intelligence.

                              As you know, we are investigating the State Department, we think there are some major irregularities at the State Department, and we're trying to figure out how this information about Papadopoulos, of all people, who was supposedly met with some folks in London, how that made it across to the FBI's hands.

                              We know a little bit about that because of what some of the State Dept. officials themselves have said about that.

                              So we were glad to get this behind us, but as we peel another piece back, it leaves more unanswered questions.

                              I think that is the point. We don't understand, we've never understood. We don't have access to these finished intelligence products, and we've never seen one. We thought maybe one went through a different channel that was kept really secret... well, in fact, after our investigators reviewed this, there was no Five Eyes intelligence product, as has been reported. There was no product. And I think that is a major problem...

                              At the highest level, what is this about? A counterintelligence operation that was at the height of the political campaign, where you opened up an investigation, using these intelligence services to spy on the other campaign, it is really serious stuff...

                              I can tell you we now longtime associates of Hillary Clinton, including Sidney Blumenthal and Corey Shearer, were actively giving information to the State Dept. that was making its way to the FBI... So we know this was at least from two witnesses, and so we're trying to piece all that together.

                              There was no official intelligence that was used to start this investigation, we know that Sidney Blumenthal and others wee pushing information into the State Department.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                DEVIN NUNES: It took a long time to actually get this... the original intelligence, the original reasons that the counterintelligence investigation was started.

                                This is really important to us because a counterintelligence investigation uses the tools of our intelligence services, that are not supposed to be used on American citizens. So we've wanted to know what intelligence they had that actually led to this investigation.

                                So what we found now, after investigators have reviewed it is that, in fact, there was no intelligence.

                                As you know, we are investigating the State Department, we think there are some major irregularities at the State Department, and we're trying to figure out how this information about Papadopoulos, of all people, who was supposedly met with some folks in London, how that made it across to the FBI's hands.

                                We know a little bit about that because of what some of the State Dept. officials themselves have said about that.

                                So we were glad to get this behind us, but as we peel another piece back, it leaves more unanswered questions.

                                I think that is the point. We don't understand, we've never understood. We don't have access to these finished intelligence products, and we've never seen one. We thought maybe one went through a different channel that was kept really secret... well, in fact, after our investigators reviewed this, there was no Five Eyes intelligence product, as has been reported. There was no product. And I think that is a major problem...

                                At the highest level, what is this about? A counterintelligence operation that was at the height of the political campaign, where you opened up an investigation, using these intelligence services to spy on the other campaign, it is really serious stuff...

                                I can tell you we now longtime associates of Hillary Clinton, including Sidney Blumenthal and Corey Shearer, were actively giving information to the State Dept. that was making its way to the FBI... So we know this was at least from two witnesses, and so we're trying to piece all that together.

                                There was no official intelligence that was used to start this investigation, we know that Sidney Blumenthal and others wee pushing information into the State Department.
                                Tick, tick, tick.....

                                And the It's report is soon to come out.


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