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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Teeheeman off the meds?
    For the second time, you half-wit, NOT Teehee man.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      a. Not a "Lib"
      b. Yes, this is a personal insult, not a persuasive argument. It's not worth arguing with you fukbags.
      c. Eat a bag of dicks.
      d. good day, sir.
      Not a lib??? Than an illiberal I guess. Sorry I tarnished the few true liberals left by calling you one, snowflake.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Wishing fiery death to cons? I thought you were against such threatening suggestions?
        Illiberals = hypocrites


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          For the second time, you half-wit, NOT Teehee man.
          How shall we reference you then, Not-A-Lib?


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            So McCabe was fired for authorizing leaks that helped Trump and hurt Clinton. Exactly the opposite of what Trump was claiming. But no matter, as long as McCabe is fired it’s all good.
            No he was fired for lying under oath. What do you expect? You can't treat him any differently than Flynn was treated.


              More bad news for TMan/Not-A-Lib.

              Drain the swamp!!!

              The never before seen text messages, which were a part of the texts given to Congress by the Department of Justice, show that FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his paramour FBI attorney Lisa Page discussed Strzok’s relationship with U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1, 2017, hearing where former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Strzok was removed from Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office last year after anti-Trump text messages between him and his FBI agent lover were discovered by the DOJ’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz. But on Dec. 7, without warning, Judge Rudolph Contreras was removed as the presiding judge on Flynn’s case. Little information was given at the time as to why Contreras was removed.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                More bad news for TMan/Not-A-Lib.

                Drain the swamp!!!

                The never before seen text messages, which were a part of the texts given to Congress by the Department of Justice, show that FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his paramour FBI attorney Lisa Page discussed Strzok’s relationship with U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1, 2017, hearing where former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Strzok was removed from Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office last year after anti-Trump text messages between him and his FBI agent lover were discovered by the DOJ’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz. But on Dec. 7, without warning, Judge Rudolph Contreras was removed as the presiding judge on Flynn’s case. Little information was given at the time as to why Contreras was removed.
                I can't wait for the IG report to come out.

                What's taking Sessions so long to assign a second special counsel?


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  You can't trust anyone associated with the Obama administration.

                  JOHN BRENNAN, Former CIA Director: "She was the acting director for operations when I arrived, and she has a wealth of experience and background, and she has more than three decades experience abroad as well as at headquarters.

                  Gina Haspel has a lot of integrity. She has tried to carry out her duties at the CIA to the best of her ability, even when the CIA was asked to do some very difficult things in very challenging times.

                  She has tried to carry out her responsibilities to the best of her ability, and consistent with what the CIA's legal authorities were," Brennan said. "Don't forget that detention interrogation program was authorized by the President of the United States and deemed lawful by the Department of Justice."

                  Gina, again, is a very competent professional who I think deserves the chance to take the helm at the CIA.

                  "I do think there's going to be close scrutiny given to her nomination, and I think that's appropriate, but I do think at the end of the day she will be confirmed and should be confirmed."
                  Wel, well, well, this is rather interesting, isn't it?

                  'The Jimmy Dore Show' discusses this article from the International Committee of the Fourth International's World Socialist Website reporting that out of 102 competitive Democratic Congressional primaries in 2018, "44 involve candidates with a military-intelligence or State Department background, with 11 districts having two such candidates, and one district having three."

                  The international socialists report: "One quarter of all the Democratic challengers in competitive House districts have military-intelligence, State Department or NSC backgrounds. This is by far the largest subcategory of Democratic candidates. National security operatives (57) outnumber state and local government officials (45), lawyers (35), corporate executives, businessmen and wealthy individuals (30) and other professionals (19) among the candidates for Democratic congressional nominations."

                  "The Democratic leaders are promoting CIA agents and Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. At the same time, such people are choosing the Democratic Party as their preferred political vehicle. There are far more former spies and soldiers seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party than of the Republican Party. There are so many that there is a subset of Democratic primary campaigns that, with a nod to Mad magazine, one might call 'spy vs. spy.'"


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Teeheeman- Too much caffeine today?
                    More venomous than usual.
                    Not me. 2:30 and I’m just looking in on this train wreck.

                    You know it wasn’t me Bore-us. I could be bothered with wishing you ill. Your own karma is your misery.

                    You just espoused fact that you don’t care about truth as long as your targets are punished.

                    I say without rancor fhat your attitude is some of the worst the human race has to offer.

                    Now pardon me while I continue to watch your messiah try to turn our great country into a reality show until mueller locks them all up.

                    This is trumps desperate death rattle


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Dream on. CIA is thrilled that Haspel will be taking over and the thousands of FBI field agents are thrilled that those responsible for sullying the reputation of the FBI are being dealt with.
                      No. Field agents are appalled that someone who has labored like them in the trenches for decades is rudely treated this way by a moral degenerate.

                      At least that’s what an acquaintance with a contact in the FBI told me.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Not Teehee man, dude.

                        Just someone that hopes you get fired cuz you didn't give your boss one last blow job, and you are stripped of your 401k because you were seen taking a half-used pad of Post-It notes on your way out the door.

                        (assuming they have 401k's at the barn you muck stalls at)
                        This is “Teehee” man. At least you can bear witness to this man’s (?) OBSESSION with me. I go out of my way to add all sorts of ridiculous trappings yo my posts


                        Tee hee
                        Bwa ha ha

                        Plus I try not to use paragraphs etc ...all so it’s easy to know it’s me.

                        Yet this clown needs his windmills to tilt at so much he can’t recognize us from each other.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I can't wait for the IG report to come out.

                          What's taking Sessions so long to assign a second special counsel?
                          Because the graham grassley proposal for that is actually meant to shield mueller. You are just too dumb to realize that.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Don't you just love it when the Cons get revved up? They are such emotional animals that can hardly contain themselves when things don't go as they planned.

                            I mean really, just look at the differences in response to elections by Libs with Trump and Cons with Obama
                            Fixed it for you.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Wishing fiery death to cons? I thought you were against such threatening suggestions?
                              Again it was ME who YOU threatened with a slow and painful death and my family with a home invasion.

                              Someone’s IP is associated with those threats so I’m good to go if the question does come up.

                              I’d appreciate it though if you didn’t attack people I don’t know ASSUMING they are ME when they are not....that’s HARASSMENT here’s why .....

                              You are associating your attacks with a SPECIFIC It’s not generic.

                              Now just because I laugh off your harrasment (I know your cowardly kind, thanks , and feel ZERO threat) doesn’t mean someone else will.

                              So watch it. im More likely to report specific threats against others rather than myself.

                              And don’t compare the libs comments ....he isn’t directing his comments to bore-us or anyone specific

                              But please note the personal campaign the con conducts ....posting about me when NOT engaged in a dialog with me

                              A bit creepy but he’s been triggered for weeks with all the pressure on trump


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                How shall we reference you then, Not-A-Lib?
                                Please allow me to introduce myself
                                I'm a man of wealth and taste
                                I've been around for a long, long year
                                Stole many a man's soul and faith
                                And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
                                Had his moment of doubt and pain
                                Made damn sure that Pilate
                                Washed his hands and sealed his fate
                                Pleased to meet you
                                Hope you guess my name
                                But what's puzzling you
                                Is the nature of my game
                                I stuck around St. Petersberg
                                When I saw it was a time for a change
                                I killed the Czar and his ministers
                                Anastasia screamed in vain
                                I rode a tank
                                Held a general's rank
                                When the Blitzkrieg raged
                                And the bodies stank
                                Pleased to meet you
                                Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
                                What's puzzling you is the nature of my game, oh yeah
                                I watched with glee as your kings and queens
                                Fought for ten decades
                                For the Gods they made
                                I shouted out
                                "Who killed the Kennedy?"
                                When after all
                                It was you and me
                                So let me please introduce myself
                                I'm a man of wealth and taste
                                And I laid traps for troubadours
                                Who get killed before they reached Bombay
                                Pleased to meet you
                                Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
                                But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game, oh yeah
                                Pleased to meet you
                                Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
                                But what's puzzling you is just the nature of my game
                                Just as every cop is a criminal
                                And all the sinners saints
                                As heads is tails just call me Lucifer
                                'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
                                So if you meet me
                                Have some courtesy
                                Have some sympathy, and some taste
                                Use all your well-learned politesse?
                                Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
                                Pleased to meet you
                                Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
                                But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game, oh baby


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