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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Are you suggesting government is incapable of chewing gum and walking at the same time?
    You ever heavily deal with a government agency? Yes, I do question sometimes if they can do more than one thing at the same time. Their SOP says to do this. They cannot do that, as that happens after this, and not before, and not at the same time. Please call back later when this is done.

    Then, compare it to a private industry who has a vested interest in keeping the company happy.

    Totally different mindset.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      It has become abundantly clear that "reaching out" to the left is a fools errand. They have decided that they will support nothing except for Trumps failure.
      You don't get anywhere by not reaching out, and what he's doing is just giving the other 50% more and more reasons to hate him.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Hissy fit??? The Dems baited him into asking for an investigation by pressing him about why he wasn't investigating what would amount to a core threat to democracy if what he was claiming is true. He looked ridiculous with his press secretary stuck on an island trying to back him up when everyone knew it was absurd. A totally made up story from Trump to cover for how much HE rigged the election. Remember what he famously said? "I'll accept the result of the election...IF I WIN!"
        Mara Liasson is not what anyone aware of her reputation and character would call the type of journalist who "baits". She may be liberal, but in the good, old fashion sense. She is NOT an illiberal. It can be said, however, that Trump just called the illiberal press' bluff, the water carriers for the Democrat Party. Can't wait for the results of the investigation.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Bring it on! How many extra votes do you think he'll get as result of an "investigation"?

          Ryan has not interest at all...he and his R colleagues are just trying to appease Trump and avoid appearing publicly in dispute.

          Trump won the electoral college, and so he wins. Hillary won popular vote. End of story. And btw, if the popular vote was "rigged" then why didn't the Dems go ahead and "rig" the electoral college outcome???? Or is that where Russia comes in, lol?
          End of story? End of story?? Are you f-en serious? My gawd...I can't go an hour without reading something about #notmypresident and how she won the popular vote and is the real president.



            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            You don't get anywhere by not reaching out, and what he's doing is just giving the other 50% more and more reasons to hate him.
            Reach out - get slammed
            Don't reach out - get slammed

            May as well go with what got you elected.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              You still just don't get it. The Dems weren't talking about any of that. Trump was pssed about how the crowd size looked and HE revived the voter fraud thing out of insecurity. His own staff admits there is zero evidence and their only response to repeated questions about his outlandish claim is to say "he just has a feeling." The press wouldn't let go so Trump was cornered into saying he would investigate because the press called his bluff by asking why he wasn't asking for an investigation given he was claiming the largest scandal in American election history. It's silly...And stupid. What will he do if an investigation reveals 5 million fraudulent votes FOR HIM??
              Trump will never be cornered. He will always coming out swinging. It is Trump calling the bluff of Democrats and their water carrying press.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Bring it on! How many extra votes do you think he'll get as result of an "investigation"?

                Ryan has not interest at all...he and his R colleagues are just trying to appease Trump and avoid appearing publicly in dispute.

                Trump won the electoral college, and so he wins. Hillary won popular vote. End of story. And btw, if the popular vote was "rigged" then why didn't the Dems go ahead and "rig" the electoral college outcome???? Or is that where Russia comes in, lol?
                Dems have actually been rigging elections with illegal voters for some time.

                Noncitizens may be changing the outcome of presidential elections even without voting illegally. This is related to the problem of some states having more representatives in Congress than they should, and others being shortchanged unfairly due to the huge—and growing—population of illegal aliens whom*the Obama administration and its political allies want to provide permanent amnesty.

                All of this stems from the way apportionment is conducted. There are 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Under Sec. 2 of Article I of the Constitution and Sec. 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment, every ten years, after the “Enumeration” (the Census), we redistribute those 435 seats based on the “whole number of persons in each State.” In other words, the number of members of the House that each state gets is based on the total population of each state relative to the total population of the U.S., which includes noncitizens. Thus, the upwards of 12 million illegal aliens present in the U.S., combined with other aliens who are here legally but are not citizens and have no right to vote, distort representation in the House."

                "This also twists our presidential election process. Under our Electoral College system as laid out in Article II, Sec. 1, the number of electors that each state receives is a combination of its two senators and the number of representatives it has in the House (the one exception is the District of Columbia, which gets three votes courtesy of the Twenty-Third Amendment). Thus, states like California have more Electoral College votes than they should, while other states like Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio are shorted in their Electoral College votes."



                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  You don't get anywhere by not reaching out, and what he's doing is just giving the other 50% more and more reasons to hate him.
                  Who cares? They will hate him anyway. Complete waste of time to try and appease that group. He is doing the right thing by getting things done. Let the talking heads and critics do as they will.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Trump will never be cornered. He will always coming out swinging. It is Trump calling the bluff of Democrats and their water carrying press.
                    Why do you keep saying this? Trump is the person who brought up the whole topic on Day 1 or Day 2 of his Presidency AFTER he was so ticked off about the pics of the crowd size. Some of you truly are living in an alternative reality. And EVERYONE, from the press to Dems to R's told him to put up or shut up. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD (AND THAT IS THE VIEW FROM EVERYONE EXCEPT FOR DONALD TRUMP). He is only succeeding in making himself look very silly and petty.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Dems have actually been rigging elections with illegal voters for some time.

                      Noncitizens may be changing the outcome of presidential elections even without voting illegally. This is related to the problem of some states having more representatives in Congress than they should, and others being shortchanged unfairly due to the huge—and growing—population of illegal aliens whom*the Obama administration and its political allies want to provide permanent amnesty.

                      All of this stems from the way apportionment is conducted. There are 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Under Sec. 2 of Article I of the Constitution and Sec. 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment, every ten years, after the “Enumeration” (the Census), we redistribute those 435 seats based on the “whole number of persons in each State.” In other words, the number of members of the House that each state gets is based on the total population of each state relative to the total population of the U.S., which includes noncitizens. Thus, the upwards of 12 million illegal aliens present in the U.S., combined with other aliens who are here legally but are not citizens and have no right to vote, distort representation in the House."

                      "This also twists our presidential election process. Under our Electoral College system as laid out in Article II, Sec. 1, the number of electors that each state receives is a combination of its two senators and the number of representatives it has in the House (the one exception is the District of Columbia, which gets three votes courtesy of the Twenty-Third Amendment). Thus, states like California have more Electoral College votes than they should, while other states like Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio are shorted in their Electoral College votes."

                      LOL. I guess this is why the R's keep re-districting in states like NC to make sure minorities can't impact congressional races.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        End of story? End of story?? Are you f-en serious? My gawd...I can't go an hour without reading something about #notmypresident and how she won the popular vote and is the real president.

                        Too funny. You are like people where I work who say "give him a chance"....the VERY same people who insisted on NEVER giving Obama a chance for a full 8 years. And who to this very day insist Obama is not an American. Give me a friggin break.


                          Maybe you will believe the actual chronology if you read it from an ultra right wing news outlet.



                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Too funny. You are like people where I work who say "give him a chance"....the VERY same people who insisted on NEVER giving Obama a chance for a full 8 years. And who to this very day insist Obama is not an American. Give me a friggin break.
                            Never gave him a chance? I think he was one of the most important presidents in my lifetime. I disagreed with almost all of his policies philosophically, but I don't hate the man and supported him. Or tried to....




                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Bring it on! How many extra votes do you think he'll get as result of an "investigation"?

                                Ryan has not interest at all...he and his R colleagues are just trying to appease Trump and avoid appearing publicly in dispute.

                                Trump won the electoral college, and so he wins. Hillary won popular vote. End of story. And btw, if the popular vote was "rigged" then why didn't the Dems go ahead and "rig" the electoral college outcome???? Or is that where Russia comes in, lol?
                                Who knows?

                                Appease Trump? He is the President. And he calls the shots, just like Obama did for 8 years.
                                Avoid public dispute? nearly every one of his cabinet picks say things that Trump doesn't agree with. And Trumps' response? " That's fine, may be they are right, maybe I am right. We will sit down and talk about it "
                                Isn't that Refreshing? Isn't that the leader the people chose, to not have your " picks " have a script ?

                                Democrats couldn't rig the Electoral College because their supporters live in the wrong places to make significant difference. The Democrat party chose identity politics over protecting parts of their based. That was a tragic error, and they have paid dearly for it.

                                Just for fun, it would have been nice to know where all the Women " marchers" came from. Want to bet they all came from the same places where Hillary won the popular vote?

                                I know, Russia, Russia, Russia . If you keep saying it over and over and tap your heels together, you will not make Hillary appear in the White House as President. It was a poor candidate, a poor strategy , and an outstanding effort by a non-politician. Trump deserves to be President. he earned it.


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