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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    hmmm. no so much.. you speak "alternative facts".
    Fake news as well.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Exactly. More Dems to fall in mid terms 2018. Can't wait for the wailing then.
      No no.

      HRC didn't win.

      Tell us when last out of power party didn't gain in midterms.

      Boris no understand that stuff.

      Too funny. Grab all you can now nutters


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        I wonder if this is the same 12 year old fool who was claiming news stories indicated that Trump wouldn't be participating in the debates?
        How'd that work out?
        How could "most" hate line when the MAJORITY voted for more progressive or two major candidates ?

        Too funny


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Say goodbye to “Open Internet.” Say hello to “slow and fast lanes” where the quality and responsiveness of websites you click on will be subject to the whims of your warm-hearted Internet Service provider. And if they don’t agree that the sites you like to visit are “worthy,” you’ll have to pay more to access them in any reasonable manner.

          Trump has tapped net neutrality foe Ajit Pai to become Chairman of the FCC, the agency responsible for enforcing and promulgating rules that assure an open Internet. His appointment, like many Federal appointments, will not require initial Senate approval.
          You sound extremely happy about this. Can you explain to us that this is a "populist" thing?

          How is this good for the little people? "Pay more" for whatever you might like that the corporate masters don't feel are worthy?

          Please reconcile this with the populist trump wave taking about.

          Boris you just sound exceptionally stupid and ignorant. You don't even make sense relAtive to what you have previously said.

          In other words a perfect trump sycophant


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            How could "most" hate line when the MAJORITY voted for more progressive or two major candidates ?

            Too funny
            Take the wing nuts from CA out of the count and the majority voted for Trump. And don't assume a Dem in the heartland is anything like the nut jobs on the coasts. Two different animals



              of course , Dummy!!!

              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Google is your friend...he was actually an Obama appointee.....

              Ajit Pai is the senior Republican on the Federal Communications Commission. He was nominated to the FCC by President Barack Obama and was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate on May 7, 2012.
              ugh.... snarky nasal voice : Guukklle is your friyeend:

              The FCC is directed by five commissioners appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the United States Senate for five-year terms, except when filling an unexpired term. The U.S. President designates one of the commissioners to serve as chairman. Only three commissioners may be members of the same political party. None of them may have a financial interest in any FCC-related business.[3][5]


                Chairman NO to net neutrality - Elites have preference

                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                ugh.... snarky nasal voice : Guukklle is your friyeend:

                The FCC is directed by five commissioners appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the United States Senate for five-year terms, except when filling an unexpired term. The U.S. President designates one of the commissioners to serve as chairman. Only three commissioners may be members of the same political party. None of them may have a financial interest in any FCC-related business.[3][5]
                Ms. Google is your friyend .... He is NOW the Chairman...

                Just helping you #PutinPuppets out in the future with who to blame for your internet disruption.
                Wont matter because the amount of tapping is already overwhelming throughput.

                #PutinPuppet will outdo Nixon on wiretaps


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Ms. Google is your friyend .... He is NOW the Chairman...

                  Just helping you #PutinPuppets out in the future with who to blame for your internet disruption.
                  Wont matter because the amount of tapping is already overwhelming throughput.

                  #PutinPuppet will outdo Nixon on wiretaps
                  #DTS starting with #DTSofPutinPuppet



                    WBUR Poll: Republican Gov. Baker More Popular Than Democrat Sen. Warren

                    "according to a new WBUR poll, only 44 percent think Warren "deserves reelection." Forty-six percent think voters ought to "give someone else a chance." "




                      Historic Fact: Donald Trump Will Be The First President To Support Gay Marriage From The Beginning



                        President Snowflake

                        Oh how the right loved to throw the term around, but today we have reports of how UPSET the most powerful man in world was that people would DARE say that there were bigger crowds for others.

                        We were all here. we know how he likes to brag on his hand I mean crowd sizes.

                        Well we had an emporor has no clothes moment.

                        I am ROFLMAO while his surrogates say "crowd size doesn't matter" the thin skninned man- boy snowflake took to Twitter to argue that oh no he's big there too.

                        I am so pleased that he showed us what he's made of first weekend.

                        President SNowflake

                        He's very very sensitive man-boy


                          [H]e found hundreds of thousands of protesters chanting just a few blocks from his new home on the first morning he woke up there.

                          That has left the new White House feeling besieged from Day 1, fueling the president’s grievances and, in the view of some of his aides, necessitating an aggressive strategy to defend his legitimacy [...]

                          When he awoke on Saturday morning, after his first night in the Executive Mansion, the glow was gone, several people close to him said, and the new president was filled anew with a sense of injury.
                          He feels "injured"?

                          Snowflake. Thin skinned nArcissistic snowflake


                            Shorter Spicer:

                            Stop making the president feel demoralized. He's a thin skinned cranky man boy so you all better give him hugs and trophies or who knows what will happen.

                            Makes me nostalgic for Bush.


                              ^^^^^^^^^^ In response to 3 posts ^^^^^^^^^^^

                              "Why does everyone hate media? Compare "conservative obstruction" narrative to "progressive resistance" narrative and there's your answer. Conservative opposition to Obama was always framed as "obstruction," which betokens something irrational, nefarious, scurrilous, dishonest. Resistance," on the other hand, is noble, heroic. It resounds of brave, self-sacrificing Frenchmen standing against the Nazi horror."

                              Those outside the illiberal bubble have woke up.


                                D-Day plus four. America getting greater every day.


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