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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

    No person uses ABORTION AS BIRTH CONTROL!!!!

    If you truly believe this, you should support PP MORE because they actually EDUCATE and PROVIDE means for birth control (other than calling girls $luts when they hold them in esteem parading partially nude for judges or grabbing them by pu$$ies because they have more bling.)
    Ya, they do.

    "Using*abortion*as*birth control*means that*abortion*is*being used*as a back-up method to ineffective or improperly*used contraception, or no*contraception*is*being used*at all. Of women having*abortions, 46% did not use*contraception*during the month they became pregnant. 8% never*used*a method of*birth control."

    "Grace**31, was 18 when she had her first abortion. Since then, she has had five.To many, this figure is shocking, but she is not alone in having aborted multiple foetuses.The*Daily Mail*recently reported that Britain's National Health Service is spending around £1 million a week on repeat abortions. The paper revealed that the latest figures show some 189,000 abortions took place in the UK in 2010. Of these, more than 64,000 terminations were on women who had already had at least one abortion."


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      100% of necessary medical abortion should be covered as are prostrate biopsies and ..

      1. Vasectomies
      "for those men absolutely convinced their child-bearing days should come to an end before their intercourse-having days, a $500-$1,000 vasectomy is covered by their insurance."

      2. Vacuum erection devices
      Famously covered by Medicare (as well as some private insurance companies), men with erectile dysfunction that won’t or can’t go the pill route do have a another option. Though it first raised eyebrows in Austin Powers and is better known as a masturbatory aide, vacuum erection devices do work as advertised by will cost insurance companies $300-$500 a pop.

      3. Penile implants
      If a man’s erectile dysfunction can’t be mitigated with pharmaceuticals or vacuum devices, there’s yet another method insurance companies will pay for afflicted men to try: penile implants. Though most urologists tend to use more modern inflatable models, which require users to manually inflate their own erections, some urologists hew to the older semi-rigid models despite their potential complications. Either way, the $10,000-$20,000 cost of the implants is often covered by insurance, particularly if the erectile dysfunction is the result of a disease or a side effect of surgery.
      Again, this was stated:


      No person uses ABORTION AS BIRTH CONTROL!!!!"

      That is incorrect, and you know it.

      Since I have no problem getting wood, I don't care about the rest of the post and don't want to pay for it, either ;-)


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        not the OP - but PP has historically lowered the amount of abortions as well as crime from unwanted or unable to provide for kids.

        We know the realz of supporting unwanted impoverished humans into the world. Also the realz of not.
        I don't have any problem with the work PP does and that includes abortions. My problem is that they take government funding especially when they are financing the elections of Democrats.

        BTW are you aware that PP does not provide prenatal services? Isn't that kind of important to women's health?


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          repub: me want chocolate cake...
          obama: gives chocolate cake*
          repubs: we hate chocolate cake because Obama gave it!
          Garland was not chocolate cake.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            What would you expect? He's just now realizing just how wrong he and Democrats were. And now he's watching his party commit suicide. And they can't help themselves either. Now Chuck Schumer is saying he won't meet with Gorsuch. Why? Because Republicans wouldn't meet with Garland. He ranted and raved how unconstitutional that was (and even some on the right agree) but he's going to do the same. How juvenile.

            Liberals are hypocrites. It's part of their DNA.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Garland was not chocolate cake.
              ORrin hatch proposed him! read the FaCTS


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Liberals are hypocrites. It's part of their DNA.
                stop being part of the problem. Be(come) a centrist


                  Maybe president snowflake will realize that when you go 0/6 you need to quit whining about the refs and just hire the best people so they will write EO's that don't violate the constitution . Surely such an accomplished executive can manage this, yes?

                  He's succeeding bigly .....not ....will he betray some competence at governing sometime soon?


                    Did someone post about the violence of Trump supporters?

                    His a compilation.



                      * Here is


                        More bad optics. These crazies are teaching your children.



                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          More bad optics. These crazies are teaching your children.

                          This must be a friend of the TeeHeeMan.


                            Didn't these TS political discussions all start with Obamacare?

                   signups fall short of last year, at 9.2M



                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              I don't have any problem with the work PP does and that includes abortions. My problem is that they take government funding especially when they are financing the elections of Democrats.

                              BTW are you aware that PP does not provide prenatal services? Isn't that kind of important to women's health?

                              REst assured, they do!


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Again, this was stated:


                                No person uses ABORTION AS BIRTH CONTROL!!!!"

                                That is incorrect, and you know it.

                                Since I have no problem getting wood, I don't care about the rest of the post and don't want to pay for it, either ;-)
                                In addition to your wood, perhaps you also don't have high cholesterol. statins are still supported by insurance whether you personally need it or not. Quite controversial as a matter of fact. largely promoted by the pharma industry.


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