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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    He’s not uninformed . His idiot arguments are ALL they have, no matter how feckless .

    I think we have to accept that trump destroying the America we knew makes this guy happy. This is the cancer we are dealing with in this country.

    When the cons destroy the country we knew, their twisted logic leaves them feeling like they p’own the libs that way and they are happy

    Case - Deaton accolytes truly
    You’re right about the stupid arguments vs. uninformed. Cons just say silly stupid **** without any care if it’s based in reality. Just like Trump.


      Prepare yourselves cons


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        He’s not uninformed . His idiot arguments are ALL they have, no matter how feckless .

        I think we have to accept that trump destroying the America we knew makes this guy happy. This is the cancer we are dealing with in this country.

        When the cons destroy the country we knew, their twisted logic leaves them feeling like they p’own the libs that way and they are happy

        Case - Deaton accolytes truly
        When you say "destroy the country we knew", how far back are you going when saying that? Because, as we know, it's only in the last 9 years that the FFLOTUS herself said it was the first time in her life she was proud to be an American.

        So, seems like the "country we knew" is pretty young, no?


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          He’s not uninformed . His idiot arguments are ALL they have, no matter how feckless .

          I think we have to accept that trump destroying the America we knew makes this guy happy. This is the cancer we are dealing with in this country.

          When the cons destroy the country we knew, their twisted logic leaves them feeling like they p’own the libs that way and they are happy

          Case - Deaton accolytes truly
          Go to Youtube.
          Search Homeless in Orange County.
          There you will see the consequences of Progressive, Liberal Leftist Democrats .
          There you will see the true legacy of Obama.
          There you will see what the future would have been had Hillary been elected.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Prepare yourselves cons
            " hundreds " ?
            Is it now ?


              Trump met with a group of Stoneman Douglas High School students. These kids are survivors of a recent mass shooting. They’ve just finished burying their classmates. In a sign of how woefully equipped Trump was to handle such a meeting, his staff literally wrote the words “I hear you” on a note card and gave it to Trump in case he needed something to say in response to the students. Of course he went off script anyway, and said something that was just mind numbingly idiotic.

              Trump wants school teachers to carry guns. This is the stupidest idea in the history of stupid ideas. If you’ve never taught school, I have, and I can tell you that teachers are always multitasking in twenty-five different ways at once. The idea that teachers could be on guard for a potential shooter while they’re teaching, and somehow win a firefight that breaks out while they’re in the middle of writing math problems on a chalkboard and answering a question from a kid in the back row, is absurd.

              That’s before getting to the ludicrous idea of putting guns in classrooms to begin with. Are the teachers supposed to carry the guns at all times? So now they have to spend all day thinking first and foremost about guarding their holster, like a police officer would, for fear one of the kids might go for the gun? Is the gun supposed to stay locked in the teacher’s desk? How long before one of the kids breaks into the desk? And are teachers supposed to make their way back to their desks during a firefight, and then unlock the box while they’re taking fire?

              The idea of keeping a gun in the house for “protection” is utterly absurd. If the gun is properly secured, you’re probably not going to be able to get to it in an emergency. If you keep it within easy reach, statistics show that you and your family members are far more likely to die from having the gun in the house than not having the gun in the house. The idea of having a teacher keep a gun in a classroom is orders of magnitude more absurd. It’s the most dumbass idea of all time. No naturally, Donald Trump says he’s for it.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Trump met with a group of Stoneman Douglas High School students. These kids are survivors of a recent mass shooting. They’ve just finished burying their classmates. In a sign of how woefully equipped Trump was to handle such a meeting, his staff literally wrote the words “I hear you” on a note card and gave it to Trump in case he needed something to say in response to the students. Of course he went off script anyway, and said something that was just mind numbingly idiotic.

                Trump wants school teachers to carry guns. This is the stupidest idea in the history of stupid ideas. If you’ve never taught school, I have, and I can tell you that teachers are always multitasking in twenty-five different ways at once. The idea that teachers could be on guard for a potential shooter while they’re teaching, and somehow win a firefight that breaks out while they’re in the middle of writing math problems on a chalkboard and answering a question from a kid in the back row, is absurd.

                That’s before getting to the ludicrous idea of putting guns in classrooms to begin with. Are the teachers supposed to carry the guns at all times? So now they have to spend all day thinking first and foremost about guarding their holster, like a police officer would, for fear one of the kids might go for the gun? Is the gun supposed to stay locked in the teacher’s desk? How long before one of the kids breaks into the desk? And are teachers supposed to make their way back to their desks during a firefight, and then unlock the box while they’re taking fire?

                The idea of keeping a gun in the house for “protection” is utterly absurd. If the gun is properly secured, you’re probably not going to be able to get to it in an emergency. If you keep it within easy reach, statistics show that you and your family members are far more likely to die from having the gun in the house than not having the gun in the house. The idea of having a teacher keep a gun in a classroom is orders of magnitude more absurd. It’s the most dumbass idea of all time. No naturally, Donald Trump says he’s for it.
                I have a better idea. He should have kept then all there for 8 hours and talked about illegals and their " rights " .
                Now that the spotlight is off them for more important issues addressing actual citizens , how long will it be before we hear about them again. the clock is ticking for all of them.
                There are many out there that support something like what he said. The logistics would need to be worked out. This is what searching for solutions looks like in real life. Not being told what you have to do, like buying Health Insurance or pay a fine. Open discussion, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't.

                You have been brainwashed for so long you have forgotten what Democracy looks like.


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  I have a better idea. He should have kept then all there for 8 hours and talked about illegals and their " rights " .
                  Now that the spotlight is off them for more important issues addressing actual citizens , how long will it be before we hear about them again. the clock is ticking for all of them.
                  There are many out there that support something like what he said. The logistics would need to be worked out. This is what searching for solutions looks like in real life. Not being told what you have to do, like buying Health Insurance or pay a fine. Open discussion, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't.

                  You have been brainwashed for so long you have forgotten what Democracy looks like.
                  I hear you. Lol


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    When you say "destroy the country we knew", how far back are you going when saying that?
                    1940 plus or minus a few years

                    Because, as we know, it's only in the last 9 years that the FFLOTUS herself said it was the first time in her life she was proud to be an American.
                    Smart enough to get the context or donyou get it and just opportunistically picking at a scab?

                    So, seems like the "country we knew" is pretty young, no?

                    ^^^^ there it is . The last sentence . Sound like Peggy noonan IF she had 4 martinis

                    But before I make fun of your sentence structure, is English your first language ? Cause if not I won’t pick but if so .....


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      I have a better idea. He should have kept then all there for 8 hours and talked about illegals and their " rights " .
                      Now that the spotlight is off them for more important issues addressing actual citizens , how long will it be before we hear about them again. the clock is ticking for all of them.
                      There are many out there that support something like what he said. The logistics would need to be worked out. This is what searching for solutions looks like in real life. Not being told what you have to do, like buying Health Insurance or pay a fine. Open discussion, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't.

                      You have been brainwashed for so long you have forgotten what Democracy looks like.
                      Illegals ? The shooter in Fl was an upper middle class white boy.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        " hundreds " ?
                        Is it now ?
                        We will have to see but there were new charges filed today by Mueller


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          " hundreds " ?
                          Is it now ?
                          Tee hee

                          New charges were filed Thursday against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business partner, ratcheting up the legal pressure on them as they prepare for a trial later this year.

                          A new indictment has long been expected in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s prosecution of Manafort and his right-hand man, Rick Gates, on fraud and money laundering charges. Manafort served as President Trump’s campaign chairman from June to August 2016. Gates also served as a top official on Trump’s campaign. The new indictment contains 32 counts, including tax charges
                          The MAGAts at CPAC were cheering and shouting “LOCK HER UP”

                          Cons - any sign of HRC indictments? Why not? Dems can’t be blocking. You have all the chairmanships, you have the house you have the Senate the WH AND the SC

                          You told us so repeatedly.

                          So why isn’t it happening? Why do we have something approaching 50 counts on gates and Manafort and not one on HRC?

                          Who would have thought tough talking cons like “Benghazi” Gowdy and chaffetz leave congress when they can investigate and charge HRC


                          You know why Cons’s dawning on you. Gonna take your 🦎 brain’s a while to grasp but I think oh are smelling a little coffee now.


                            So apparently the deal wasn’t closed and Gates is NOT cooperating ....

                            So he and paulie have a dozen counts plus or minus as I recall from oct

                            The new charges , 49 counts of tax charges and bank fraud , are in a different court . Unrelated by jurisdiction at least from previous charges

                            Then there are those sealed charges from a day or so. I Don’t know which venue yet.

                            Suspect the sealed ones would tip off bigger fish to stuff ....


                              Republican gov of Missouri indicted on felony invasion of privacy

                              Your GOP 2018 they paved the way for trump for decades


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Btw, Manafort was desperate to be Trump’s campaign manager. He was deep in debt to a Russian oligarch (Oleg Derigpaska) and thought he might be able to trade information about the Trump campaign for relief of the debt.
                                Right, and everyone was aware of this and the FBI just stood by and watched it happen?


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