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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks a

    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Wake up. The market will tank again today. It has nothing to do with the media. It's a reaction to the seriousness of the virus. Same thing happened throughout Asia and Europe already. Major events are being cancelled. Travel is being discouraged. This is a serious problem. Also a serious problem is that Trump is spreading disinformation and that's impacting the market.

    This is our president:

    "Well I think the 3.4% is really a false number," the president said. "Now, this is just my hunch, and, but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this — because a lot of people will have this and it's very mild.

    They'll get better very rapidly, they don't even see a doctor, they don't even call a doctor.

    So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better."
    TRUMP is correct based on my own research that I have done and information provided to me by United World Wrestling that is responsible for organizing international wrestling tournaments all over the world.

    In summary, in most cases with people with a normal immune system if you accuire the virus, it can be treated at home. (sound familiar?)....In contrast if you are old and have a weak immune system it can be more serious. (does this sound familiar as well?).

    Like I said, you are simply eating all this up as propaganda to blast the POTUS. Your blind hatred is very transparent....The fact that you mentioned "the market" shows how naive and hatefull you really are. (should the wall street people be jumping out of windows now like in 1929?).

    Keep drinking liberal kool-aid...slave to your master.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      TRUMP is correct based on my own research that I have done and information provided to me by United World Wrestling that is responsible for organizing international wrestling tournaments all over the world.

      In summary, in most cases with people with a normal immune system if you accuire the virus, it can be treated at home. (sound familiar?)....In contrast if you are old and have a weak immune system it can be more serious. (does this sound familiar as well?).

      Like I said, you are simply eating all this up as propaganda to blast the POTUS. Your blind hatred is very transparent....The fact that you mentioned "the market" shows how naive and hatefull you really are. (should the wall street people be jumping out of windows now like in 1929?).

      Keep drinking liberal kool-aid...slave to your master.
      So you're telling me the financial markets are wrong?


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        TRUMP is correct based on my own research that I have done and information provided to me by United World Wrestling that is responsible for organizing international wrestling tournaments all over the world.

        In summary, in most cases with people with a normal immune system if you accuire the virus, it can be treated at home. (sound familiar?)....In contrast if you are old and have a weak immune system it can be more serious. (does this sound familiar as well?).

        Like I said, you are simply eating all this up as propaganda to blast the POTUS. Your blind hatred is very transparent....The fact that you mentioned "the market" shows how naive and hatefull you really are. (should the wall street people be jumping out of windows now like in 1929?).

        Keep drinking liberal kool-aid...slave to your master.
        The president is correct that infected people should go to work?


          FINALLY, a republican appointee calling out Barr for the political hack that he is. Barr will go down as the most vile and shameful attorney general this nation has ever had. What this judge said about Barr is truly unprecedented. The United States Attorney General cannot be trusted. WOW!!


            From Con’s wrestling link...

            Covid-19 is highly contagious.

            But Trump suggests people don’t need to stay home from work if they get sick.



              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Why are you downplaying this? Did you watch where Pence admitted today that we don't have nearly enough test kits? As an aside, small countries like Korea is worlds ahead of the Trump administration in this regard, but you don't care. Do you think the U.S. and the rest of the world is just plain dumb because markets around the world have been slaughtered? Let me guess, you and the Fox talking heads are smarter than everyone, right? Geniuses.
              China can test 1.6 million per week
              South Korea has tested over a hundred thousand
              We have tested 495


                Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks a

                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                So you're telling me the financial markets are wrong?
                financial markets are fical we all know this....somedays they are up, somedays they are down. Even durring obamas, bushes, and clintons reign, the tanked a couple times then they went up.

                there is absolutely no reason to be jumping out of windows dumb-ss (unless you want to, be my guest).


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  financial markets are fical we all know this....somedays they are up, somedays they are down. Even durring obamas, bushes, and clintons reign, the tanked a couple times then they went up.

                  there is absolutely no reason to be jumping out of windows dumb-ss (unless you want to, be my guest).
                  This is not a random event you fool. They are going down worldwide. The difference is that they were going down when Obama took over, he reversed the economy and put the market on a record upward trajectory. Trump took over and took credit for the rising markets. Now you and he are unwilling to take any blame though more than gleefully happy to take any credit when they do rise -- go back to your posts from 3 weeks ago for examples.

                  Fool. The country is not as dumb and blind as you think.


                    Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks a

                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    China can test 1.6 million per week
                    South Korea has tested over a hundred thousand
                    We have tested 495
                    of course they are higher china is the originator of this and have the highest population of any other country on the planet (basically ground zero).

                    south korea is basically right next to china (with n. korea as a buffer).

                    lmao!!!!Like I said weeks ago. Liberals will now blame TRUMP for the coronavirus.

                    Your hatred shows so much you are so predictable....using a new virus not much different than pneumonia or the flu as propaganda to blast the POTUS!!!

                    Here is another stat for you liberal -sswhipes by the cdc:
                    Each year in the United States, more than 250,000 people have to seek care in a hospital due to pneumonia. Unfortunately, about 50,000 people die from the disease each year in the United States. Most of the people affected by pneumonia in the United States are adults.Nov 21, 2019
                    Symptoms: Cough; Fever

                    Pneumonia Can Be Prevented—Vaccines Can Help | CDC

                    50000 people die from pneumonia each year in the USA!!!!!! please tell us liberal doushbags why is this not making headlines? why is this not being publicized? why, why, why?

                    wake up and smell the bullsh_t people.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      financial markets are fical we all know this....somedays they are up, somedays they are down. Even durring obamas, bushes, and clintons reign, the tanked a couple times then they went up.

                      there is absolutely no reason to be jumping out of windows dumb-ss (unless you want to, be my guest).
                      When a con has NOTHING else, they move to silly potty mouth name calling. Before Coronavirus, the DOW was the con’s answer to any and all concerns about Trumps leadership. Well now that it looks like our response is going to be little better than Italy’s, and kudlow and co are pushing the panic button.

                      Our response has been inept. Trump had to cancel his trip to the CDC today because someone there is infected and a whistleblower has come forward to tell us the lab there was contaminated with virus .

                      The buck stops on Trumps desk ....

                      Pence said 1.5 million tests would be available THIS week but fewer than 2000 have been tested



                        “The CDC got this right with H1N1 and Zika, and produced huge quantities of test kits that went around the country,” Thomas Frieden, the director of the CDC from 2009 to 2017, told us. “I don’t know what went wrong this time.”
                        We didn’t have incompetent leadership those times. I guess Trump could have kept this guy on but he didn’t . He had a lickspittle ready to go.

                        Now we are here


                          Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks a

                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          When a con has NOTHING else, they move to silly potty mouth name calling. Before Coronavirus, the DOW was the con’s answer to any and all concerns about Trumps leadership. Well now that it looks like our response is going to be little better than Italy’s, and kudlow and co are pushing the panic button.

                          Our response has been inept. Trump had to cancel his trip to the CDC today because someone there is infected and a whistleblower has come forward to tell us the lab there was contaminated with virus .

                          The buck stops on Trumps desk ....

                          Pence said 1.5 million tests would be available THIS week but fewer than 2000 have been tested


                          another example of the pot calling the kettle liberals are hanging onto the "well he said and she said that" whine, whine whine for 3+ years!!!! its really pathetic.

                          Hey lets blame TRUMP for pneumonia its going to kill 50000 Americans this year!!! is this ok? should we go after Obama and Biden because they allowed this to happen under their watch? (50000x8 years is 400,000 Americans dead for those liberals with shoddy math skills)...rough numbers of course.

                          Once again, very despicable for liberals/democrats to use an illness as propaganda to blast the POTUS...your blind hatred reveals you.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            another example of the pot calling the kettle liberals are hanging onto the "well he said and she said that" whine, whine whine for 3+ years!!!! its really pathetic.

                            Hey lets blame TRUMP for pneumonia its going to kill 50000 Americans this year!!! is this ok? should we go after Obama and Biden because they allowed this to happen under their watch? (50000x8 years is 400,000 Americans dead for those liberals with shoddy math skills)...rough numbers of course.

                            Once again, very despicable for liberals/democrats to use an illness as propaganda to blast the POTUS...your blind hatred reveals you.
                            Did Biden/Obama/USA UNDERPERFORM the rest of the world by substantial margins? Did test kits shipped from CDC for flu, Zika, SARS, H1N1 fail?

                            Why do several blue states currently have far greater capacity to
                            Test than the federal agency in charge ?

                            Other countries have announced a serological test. Are we anywhere with that?

                            Very real issues and the cons are trying to blame everyone BUT....

                            It’s a catastrophic failure.


                              Should we tell Title Con that his vaunted RCP ave Has risen to -7.7 today? Wasn’t it just -4.? Something ?

                              I don’t think the blame game is working. Or maybe, like Title Con has told us, people go with the Dow.

                              Time will tell but things are moving for Donnie. I see he has to reassure the lickspittles that he isn’t really going to cut their entitlements ....

                              Good luck cons!


                                Getting closer day by day to fitting Trump with prison orange.


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