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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks a

    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Did Biden/Obama/USA UNDERPERFORM the rest of the world by substantial margins? Did test kits shipped from CDC for flu, Zika, SARS, H1N1 fail?

    Why do several blue states currently have far greater capacity to
    Test than the federal agency in charge ?

    Other countries have announced a serological test. Are we anywhere with that?

    Very real issues and the cons are trying to blame everyone BUT....

    It’s a catastrophic failure.
    blah blah blah, when you can explain how 50000 americans die every year from pneumonia yet you are using this corona virus "media frenzy" as a means of bashing the POTUS.

    FYI, based on the research, corona virus is not going to come close to 50000 before the year is out....but you dumb_ss liberals wont even talk about because it does not fit your agenda....sorry but that is TRUTH!!!

    i'm sure your next remark will be that TRUMP has orange skin correct? Now you are racist against people with orange skin? is this correct? Your blind hatred reveals you.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      blah blah blah, when you can explain how 50000 americans die every year from pneumonia yet you are using this corona virus "media frenzy" as a means of bashing the POTUS.
      Countries around the world have taken drastic actions to manage the spread of this disease. Global travel and supply chains have been profoundly affected yet he is pushing the meme that it is a creation of the media.

      FYI, based on the research, corona virus is not going to come close to 50000 before the year is out....but you dumb_ss liberals wont even talk about because it does not fit your agenda....sorry but that is TRUTH!!!
      50000 what? I don’t think you even bothered to finish off that thought. Once you define that let us know WHAT research you are referring to. Make sure there are numbers consistent with your quantitative claim, however you wind up clarifying that.

      Color us unimpressed by you throwing around your little potty word stuff. Silly and pretentious.

      i'm sure your next remark will be that TRUMP has orange skin correct? Now you are racist against people with orange skin? is this correct? Your blind hatred reveals you.
      That magnificently idiotic sentence speaks for itself and I’ll just let that wash over the readers.

      Why did yellow belly Trump cancel his visit to the CDC? He said it was because a single person there POSSIBLY tested positive. If this was as innocuous as Trump told us, why wouldn’t he go? 😊? The person there who has since tested negative could have been quarantined and they would have disinfected .....

      No, a clear example of “DONT watch what I DO, listen to what I say.”

      Explain THAT. Kelly Anne Conway very snarly when questioned know doctors and experts are speaking with unanimity and Trump admin in total denial, deflection, and misinformation mode


        ^^^^ not trending well for Donnie so maybe they should try some competence in the face of COVID-19 rather than denial.

        Market tanking in news of 273,000 new jobs. Something isn’t right


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

          ^^^^ not trending well for Donnie so maybe they should try some competence in the face of COVID-19 rather than denial.

          Market tanking in news of 273,000 new jobs. Something isn’t right
          These guys weight their poll averages a little differently and Donnie is -10.1 over here

          I don’t think the current WH PR strategy is going to turn this around


            Food for thought for our readers:

            A Russian troll from St Petersburg can casually make light of coronavirus. His family isn’t at risk.


              China already has a serological test that yields results in 15 min while the USA is still trying to catch up to the technology the rest of the world has had available for weeks



                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                China already has a serological test that yields results in 15 min while the USA is still trying to catch up to the technology the rest of the world has had available for weeks

                We used to lead. Back when the USA was truly great. Before Trump took over. Now we trail China so badly and forget about embarrassment our leader has shown us that he doesn’t care for his citizens as much as leaders in the rest of the world.


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                  ^^^^ not trending well for Donnie so maybe they should try some competence in the face of COVID-19 rather than denial.

                  Market tanking in news of 273,000 new jobs. Something isn’t right
                  That was a PRE coronavirus jobs report. Keep your eye on the next one


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    We used to lead. Back when the USA was truly great. Before Trump took over. Now we trail China so badly and forget about embarrassment our leader has shown us that he doesn’t care for his citizens as much as leaders in the rest of the world.
                    Absolutely right. The best part is that he tried to blame Obama. That's right, it's all Obama's fault. When it's not Hillary's fault it's always Obama's. Never Trump's.

                    I mean, really, this is not a big deal. We have 50,000 people apparently die every year from pneumonia. What's an extra few hundred or thousand from this disease? No big deal, I guess, unless it kills your elderly relative. At that point you say at least it wasn't pneumonia. Thank you Donnie.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Absolutely right. The best part is that he tried to blame Obama. That's right, it's all Obama's fault. When it's not Hillary's fault it's always Obama's. Never Trump's.

                      I mean, really, this is not a big deal. We have 50,000 people apparently die every year from pneumonia. What's an extra few hundred or thousand from this disease? No big deal, I guess, unless it kills your elderly relative. At that point you say at least it wasn't pneumonia. Thank you Donnie.
                      Most have elderly relatives. Even if the virus doesn't impact you much you're at risk of passing it on to your vulnerable relatives who may catch it from you when it's not detectable. This is not hysteria.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Absolutely right. The best part is that he tried to blame Obama. That's right, it's all Obama's fault. When it's not Hillary's fault it's always Obama's. Never Trump's.

                        I mean, really, this is not a big deal. We have 50,000 people apparently die every year from pneumonia. What's an extra few hundred or thousand from this disease? No big deal, I guess, unless it kills your elderly relative. At that point you say at least it wasn't pneumonia. Thank you Donnie.

                        Trump repeated his claim that he had reversed an Obama-era decision that had somehow impeded testing for the coronavirus, saying, "They made some decisions which were not good decisions. We inherited decisions that they made, and that's fine ... We undid some of the regulations that were made that made it very difficult, but I'm not blaming anybody."

                        Facts First: There is no regulation from President Barack Obama that impeded coronavirus testing. The Obama administration did put forward a draft proposal related to lab testing, but it was never implemented. When asked what Obama administration decision Trump might be referring to, Peter Kyriacopolous, chief policy officer at the Association of Public Health Laboratories, said: "We aren't sure what rule is being referenced." Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, who was principal deputy commissioner of the FDA under Obama and is now professor of the practice at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said, "There wasn't a policy that was put into place that inhibited them. There was no Obama policy they were reversing."


                          Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks a

                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Most have elderly relatives. Even if the virus doesn't impact you much you're at risk of passing it on to your vulnerable relatives who may catch it from you when it's not detectable. This is not hysteria.
                          nature has its way of reducing the population and/or euthanizing the week....You can't stop it its stop using this bs as propoganda to bash the POTUS.

                          Biden and obama had eight years to to fight Pneumonia and failed about 400,000 dead americans and their relatives....but nothing was done. (i also, don't recall republicans blaming every little thing that happens durring a democratic presidents term). what is next? a hang nail epidemic? lets blame the POTUS!!!! gtfoh, you are all pathetic discarded and useless snowflakes, insignificant.


                            I love watching lickspittles flail as Trump’s incompetence becomes crystal clear to everyone else.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              nature has its way of reducing the population and/or euthanizing the week....You can't stop it its stop using this bs as propoganda to bash the POTUS.

                              Biden and obama had eight years to to fight Pneumonia and failed about 400,000 dead americans and their relatives....but nothing was done. (i also, don't recall republicans blaming every little thing that happens durring a democratic presidents term). what is next? a hang nail epidemic? lets blame the POTUS!!!! gtfoh, you are all pathetic discarded and useless snowflakes, insignificant.
                              Hysteria? How bout those Benghazi investigations? What, a few Americans killed there, right? But let's point the finger at Hillary and have 10 investigations about it spanning years. That didn't fault her. But this, this incompetence by our administration is just some hysteria. Yeah, let's point the finger back at the democrats. True Trumpian form.

                              So is it Obama's fault that the Trump administration is ill-prepared right now and flailing? Let us know.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                nature has its way of reducing the population and/or euthanizing the week....You can't stop it its stop using this bs as propoganda to bash the POTUS.

                                Biden and obama had eight years to to fight Pneumonia and failed about 400,000 dead americans and their relatives....but nothing was done. (i also, don't recall republicans blaming every little thing that happens durring a democratic presidents term). what is next? a hang nail epidemic? lets blame the POTUS!!!! gtfoh, you are all pathetic discarded and useless snowflakes, insignificant.
                                Survival of the fittest in other words?

                                So what’s your position on BAIL OUTS for the airline industry and others that are crushed by the secondary consequences ?

                                Get on record


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