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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    After a brief hiatus Con will be back with more cartoons of angry donkeys.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      After a brief hiatus Con will be back with more cartoons of angry donkeys.
      They are still awaiting their talking points from Cult45 command.

      Remember when all the cons could say was “nothingburger.”


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Don't have to dig this in books ....

        Tired yet? Of all the winning?
        Ooooooooh a $1,000 fine....


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Ruh roh Cons ..... what’s the difference between “political synergy” between Russia and the trump campaign starting in 2015 and “collusion”

          Pray tell ....
          Collusion is not a crime.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Collusion is not a crime.
            Paying off your whore to be quiet with campaign funds is a crime. So is financial and tax fraud. So is offering a foreign leader a $50M condo in your building. So is...

            He's done. Review the 7 steps of grieving so you can better handle your emotions when it all goes down

            1) Shock and Denial (where you are right now)
            2) Pain and Guilt (how could I have been stupid...)
            3) Anger and bargaining (those ^*$^ liberals)
            4) Depression
            5) An upward turn
            6) Reconstruction
            7) Acceptance and hope


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Collusion is not a crime.
              Of course not but accepting material support from a foreign government toward a domestic election here is so it’s pretty obvious where Mueller is going ...synergy with the Russian government for political purposes alone is illegal but hundreds of millions in business to gain personally.

              I’m optimistic we will see Trump behind bars eventually ...should put manners on you “LOCK THEM UP CONS”

              Trumps are worse than the ROSENBERGS

              Traitors methinks


                MBS has been playing Jared and Trump. Putin isn't the only chess master. I wonder if Ivanka will stand by him when he's indicted. The Wooing of Jared Kushner: How the Saudis Got a Friend in the White House


                  Ivanka is going to get indicted herself. A match made in heaven.


                    I hear Kelly is getting the hell out of Dodge before the shiit really hits the fan.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Paying off your whore to be quiet with campaign funds is a crime. So is financial and tax fraud. So is offering a foreign leader a $50M condo in your building. So is...

                      He's done. Review the 7 steps of grieving so you can better handle your emotions when it all goes down

                      1) Shock and Denial (where you are right now)
                      2) Pain and Guilt (how could I have been stupid...)
                      3) Anger and bargaining (those ^*$^ liberals)
                      4) Depression
                      5) An upward turn
                      6) Reconstruction
                      7) Acceptance and hope
                      You are projecting!


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        I hear Kelly is getting the hell out of Dodge before the shiit really hits the fan.
                        Might be a good move if she wants to save her family life. It's one thing to have differing political views (like James Carville and his wife), but can you stay married to a person who lies to the American people every day?


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Might be a good move if she wants to save her family life. It's one thing to have differing political views (like James Carville and his wife), but can you stay married to a person who lies to the American people every day?
                          I was referring to John Kelly. But she should have left long ago. I don’t see how she isn’t facing some kind of legal jeopardy after 2+ years of wallowing in the slime.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            I was referring to John Kelly. But she should have left long ago. I don’t see how she isn’t facing some kind of legal jeopardy after 2+ years of wallowing in the slime.
                            Same with Sanders.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Same with Sanders.
                              I’m looking forward to a fair number of Trumpkins being LOCKED UP.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                I’m looking forward to a fair number of Trumpkins being LOCKED UP.
                                Or just living lonely miserable lives. That's ok too.


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