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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Trump will be the only president to never break 50%.
    Might be the first to wind up behind bars too.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Besides OCD, TMan suffers from paranoia.
      ^^^^^ confirms that there is zero daylight between sick puppet and Bore-us 😂 come to your own conclusions if they are one and the same .

      Your president ...he dodges the real
      Issues too, thinking personal attacks will save the day ....

      How’s that going ? Winning enough ?

      Did you hear that the vote margin for D’s in recent election was biggest in history ?

      Not lost on us why you only have your hate to focus on ....

      But ‘‘tis the season so I must once again thank you for all the comic relief your provide



        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        I haven't seen it, but I have seen a lot of threatening propaganda on here flowing both ways; from you included.

        Something tells me you're a big boy and can handle yourself. Maybe you could comment on your own parties' indiscretions and your own posts as a starting point, and we can go from there?

        How's that sound?

        -Sock Puppet
        How about you ask to see it and not deflect ?

        I don’t ideate here about a home invasion occurring at your address for your wife to enjoy do I? Isn’t that the kind of thing that triggered the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter?

        So I’ll just put you down as a hypocrite unable to take that much of a simple decent stand here ....obvious ....

        I think my theory about you has better than even chance of being TRUE



          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          How about you ask to see it and not deflect ?

          I don’t ideate here about a home invasion occurring at your address for your wife to enjoy do I? Isn’t that the kind of thing that triggered the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter?

          So I’ll just put you down as a hypocrite unable to take that much of a simple decent stand here ....obvious ....

          I think my theory about you has better than even chance of being TRUE

          Ha, that's hilarious. YOU say YOU copy something on here. I never saw it.

          I'm then supposed to ask to see it? Tell you what, I'll take your word for it. You received a violent, hateful e-mail. Not cool. Whomever sent it, your a douche.

          Now, YOU are the one who deflected when I said it was time to man up and take responsibility for yours, and your party's, hateful rhetoric. For some reason you seem to think that by accepting your role, you somehow are lessened as a person. It's a troubling trait for someone to have. But, to each their own.

          -Sock Puppet


            oooopsie daisy....Donnie didn't have property managers run extra background checks. Turns out there were illegals working there for years, some still are


            Meanwhile the Dow will finish flat for the day, saved by a very last minute rally. It had been down nearly 800 pts earlier in the day. Brokers investing heavily Tums and other Antacids.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Show us Donald's. He claims he was at the top of class but it's been proven he wasn't. Wharton wishes he'd stop mentioning the school; it's hurting their reputation.
              And it lags repeating ....he claims and ivanka claim to be graduates of “Wharton” business school.

              Trust me on this 😉 but verify yourself ....Wharton does not award baccalaureate degrees like Donnie and ivanka earned ....

              MBA and other grad degrees bear the “Wharton “ brand ....

              Trump needs to say he is a graduate of the U of Penn ....not a bad school ...


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                oooopsie daisy....Donnie didn't have property managers run extra background checks. Turns out there were illegals working there for years, some still are


                Meanwhile the Dow will finish flat for the day, saved by a very last minute rally. It had been down nearly 800 pts earlier in the day. Brokers investing heavily Tums and other Antacids.
                Yeah some of the bigs are advising to get into cash STAT

                Parties over cons but two years for you to feel the responsibility yet before next election ....

                Trump better fix it fast !


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Ha, that's hilarious. YOU say YOU copy something on here. I never saw it.

                  I'm then supposed to ask to see it? Tell you what, I'll take your word for it. You received a violent, hateful e-mail. Not cool. Whomever sent it, your a douche.

                  Now, YOU are the one who deflected when I said it was time to man up and take responsibility for yours, and your party's, hateful rhetoric. For some reason you seem to think that by accepting your role, you somehow are lessened as a person. It's a troubling trait for someone to have. But, to each their own.

                  -Sock Puppet
                  1) wasn’t an email. Was a post here. Might have been you! You still smell like the alter ego of the more ...forward con on board

                  2) if you have a SPECIFIC issue with something I said , quote it and ask to discuss it before throwing that arrow? “Hateful rhetoric “ is rather broad and you can’t get away with that broad wave of your hand ..specific by specific or it doesn’t exist ...FAKE NEWS as some are fond of saying !

                  3) My “party” ? I don’t have a party . I’m an unaffiliated voter ! But even if I was a D, don’t you Cons object to being grouped together with the core trump 🥜 ters? How is what you are doing different ?

                  So ^^^ reasonable questions SHOULD keep you busy a bit ....have fun ....BORE-US!

                  Bwa ha ha
                  Tee hee


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Ha, that's hilarious. YOU say YOU copy something on here. I never saw it.

                    I'm then supposed to ask to see it? Tell you what, I'll take your word for it. You received a violent, hateful e-mail. Not cool. Whomever sent it, your a douche.

                    Now, YOU are the one who deflected when I said it was time to man up and take responsibility for yours, and your party's, hateful rhetoric. For some reason you seem to think that by accepting your role, you somehow are lessened as a person. It's a troubling trait for someone to have. But, to each their own.

                    -Sock Puppet
                    PS what “hateful rhetoric “ of the “party” are you talking about specifically ?

                    That you are a racist ? I think folks SHOULD back off that and just say racists think you are a racist ....


                      Giuliani said getting Trump to answer Muellers questions was a nightmare. I wonder how much longer Rudy will be on Trump's team? Rudy Giuliani Calls Getting Trump Through Robert Mueller's Questions 'A Nightmare'


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Giuliani said getting Trump to answer Muellers questions was a nightmare. I wonder how much longer Rudy will be on Trump's team? Rudy Giuliani Calls Getting Trump Through Robert Mueller's Questions 'A Nightmare'
                        Did you see that the vaunted “written response” they’ve been threatening to drop in response to a fhe Mueller report doesn’t even exist ? Rudy hasn’t had “time “ to write it but how can he when his client can’t even lie consistently ?

                        WH reportedly has no response ready for Mueller report except for the anticipated tweet storm


                        Even I never hoped or dreamed they could misfire this spectacularly !


                          Trade deficit just hit a [b] 10 year high [/] after 22 months with “Tarriff Man” at the helm.

                          What do you Cons have to say about ^^^^. I mean the buck stops on Trumps desk ...he tells us he’s making all these great deals with foreign leaders ....


                            You Cons will be thrilled to know that Trump is still focused on "Boarder Security".


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              You Cons will be thrilled to know that Trump is still focused on "Boarder Security".
                              Yup gotta keep those snow boarders safe.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Trade deficit just hit a [b] 10 year high [/] after 22 months with “Tarriff Man” at the helm.

                                What do you Cons have to say about ^^^^. I mean the buck stops on Trumps desk ...he tells us he’s making all these great deals with foreign leaders ....
                                He should call Macron. He is in in his office hiding under his desk. How is that Paris climate accord thing working out? Seems like the French are potentially disinterested in paying through the azz so the EU can take a victory lap about their "green" status.

                                Didn't all you climate experts say Trump was a fool for walking away?

                                Now you are experts in trade deficits. I know you miss the days of Obama and his knee pads.


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