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      As some of the smarter rats are starting to flee the sinking Trumptanic, Trump can't new ones to jump on board. Nick Ayers just turned down the Chief of Staff job and as par usual there's no plan B to replace Kelly.


        In other news :

        In each of the five years preceding Paul Ryan's speakership, annual deficits fell. In each of the three years since he's been speaker, they rose. And that's entirely due to policy decisions Ryan made:

        Thank goodness we have soeaker Pelosi to look forward to . She decreases deficits

        Fact ^^^^^


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          In other news :

          In each of the five years preceding Paul Ryan's speakership, annual deficits fell. In each of the three years since he's been speaker, they rose. And that's entirely due to policy decisions Ryan made:

          Thank goodness we have soeaker Pelosi to look forward to . She decreases deficits

          Fact ^^^^^
          You know we are in deep trouble when the Dems are now seen as the party of fiscal responsibility


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            You know we are in deep trouble when the Dems are now seen as the party of fiscal responsibility
            Let me rewrite that:

            You know the Republican Party is in deep trouble when the Dems are “seen” as the party of fiscal responsibility even though over the last quarter century or so they HAVE been the party of greater fiscal responsibility. Just look at decreasing deficits over the Obama and Clinton administrations vs the increasing deficits under all the Republican administrations from Reagan forward. Just that finally the GOP can’t “snow” the public anymore when they don’t walk the talk.

            How did I do?


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Let me rewrite that:

              You know the Republican Party is in deep trouble when the Dems are “seen” as the party of fiscal responsibility even though over the last quarter century or so they HAVE been the party of greater fiscal responsibility. Just look at decreasing deficits over the Obama and Clinton administrations vs the increasing deficits under all the Republican administrations from Reagan forward. Just that finally the GOP can’t “snow” the public anymore when they don’t walk the talk.

              How did I do?
              I'm a dem and I am aware of that. The GOP hasn't a clue and have continually screwed up our finances both federally and at the state level. They all cling to the failed theory of tax cuts and trickle down economics. At the state level voters are starting to fight back - 7 states flipped the governorships and many of them are solidly red states.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                I'm a dem and I am aware of that. The GOP hasn't a clue and have continually screwed up our finances both federally and at the state level. They all cling to the failed theory of tax cuts and trickle down economics. At the state level voters are starting to fight back - 7 states flipped the governorships and many of them are solidly red states.
                More and more people realizing that GOP “dogma” has no bearing on reality


                  Even stalwart Trump defenders are beginning to let a bit of reality intrude. Last week, Andrew Napolitano, the New Jersey judge turned Fox News commentator, informed his FNC flock that, actually, this Mueller thing is real. Attacking the president’s efforts to pretend that it’s all fake news, Napolitano explained, “I am not of the view that Mueller is on a fishing expedition or is about to go home,” adding that news about Cohen and Manafort was bad indeed for the White House. “Federal criminal prosecution is not beanbag,” he concluded ominously, warning of more indictments to come.
                  Tee hee
                  Bwa ha ha


                    Then another Fox News talking head decided to level with his audience. Andrew McCarthy, a onetime DOJ prosecutor turned right-wing pundit, and a stout defender of the White House in its travails with the Special Counsel, stated that, in fact, [b]Trump is likely to be indicted by the feds. With the latest Cohen memo, McCarthy explained that Team Trump’s 2016 violations of campaign finance laws seemed real, adding “the Cohen case in New York City is not about Cohen. The president is in peril of being charged.”
                    Tee hee
                    Bwa ha ha

                    PS sounds like a something 🍔


                      Remember , Manafort selected Pence ....

                      So IF Trump and Oenxe went down in historic impeachment prior to Jan 2021 say hello to President Pelosi Cons ....


                      Just trolling you a little ....for now ...just a few more facts from that looking like a real possibility.

                      Sick of #winning yet ?

                      Bore -us showing some discipline but ad hominem attacks wouldn’t play well right now ...


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        In other news :

                        In each of the five years preceding Paul Ryan's speakership, annual deficits fell. In each of the three years since he's been speaker, they rose. And that's entirely due to policy decisions Ryan made:


                        Thank goodness we have soeaker Pelosi to look forward to . She decreases deficits

                        Fact ^^^^^
                        By increasing taxes on the middle class. The BS about upper incomes not paying their "fair share" is BS. According to Pew Research those people making above $250,000 paid 51.6% of all individual income taxes, though they accounted for only 2.7% of all returns filed. The taxes that Dems are going to hit Americans with are going to hit the middle class. The next highest income level already paying the biggest share is the $100 - 199K level who are already paying 21.9% of income taxes though they only represent 11.8% of returns filed. To put that into perspective, that income level would represent a teacher married to a police officer. And here we're only speaking of income taxes, not all the other taxes Dems will be whacking us with.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Let me rewrite that:

                          You know the Republican Party is in deep trouble when the Dems are “seen” as the party of fiscal responsibility even though over the last quarter century or so they HAVE been the party of greater fiscal responsibility. Just look at decreasing deficits over the Obama and Clinton administrations vs the increasing deficits under all the Republican administrations from Reagan forward. Just that finally the GOP can’t “snow” the public anymore when they don’t walk the talk.

                          How did I do?
                          Not very good.

                          The snow job comes from the liberal media. Here's reality.



                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            I'm a dem and I am aware of that. The GOP hasn't a clue and have continually screwed up our finances both federally and at the state level. They all cling to the failed theory of tax cuts and trickle down economics. At the state level voters are starting to fight back - 7 states flipped the governorships and many of them are solidly red states.
                            Let's REALLY talk about trickle down politics, because what the progressive Democrats have been selling is global trickle down economics and the US worker has gotten screwed as a result.


                              Then another Fox News talking head decided to level with his audience. Andrew McCarthy, a onetime DOJ prosecutor turned right-wing pundit, and a stout defender of the White House in its travails with the Special Counsel, stated that, in fact, [b]Trump is likely to be indicted by the feds. With the latest Cohen memo, McCarthy explained that Team Trump’s 2016 violations of campaign finance laws seemed real, adding “the Cohen case in New York City is not about Cohen. The president is in peril of being charged.”
                              Unfortunately you are reading the interpretations of a biased left media and not the actual words of McCarthy. Here's what McCarthy actually said.

                              "Cohen pleaded guilty in August, prosecutors induced him to make an extraordinary statement in open court: the payments to the women were made “in coordination with and at the direction of” the candidate for federal office – Donald Trump.

                              Prosecutors would not have done this if the president was not on their radar screen. Indeed, if the president was not implicated, I suspect they would not have prosecuted Cohen for campaign finance violations at all. Those charges had a negligible impact on the jail time Cohen faces, which is driven by the more serious offenses of tax and financial institution fraud, involving millions of dollars.

                              Moreover, campaign finance infractions are often settled by payment of an administrative fine, not turned into felony prosecutions. To be sure, federal prosecutors in New York City have charged them as felonies before – most notably in 2014 against Dinesh D’Souza, whom Trump later pardoned.

                              In marked contrast, though, when it was discovered that Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was guilty of violations involving nearly $2 million – an amount that dwarfs the $280,000 in Cohen’s case – the Obama Justice Department decided not to prosecute. Instead, the matter was quietly disposed of by a $375,000 fine by the Federal Election Commission..... do campaign finance violations qualify as “high crimes and misdemeanors,” which is the constitutional standard for impeachment? It is hard to imagine an infraction that the Justice Department often elects not to prosecute is sufficiently egregious to rise to that level, but the debate on this point between partisans would be intense."



                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                By increasing taxes on the middle class. The BS about upper incomes not paying their "fair share" is BS. According to Pew Research those people making above $250,000 paid 51.6% of all individual income taxes, though they accounted for only 2.7% of all returns filed. The taxes that Dems are going to hit Americans with are going to hit the middle class. The next highest income level already paying the biggest share is the $100 - 199K level who are already paying 21.9% of income taxes though they only represent 11.8% of returns filed. To put that into perspective, that income level would represent a teacher married to a police officer. And here we're only speaking of income taxes, not all the other taxes Dems will be whacking us with.
                                2.7 % of highest earners = “middle class” now?



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