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    With their lies Dems want you to stay focused on Trump and the Wuhan virus instead of the following. Dems think Americans are stupid.

    "Before Biden became the consensus establishment choice three weeks ago — and Democratic operatives thus tried to impose a ban on speaking ill of him while deceitfully pretending they and their clients never did so for fear that it could cost them future consulting or political gigs within the Biden-controlled Party — it was commonly and routinely acknowledged, even on DNC propaganda outlets such as MSNBC, that Biden’s cognitive decline was an open secret among Democratic Party officials who believed it posed a serious threat to his ability to campaign, let alone beat Trump, let alone govern as President. Just watch for yourself and remember this as they now try to convince you that this is just some recently manufactured smear by Sanders and Trump supporters; they are the ones who have been raising this, with good reason, for more than a year. The list of prominent political and media figures raising these concerns throughout 2019 is long and diverse. That this is some recently manufactured script — “coordinated” by the Sanders and Trump campaigns to smear Biden — is so laughably and provably false that pro-Biden reporters should be ashamed to show their faces as they claim it."


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      With their lies Dems want you to stay focused on Trump and the Wuhan virus instead of the following. Dems think Americans are stupid.

      "Before Biden became the consensus establishment choice three weeks ago — and Democratic operatives thus tried to impose a ban on speaking ill of him while deceitfully pretending they and their clients never did so for fear that it could cost them future consulting or political gigs within the Biden-controlled Party — it was commonly and routinely acknowledged, even on DNC propaganda outlets such as MSNBC, that Biden’s cognitive decline was an open secret among Democratic Party officials who believed it posed a serious threat to his ability to campaign, let alone beat Trump, let alone govern as President. Just watch for yourself and remember this as they now try to convince you that this is just some recently manufactured smear by Sanders and Trump supporters; they are the ones who have been raising this, with good reason, for more than a year. The list of prominent political and media figures raising these concerns throughout 2019 is long and diverse. That this is some recently manufactured script — “coordinated” by the Sanders and Trump campaigns to smear Biden — is so laughably and provably false that pro-Biden reporters should be ashamed to show their faces as they claim it."
      Dems need a Primary do over. Instead they are shutting down the ability to vote.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        With their lies Dems want you to stay focused on Trump and the Wuhan virus instead of the following. Dems think Americans are stupid.

        "Before Biden became the consensus establishment choice three weeks ago — and Democratic operatives thus tried to impose a ban on speaking ill of him while deceitfully pretending they and their clients never did so for fear that it could cost them future consulting or political gigs within the Biden-controlled Party — it was commonly and routinely acknowledged, even on DNC propaganda outlets such as MSNBC, that Biden’s cognitive decline was an open secret among Democratic Party officials who believed it posed a serious threat to his ability to campaign, let alone beat Trump, let alone govern as President. Just watch for yourself and remember this as they now try to convince you that this is just some recently manufactured smear by Sanders and Trump supporters; they are the ones who have been raising this, with good reason, for more than a year. The list of prominent political and media figures raising these concerns throughout 2019 is long and diverse. That this is some recently manufactured script — “coordinated” by the Sanders and Trump campaigns to smear Biden — is so laughably and provably false that pro-Biden reporters should be ashamed to show their faces as they claim it."
        Not surprising coming from the DNC, always more concerned about power and control. It's embarrassing what they are doing to poor Uncle Joe. One should always question authority and distrust corporate media.


          So, you're just going to ignore the fact that Joe Biden forgot how his own son died?

          "US veterans recently confronted Biden over his support for the Iraq invasion, one saying “My friends are dead because of your policies.”

          “So’s my son,” Biden replied. “He was in Iraq, okay? For a year. Not that it matters, right?”

          “I’m not going after your son,” the veteran said.

          “You better not,” Biden replied.

          Biden’s son was in Iraq from 2008 to 2009. He died in 2015, of cancer."


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            With their lies Dems want you to stay focused on Trump and the Wuhan virus instead of the following. Dems think Americans are stupid.

            "Before Biden became the consensus establishment choice three weeks ago — and Democratic operatives thus tried to impose a ban on speaking ill of him while deceitfully pretending they and their clients never did so for fear that it could cost them future consulting or political gigs within the Biden-controlled Party — it was commonly and routinely acknowledged, even on DNC propaganda outlets such as MSNBC, that Biden’s cognitive decline was an open secret among Democratic Party officials who believed it posed a serious threat to his ability to campaign, let alone beat Trump, let alone govern as President. Just watch for yourself and remember this as they now try to convince you that this is just some recently manufactured smear by Sanders and Trump supporters; they are the ones who have been raising this, with good reason, for more than a year. The list of prominent political and media figures raising these concerns throughout 2019 is long and diverse. That this is some recently manufactured script — “coordinated” by the Sanders and Trump campaigns to smear Biden — is so laughably and provably false that pro-Biden reporters should be ashamed to show their faces as they claim it."

            You might question the relevance of a party that presents damaged goods as a consensus candidate when you have young, vital and strong candidates pushed aside for the old order.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Dems need a Primary do over. Instead they are shutting down the ability to vote.
              lol the Intercept. A bastion of quality journalism.

              Some states are delaying primaries. And in case you forgot states are holding GOP primaries also.


                Just when you thought Nunes could possible be that dumb

                "Rep. Devin Nunes urges Americans to ‘go to your local pub,’ defying health experts’ warning

                Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) on Sunday urged Americans to “go to a local restaurant” during the coronavirus crisis, ignoring the advice of health experts and Trump administration officials who have warned the public to stay home as much as possible in an effort to slow the spread of the virus."


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  You might question the relevance of a party that presents damaged goods as a consensus candidate when you have young, vital and strong candidates pushed aside for the old order.
                  Young and untested. In a time of crisis Joe is seen as reliable and experienced.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Democrats See Coronavirus As Just Another Crisis To Exploit

                    Ted Cruise says AOC's Covid 19 advice is good

                    Republican Senator Ted Cruz praised a precautionary message to New Yorkers about coronavirus (COVID-19) from Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, saying it was "good advice" for "everywhere."

                    Cruz, a staunchly conservative lawmaker from Texas, and Ocasio-Cortez, a self-identified democratic socialist from New York, may be from polar opposites of the American political spectrum, but they are on the same page when it comes to steps people should take in response to the threat of coronavirus. In a Saturday tweet, the New York congresswoman shared advice with her constituents, which Cruz retweeted several hours laters, suggesting people around the country should take note.


                    A month ago Newt Gingrich said Dems were trying to take advantage of the crisis. This week, from Italy, he said the US better go big and go now

                    While these have been the right steps, and while the Coronavirus Task Force led by Vice President Pence has been making progress, there are some big things that need to be done on both the public health and the economic fronts.


                    Meanwhile Nunes is telling people to go out the restaurants and Pence sucked Trump's co ck like a professional hooker on national TV


                      Trump opened his mouth again so stock market set to plunge again.

                      “I take no responsibility at all.”


                        If anyone needs a second indicator of Donnie’s disastrous leadership, take a look at what was up until recently Bore-is’s favorite poll. The Dow is about a 1000 points above what is when Trump took office.

                        Best wishes to all coping together today


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Not surprising coming from the DNC, always more concerned about power and control. It's embarrassing what they are doing to poor Uncle Joe. One should always question authority and distrust corporate media.
                          This stuff you're putting on here is laughable. Trump is incoherent and plain dumb. He completely botched this outbreak. Most Americans are well aware. You putting out this garbage on here is a huge sign of desperation. I watched the debates last night. Biden coherent and lucid.

                          I watched Trump's speech the other night where he stumbled and looked and sounded like
                          a scared coward who is looking to shift blame away from himself. He is failing miserably. So much so that Fauci now openly contradicts Trump on national tv and Trump can't do a thing about it.


                          How is that for leadership? You guys are running scared! So what do you do? Try and distract from Trump's deterioration.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            This stuff you're putting on here is laughable. Trump is incoherent and plain dumb. He completely botched this outbreak. Most Americans are well aware. You putting out this garbage on here is a huge sign of desperation. I watched the debates last night. Biden coherent and lucid.

                            I watched Trump's speech the other night where he stumbled and looked and sounded like
                            a scared coward who is looking to shift blame away from himself. He is failing miserably. So much so that Fauci now openly contradicts Trump on national tv and Trump can't do a thing about it.


                            How is that for leadership? You guys are running scared! So what do you do? Try and distract from Trump's deterioration.
                            Can't tell you how many social media posts I've seen from my Trump supporting friends and family about "well, Obama killed 12,000 with H1 N1" or "More people die of heart disease..."

                            Each time Trump opens his mouth he makes it 100 times worse. Not only is everything about him and the economy, but he demonstrates each time he doesn't have a clue about the severity of it all. The nonexistent google website is another example of his promising things that are nowhere near delivery. By this week there were supposed to be 4M test kits out there.


                              Andrew Cuomo sounding like Churchill right now. Carefully explaining why we need a comprehensive federal policy applied uniformly. Explaining how casinos must be closed in all states for example


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Andrew Cuomo sounding like Churchill right now. Carefully explaining why we need a comprehensive federal policy applied uniformly. Explaining how casinos must be closed in all states for example
                                God I hope the good people of CA remember Devin Nunes' performance in November and toss that guy out. He was telling people to go out to restaurants and bars literally just as major cities were announcing they were closing restaurants and bars.


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