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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Survey work is all about how questions are asked. It took some digging but I found the questions asked. Nowhere does it explain to respondents that prenatal testing to uncover serious issues usually doesn't start until 16 weeks (amnio) and most first ultrasounds are around 18 weeks. Often time more testing is needed requiring even more time. Tell them that info and ask again. Tell them that in many parts of the US there is only one abortion provider for hundreds of miles and some can't afford to travel to a location right away. Tell them some women don't find out they're pregnant well into the pregnancy. The numbers won't be nearly as high.
    No wonder - the survey is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus (in the link above). Of course the questions are skewed!


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Ocasio-Cortez joins progressive effort to oust more incumbent Democrats
      I've no problem with that. Ther'es plenty that need to go, even more so in the GOP. Term limits for SCOTUS and Congress would be two of the best things to happen to our democracy in decades. So would real campaign finance reform. Neither will happen of course - that ship has sailed - but a guy can dream right? ;)


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Makes you wonder which Democrat candidate the WaPo is going to shove down our throats.

        The Washington Post

        Beto O’Rourke’s immigration plan: No wall, few specifics
        From the above article. Anyone catch this?

        He said he believes that the border is already fully secured and that further investment would take it even further “past the point of diminishing returns,” pushing migrants seeking to cross the border illegally into more dangerous and desolate territory.

        “You will ensure death,” he said of Trump’s proposed wall. “You and I, as Americans, have caused the deaths of others through these walls.”

        Just as Trump has used the heart-wrenching stories of Americans murdered by undocumented immigrants to build support for his wall, O’Rourke leans on a narrative of migrants and those living along the border. In his unsuccessful race for the Senate last year, O’Rourke frequently compared Central American migrants fleeing violence and poverty to Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis and being refused entry into many countries, including the United States.

        So in other words, migrants are more important than Americans?

        Doesn't sound like a very good campaign slogan to me.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          It is manufactured. How many times do you need to see data showing border crossings have been stable for the last several years? That the total number of illegals living in the US is DOWN vs ten years ago. That nearly 70% of illegals come in legally and stay and that a wall won't stop that. The only crisis is that more trying to enter at the Mexican border are families (who are less likely to commit crimes) than young men looking for work. The government was completely unprepared for families when they decided to start detaining asylum seekers
          So, it was ****ty before, and it's stably ****ty now. So many people from Bill to hill to Barrack have said we need it.'s ****ty.

          Now, suddenly, when it's "stable" (i.e. the same) it's not a problem.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            It is manufactured. How many times do you need to see data showing border crossings have been stable for the last several years? That the total number of illegals living in the US is DOWN vs ten years ago. That nearly 70% of illegals come in legally and stay and that a wall won't stop that. The only crisis is that more trying to enter at the Mexican border are families (who are less likely to commit crimes) than young men looking for work. The government was completely unprepared for families when they decided to start detaining asylum seekers
            Manufactured. Her son was killed and you say it was " manufactured" ? What a creep , and a coward.
            Stable ? Any illegals coming in are potential criminals , thieves stealing benefits, forgers of documents etc.
            How can you begin to COUNT illegals ? I thought they " live in the shadows" ? How sillty can you get?
            The Government was unprepared for families because the Government has let the US citizens take the brunt of their incompetence . The American people are th eons who suffer every single day. And the Democrats, the mayor of NY, the governor of California, they have put out the signals that illegals are welcome. They are ENCOURAGING foreigners to BREAK the Law. That's what should be investigated. That's ' the real crime you can put your finger on. A crime against the hard working taxpayers of this country.
            There isn't any logical reason why my tax dollars, and any other Americans tax dollars should be paying for the Health Care and the housing of illegals.
            And that 70 % ? I have a plan for them. It is called a bus or train ticket.


              Isn’t it interesting that as soon as Aunt Nancy emasculated little Donald earlier the cons stopped focusing on her and moved onto their latest diversions ....

              Little *********s don’t realize the fact they aren’t rushing forward to
              Defend policies anymore tells the tale .....

              Good luck cons ....


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                From the above article. Anyone catch this?

                He said he believes that the border is already fully secured and that further investment would take it even further “past the point of diminishing returns,” pushing migrants seeking to cross the border illegally into more dangerous and desolate territory.

                “You will ensure death,” he said of Trump’s proposed wall. “You and I, as Americans, have caused the deaths of others through these walls.”

                Just as Trump has used the heart-wrenching stories of Americans murdered by undocumented immigrants to build support for his wall, O’Rourke leans on a narrative of migrants and those living along the border. In his unsuccessful race for the Senate last year, O’Rourke frequently compared Central American migrants fleeing violence and poverty to Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis and being refused entry into many countries, including the United States.

                So in other words, migrants are more important than Americans?

                Doesn't sound like a very good campaign slogan to me.
                Well we are ALL immigrants here are we not? Unless you are Native - American and belonged to a tribal nation continuously ......

                So go sit down - that dizzy feeling will pass ....


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Isn’t it interesting that as soon as Aunt Nancy emasculated little Donald earlier the cons stopped focusing on her and moved onto their latest diversions ....

                  Little *********s don’t realize the fact they aren’t rushing forward to
                  Defend policies anymore tells the tale .....

                  Good luck cons ....
                  Actually, got nothing for Nancy right now. She's in AOC's crosshairs, so I'm just sitting and laughing at the Civil War.


                    Boy this gang deflects more than hockey goalie....


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Still wasn't me, never threatened anyone, but will again state I denounce it.

                      Not a violent guy.

                      You thirst admittedly thirst for our daughters.

                      Yep, I'm the problem here.

                      1) the threats I’ve discussed ....very personal and specific ....were made in two separate occasions on this board. I’ve reposted one of them weeks ago.

                      2) I have pointed out several times that you launch posts purely around personal animus . You don’t bother to even state a policy difference and then attack second to that. No, you don’t even bother to rationalize it.

                      3) meAnwhile yes....I once as a didactic exercise I employed the same language that the president used and you defended to suggest you should be ok with same for those close to you.

                      You then blew a gasket because you hold your “tribe” as eligible for different treatment than you offer others

                      So, mr moron, I’m quite ok letting my long history here speak for myself while you head for the dark corners and pretend you aren’t this con or that ....when I’m fact we recognize your hateful screeds ....

                      Now go eff off


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Actually, got nothing for Nancy right now. She's in AOC's crosshairs, so I'm just sitting and laughing at the Civil War.
                        Really ? Tell me that when little Donnie has a tantrum because she took away his big moment to deliver Miller’s hate speech.

                        Pelosi 3
                        Trump 0

                        Donnie ever gonna win one ?


                          4 Americans killed by isis as trump declares victory and leaves


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            1) the threats I’ve discussed ....very personal and specific ....were made in two separate occasions on this board. I’ve reposted one of them weeks ago.

                            2) I have pointed out several times that you launch posts purely around personal animus . You don’t bother to even state a policy difference and then attack second to that. No, you don’t even bother to rationalize it.

                            3) meAnwhile yes....I once as a didactic exercise I employed the same language that the president used and you defended to suggest you should be ok with same for those close to you.

                            You then blew a gasket because you hold your “tribe” as eligible for different treatment than you offer others

                            So, mr moron, I’m quite ok letting my long history here speak for myself while you head for the dark corners and pretend you aren’t this con or that ....when I’m fact we recognize your hateful screeds ....

                            Now go eff off
                            1) yes, you have. At least twice, but surely seems likes many more than that. And, I denounce any and all violence, this included.

                            2) I am very clear: You are a holier than thou hypocrite who takes personal delight in trying to rile people up, and your behavior is at best equal to Trump and any other filth out there. At worst, it far exceeds it.

                            3) You "employed" the same language? When did Trump say to send our wives and daughters to them to have his way with them? When did he then double-down on it and say it would be the best sex of our daughters lives? When did he justify it by saying "well I asked for permission first"?

                            So, as usual, you disregard the opinion of black men (it's plural) and women (it's plural) over how they feel in today's society because, well, you're a white man who knows better.

                            Then, after a series of inflammatory comments directed at 48% of the country, you play the victim card. You won't actually reply to any question that goes against your commentary, you instead revert to similar commentary that may come out of a 5th-grader's mouth.

                            You play the fool, you get treated like a fool.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Really ? Tell me that when little Donnie has a tantrum because she took away his big moment to deliver Miller’s hate speech.

                              Pelosi 3
                              Trump 0

                              Donnie ever gonna win one ?
                              (Checks bank account, 401k, and looks over the requisition for 2019 hires and matches 2018 hires)

                              Yes, certainly winning.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                1) yes, you have. At least twice, but surely seems likes many more than that. And, I denounce any and all violence, this included.

                                2) I am very clear: You are a holier than thou hypocrite who takes personal delight in trying to rile people up, and your behavior is at best equal to Trump and any other filth out there. At worst, it far exceeds it.

                                3) You "employed" the same language? When did Trump say to send our wives and daughters to them to have his way with them? When did he then double-down on it and say it would be the best sex of our daughters lives? When did he justify it by saying "well I asked for permission first"?

                                So, as usual, you disregard the opinion of black men (it's plural) and women (it's plural) over how they feel in today's society because, well, you're a white man who knows better.

                                Then, after a series of inflammatory comments directed at 48% of the country, you play the victim card. You won't actually reply to any question that goes against your commentary, you instead revert to similar commentary that may come out of a 5th-grader's mouth.

                                You play the fool, you get treated like a fool.
                                Let’s just allow your response to speak for itself. You continue to focus on me me me.

                                I’m fine just letting it all ride and letting your words work their magic. Winning hearts and minds and all.

                                Meanwhile, as you continue your beef with me , your boy is a clear and present danger


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