Originally posted by Unregistered
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Most of America doesn't care. They have moved on. They have jobs ( 220,000 more ) , they have stock market gains , they have low inflation, energy prices are falling , and there is optimism. Putin's own words indicated a better dialogue in the future. His own words even say the TV Trump is not the real Trump. And the TV Trump, that's a product of the MSM.
What Progressives will not acknowledge is that many in the rest of the world laugh at our media, as they chase around looking for the one chance to take Trump out They are still questioning his legitimacy . 3 1/2 more years to go. And he is grooming Ivanka to be the next nail in the coffin for Progressives. You have Hillary, Nancy, Chuck , what a crew !
" Kremlin connections ". Russians , Russian, Russians. 24/7.