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    "Just grab them by the pussy. You can do ANYTHING."

    -Donald trump

    Cuckservatives ! Obey your leader and bring your women to those of us who know how to treat them as trump showed us they deserve!

    What can you really say?

    It's FINE.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      If that's what progressives are it any wonder that nobody is buying?
      This is the perverted clown that was making swing state calls for HRC! Nice job Loser Larry, for the first time in modern history, a Republican swept the industrial Midwest. You were a campaign staffer for the most inept, bumbling, and corrupt campaign in the history of Presidential politics.

      You are a loser on the grandest scale of all time. A historic loser. A loser's loser. And yet you come on an anonymous board and fantasize about sexually assaulting little girls. Sick and depraved doesn't even begin to cover it.

      Nice job. #Larry the Lib, # Larry the Loser, #Larry the Perv


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        "Just grab them by the pussy. You can do ANYTHING."

        -Donald trump

        Cuckservatives ! Obey your leader and bring your women to those of us who know how to treat them as trump showed us they deserve!

        What can you really say?

        It's FINE.
        Larry, you are a dick grabber. It's OK.

        # Rest Stop Larry


          Unbelievable the filth that comes out of this dude's mouth.

          Like Trump wasn't bad enough, at least he was talking about married women. This a-hole is advocating assault on a child...and tries to justify it.

          Totally, absolutely, unhinged.

          Can't stick up for himself against an adult, so he's going after children now.

          Schoolyard bully.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Unbelievable the filth that comes out of this dude's mouth.

            Like Trump wasn't bad enough, at least he was talking about married women. This a-hole is advocating assault on a child...and tries to justify it.

            Totally, absolutely, unhinged.

            Can't stick up for himself against an adult, so he's going after children now.

            Schoolyard bully.
            What's even worse is, if there really is more than one of you in here, how you can't disassociate yourself from him and the statements makes you complicit.

            That's what we've been taught for the last year.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Unbelievable the filth that comes out of this dude's mouth.

              Like Trump wasn't bad enough, at least he was talking about married women. This a-hole is advocating assault on a child...and tries to justify it.

              Totally, absolutely, unhinged.

              Can't stick up for himself against an adult, so he's going after children now.

              Schoolyard bully.
              This is what the Democratic party has been reduced to. You can see it everyday on the news. Anarchists who will say and do anything to attempt to forward their agenda. It is backfiring badly. But they consider their opinions to be right and just, so nothing is off limits.

              Keep it up!


                What about "conflict of interest" have you forgotten in seven days.

                "Priced into your vote"

                Not mine and not the most voters it becomes irrelevant


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  What about "conflict of interest" have you forgotten in seven days.

                  "Priced into your vote"

                  Not mine and not the most voters it becomes irrelevant
                  When are you going to disavow being associated with someone advocating being a pedophile?

                  Tried to turn the election with the pussy grabbing, didn't work. So, real issues don't matter.

                  Right now, I'm going to lump the entire lot of you posting from the left that you associate with the lowest of lows.

                  Disgusting filth.

                  I pray you all get your own squeeellll piggyyyyyyy moment. Just like you've all been advocating for the last year.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    This is what the Democratic party has been reduced to. You can see it everyday on the news. Anarchists who will say and do anything to attempt to forward their agenda. It is backfiring badly. But they consider their opinions to be right and just, so nothing is off limits.

                    Keep it up!
                    Ok I say she left you long ago but if she's still with you send your wife over I want to show her what trump has empowered us to do. Problems ? Take it up with trump but he'll be busy with the FCC, IRS and generally accumulating impeachable offenses.

                    Gonna be like bizarro world Clinton years with all the investigations etc

                    You will love it. May even see us bust a few moves we learned from you.

                    You could come over too. Not my style but since you have one , happy to arrange for you to be grabbed by Pussy too

                    You and wife are over age of majority right? Remeber consent doesn't matter in trump world since I'm your better ....i get to grab what I want

                    Trump rules so since you must be a family full of Pussies bring me all

                    Anyone who did not vote for trump is entitled to consent but trump backers get grabbed no questions asked

                    Too stupid to get it? Gonna love your future

                    Keep whining


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      When are you going to disavow being associated with someone advocating being a pedophile?

                      Tried to turn the election with the pussy grabbing, didn't work. So, real issues don't matter.

                      Right now, I'm going to lump the entire lot of you posting from the left that you associate with the lowest of lows.

                      Disgusting filth.

                      I pray you all get your own squeeellll piggyyyyyyy moment. Just like you've all been advocating for the last year.
                      Dear stupid,

                      When told send over whomever as long as over age of consent that neutralizes the only thing you e been hurling over transom.

                      Too funny.

                      Just offering to do same for you and yours (those with pussies) as trump did and said.

                      WhAt problem you got with this ? Just quote what you said about trump at time ANYTHING else is .....wait for it ......




                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        This is what the Democratic party has been reduced to. You can see it everyday on the news. Anarchists who will say and do anything to attempt to forward their agenda. It is backfiring badly. But they consider their opinions to be right and just, so nothing is off limits.

                        Keep it up!
                        Using Larry's logic, all progressives must be pedophiles, just like he is.
                        Sick, sick man!


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Dear stupid,

                          When told send over whomever as long as over age of consent that neutralizes the only thing you e been hurling over transom.

                          Too funny.

                          Just offering to do same for you and yours (those with pussies) as trump did and said.

                          WhAt problem you got with this ? Just quote what you said about trump at time ANYTHING else is .....wait for it ......


                          "Just bring your daughter over and if you behave like a good little cuckservative we will let you watch."

                          This is your Progressive Party future. Embrace it, those on the Left. He speaks for all of you now.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Ok I say she left you long ago but if she's still with you send your wife over I want to show her what trump has empowered us to do. Problems ? Take it up with trump but he'll be busy with the FCC, IRS and generally accumulating impeachable offenses.

                            Gonna be like bizarro world Clinton years with all the investigations etc

                            You will love it. May even see us bust a few moves we learned from you.

                            You could come over too. Not my style but since you have one , happy to arrange for you to be grabbed by Pussy too

                            You and wife are over age of majority right? Remeber consent doesn't matter in trump world since I'm your better ....i get to grab what I want

                            Trump rules so since you must be a family full of Pussies bring me all

                            Anyone who did not vote for trump is entitled to consent but trump backers get grabbed no questions asked

                            Too stupid to get it? Gonna love your future

                            Keep whining
                            "Just bring your daughter over and if you behave like a good little cuckservative we will let you watch."

                            This is your Progressive Party future. Embrace it, those on the Left. He speaks for all of you now.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              This is what the Democratic party has been reduced to. You can see it everyday on the news. Anarchists who will say and do anything to attempt to forward their agenda. It is backfiring badly. But they consider their opinions to be right and just, so nothing is off limits.

                              Keep it up!
                              Not to mention being lectured actor !

                              In a theatre that for the overwhelming majority of people would be so far out of their abilities to buy a ticket...


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Not to mention being lectured actor !

                                In a theatre that for the overwhelming majority of people would be so far out of their abilities to buy a ticket...
                                This Larry guy sounds like a truly disturbed individual.


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