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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Cujo, I've have said about a half-dozen times that yes, I do. It's actually my model as to WHY I think the #BLM is.
    I'll's not an outrage, it's an inquiry. Nothing more, nothing less.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      I'll's not an outrage, it's an inquiry. Nothing more, nothing less.
      To equate the white supremecy and neo-nanzi movements with BLM is absurd on its face.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        That's just it - we need to give them all new BMWs so the cops won't have a reason to pull them over for being in violation of the law and while we are it we need to give them advanced degrees and six figure employment.
        Wrong. Cops always pull over blacks in BMWs.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          To equate the white supremecy and neo-nanzi movements with BLM is absurd on its face.
          "Equate" means that one considers them the same. I don't see where anyone has said that. "Relate" would be a better term.

          And, yes I do.

          Explain why you feel differently.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            OK, so there is a amount of time for the violence to be committed before it becomes the level of "terrorism".

            What is that time? A year? Ten? Twenty? Fifty?

            Unintended, spillage? Unintended by whom? That person who dropped a concrete block on someone's head surely seemed intentional.

            When does activism become terrorism? Where do YOU, the great decider, draw the line?
            So are you prepared to call the police, as a group, a terrorist organization? All because of a few who get out of line with violence?

            We all live in different realities. If you watched CNN and then Fox you got two radically different views on how Obama did yesterday in Dallas. We attach to the narratives we want to attach ourselves to.

            Have you read the bios of some of the primary BLM figures? All could be doing something very different and being very successful with their time. Those trying to suggest that these persons are white haters with white hate as their primary motivation are simply clueless, and we know what narrative you are watching.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Unfortunately your assertion is dead wrong. We have IT guys where I work making $100K+ that fit that description. Maybe in your Leave it to Beaver 1950's fantasy world that is the case but not in the world the millennials will control in another 20 years. Grow up and accept that the world doesn't fit your neat little martinis and lucky strikes scenario.
              #1 I don't smoke and I don't drink hard alcohol, so why the broad brush, BIGOT? And thanks for proving once again how close minded the so called "liberal" really is.

              #2 Your exception does not prove the rule. The kid with no education, whether black or white, is unlikely to find more than a minimum wage job, if they can even able to find that, ESPECIALLY when decked out in tattoos, piercings, or dressed like a gang member. Haven't you just read about the millenials fired because they didn't want to comply with the company dress code?


              I have 3 personal examples. First, my daughter was called before HR for wearing capris to work which she didn't realize was against company dress code. Second, a teller where I bank was sent home for wearing a nose ring. She never returned.I guess the nose ring was more important than the $11/hour and experience she'd gain working the teller line. Third, a friend of my daughter's who works at a local country club was told to ditch her nose ring if she wanted the job.

              That's life. It's all about the choices you make. If you can find a better job and keep your body art and clothing choices, by all means have at it. Otherwise you've got to play the game.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                "Equate" means that one considers them the same. I don't see where anyone has said that. "Relate" would be a better term.

                And, yes I do.

                Explain why you feel differently.
                Yes, you do, what?

                BLM grew out of a real problem. How many unnecessary deaths do we have to see for you to get that? And the deaths are just the tip of the iceberg. They are trying to educate about how blacks, even very educated blacks with their own sons and daughters, live life every day in a world that is still very racist. The deniers of racism and blindness to their experience on a daily basis can be "related to" the climate change deniers.


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  That's just it - we need to give them all new BMWs so the cops won't have a reason to pull them over for being in violation of the law and while we are it we need to give them advanced degrees and six figure employment.
                  Ah, but here's another finding MacDonald found in her research, blacks were more likely to drive above the speed limit, so giving them a BMW might just exacerbate the problem.


                    McKesson was President of the student body at Bowdoin. Does that fit with your narrative? Got a similar neo-nazi leader to offer?


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Yes, you do, what?

                      BLM grew out of a real problem. How many unnecessary deaths do we have to see for you to get that? And the deaths are just the tip of the iceberg. They are trying to educate about how blacks, even very educated blacks with their own sons and daughters, live life every day in a world that is still very racist. The deniers of racism and blindness to their experience on a daily basis can be "related to" the climate change deniers.
                      I relate the two. They are not equal.

                      Yes, grew out of a real problem. I'd go as far as to say it's a cause I support overall.

                      That doesn't mean it doesn't meet the definition of terrorism.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Yes, you do, what?

                        BLM grew out of a real problem. How many unnecessary deaths do we have to see for you to get that? And the deaths are just the tip of the iceberg. They are trying to educate about how blacks, even very educated blacks with their own sons and daughters, live life every day in a world that is still very racist. The deniers of racism and blindness to their experience on a daily basis can be "related to" the climate change deniers.
                        yeah it stinks for the law abiding blacks, we get it. Until blacks as a group stop being the plague on society that they are it is the price the law abiding ones have to pay. Sorry but that's the way it is.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          McKesson was President of the student body at Bowdoin. Does that fit with your narrative? Got a similar neo-nazi leader to offer?
                          Great for him. I have two family members that were Bowdoin grads. Fantastic school. Doesn't matter as you seem to indicate I'm calling all blacks thugs or something. Far from that.

                          What's my narrative? That using coercion and intimidation through violence for a political cause relates to terrorism, in accordance to the definition?


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            yeah it stinks for the law abiding blacks, we get it. Until blacks as a group stop being the plague on society that they are it is the price the law abiding ones have to pay. Sorry but that's the way it is.
                            And how come you and I don't have to pay for the whites who aren't law-abiding? Ever watched some of the white characters on those prison shows in places like Utah?


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              So are you prepared to call the police, as a group, a terrorist organization? All because of a few who get out of line with violence?

                              We all live in different realities. If you watched CNN and then Fox you got two radically different views on how Obama did yesterday in Dallas. We attach to the narratives we want to attach ourselves to.

                              Have you read the bios of some of the primary BLM figures? All could be doing something very different and being very successful with their time. Those trying to suggest that these persons are white haters with white hate as their primary motivation are simply clueless, and we know what narrative you are watching.
                              If the police are using violence through coercion and intimidation for a political cause, then yes.

                              Yes, I've read their bios. Impressive. How does that matter?


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Great for him. I have two family members that were Bowdoin grads. Fantastic school. Doesn't matter as you seem to indicate I'm calling all blacks thugs or something. Far from that.

                                What's my narrative? That using coercion and intimidation through violence for a political cause relates to terrorism, in accordance to the definition?
                                Your argument is autistic. You keep compulsively referring to some definition, which is leading you to compare things that are radically different. Again, violence isn't central to the mission of BLM. Are you going to call the police a terrorist organization because they meet every single aspect of your 'definition'???


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