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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks a

    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Title con don't you find it strange that Trump has fired so many for so called incompetence, when he himself hired them in the first place? In fact he's sung their praises when he brought them on board, but the minute they speak up or won't do his bidding he sh it cans them. It isn't incompetence title con; it's that Trump's demand of 100% fealty to HIM.

    And don't bullsh it a bunch of bullsh iters Title Con. You are 100% GOP and die hard Trump loyalist.
    people get hired and fired from there bosses all the time in the real world you lazy bum. If you got out of your parents basement apartment you would know this dummy.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      It’s now down to 41 and 42.1 respectively. Dropping more each and every day. I think that’s what’s called a trend.
      Even his favorite Rasmussen has him down 13pts vs approval. Will he slap them with a cease and desist order like he did CNN? :) The world's biggest snowflake lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        people get hired and fired from there bosses all the time in the real world you lazy bum. If you got out of your parents basement apartment you would know this dummy.
        Another title Con favorite: a poster in the basement. Of course it's title Con projection


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Even his favorite Rasmussen has him down 13pts vs approval. Will he slap them with a cease and desist order like he did CNN? :) The world's biggest snowflake lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

          Love how the snowflake showed his true colors and scurried to the bunker when protestors showed up outside the WH.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Love how the snowflake showed his true colors and scurried to the bunker when protestors showed up outside the WH.
            Of course. Haven’t used it in a while but I have previously referred to him as a WATB - Whiny Ass Titty Baby....

            Let me share with you (and WATB Titlecon!) and other readers one of the best things I’ve seen today -

            OUR Donald CAN'T BREATHE with all these ongoing protests! We were SUPPOSED to have MASSIVE PARADES for him, applauding him for his GOOD (great) RESPONSE to the virus and the protests, and for looking GREAT despite working hard! Donald matters too! #DonaldMatters
            ^^^^ 😂😂😂😂😢😂


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Another title Con favorite: a poster in the basement. Of course it's title Con projection
              Didn’t Donnie hide in his basement when he got scared of the big, bad protestors outside ?

              You might enjoy this. I’m loving her work. Let’s you focus on his insane words without also reacting to the orange pile of shi* at the same time.

              “how to bunker” 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿😂😂😂😂😂😂



                Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks a

                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Title Con is the most ignorant poster to ever post here.

                Hey Dummy, for the umpteenth time, it’s their not there. Jesus.

                The Salem witch trials did not result in anyone being burned to death.

                Crack a book sometime.
                thank you for the clarification, they were unfortunately stoned and or hanged to death over BULLSH-T lies and allegations (aka NO PROOF) sound familiar?


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  thank you for the clarification, they were unfortunately stoned and or hanged to death over BULLSH-T lies and allegations (aka NO PROOF) sound familiar?
                  Says the fawning sycophant of the assclown who makes all kinds of allegations with NO PROOF.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Says the fawning sycophant of the assclown who makes all kinds of allegations with NO PROOF.
                    That's the thing with these cultists; Trump walks on water and can do no wrong. The funny think is that the proof of Trump's misconduct has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. But if you bow to the Dear Leader you just don't see it. Just some examples:

                    -Defrauded students with a fake university -- done that and paid only $25 million as a penalty.

                    -Defrauded givers to his "charity" -- done that, paid $2 million and agreed that neither he nor his fraudsters kids could be involved with charities.

                    -Paid of porn stars to help rig an election -- done that, and is now an unindicted co-conspirator on his way to jail around January 21, 2021 or a few month later.

                    -Entered into a letter of intent to develop a hotel in Moscow months before the elections while lying to us citizens about it -- did that.

                    -Communicated with WikiLeaks on the email dump while lying to the citizens about it before and after the elections -- did that.

                    -Defendant in lawsuits stemming from his sexual harassment - did that.

                    -Get impeached - did that.

                    I can go on and on. Don't matter to Title Con. Poor draft dodging BunkerBoy is a victim. Despite all the PROOF.


                      Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks a

                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Says the fawning sycophant of the assclown who makes all kinds of allegations with NO PROOF.

                      here is the proof, if you don't want to read it thats not my fault and don't blame me for your own ignorance.

                      These are real cities with real crime statistics with real mayors running them. (its not my fault they happen to be democrats).

                      Im sure you remember this old saying: "you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink it" it applies here with you.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                        here is the proof, if you don't want to read it thats not my fault and don't blame me for your own ignorance.

                        These are real cities with real crime statistics with real mayors running them. (its not my fault they happen to be democrats).

                        Im sure you remember this old saying: "you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink it" it applies here with you.
                        What a lost cause you are. What do the democratic mayors have to do with what the generals and admirals are saying about BunkerBoy not being fit to be the president of the United States?


                          Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks a

                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                          here is the proof, if you don't want to read it thats not my fault and don't blame me for your own ignorance.

                          These are real cities with real crime statistics with real mayors running them. (its not my fault they happen to be democrats).

                          Im sure you remember this old saying: "you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink it" it applies here with you.
                          Hey just to show that I am fair below is the link the USAs most safe cities. Ironically most of these cities have a Republican Mayor that i can see. But Yonkers, NY is #2 with Democrat Mayor Spano.

                          Like I said the data is here. its for your own benefit to do your own research and make your own determinations...not what fox or cnn or cbs telling you what to think and what to feel.


                            Con wants to ignore fact that entire country is going up in flames because of Trump’s failed leadership. What to do? What to do? I know! Let’s harp about Democratic mayors.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Hey just to show that I am fair below pis the link the USAs most safe cities. Ironically most of these cities have a Republican Mayor that i can see. But Yonkers, NY is #2 with Democrat Mayor Spano.

                              Like I said the data is here. its for your own benefit to do your own research and make your own determinations...not what fox or cnn or cbs telling you what to think and what to feel.

                              Cons are such tools.

                              Con go chew your leg off over this. BIGGER fish to fry over here ....


                              Going to pay for al that executive overreach!


                                Originally posted by unregistered View Post
                                con wants to ignore fact that entire country is going up in flames because of trump’s failed leadership. What to do? What to do? I know! Let’s harp about democratic mayors.
                                ^^^^ 💯 👏


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