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          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          76% agreed with Trump. 76%!!!

          Can't get around those numbers TMan.

          And it doesn't matter where Schultz is polling at this point. He hasn't even officially declared yet. What matters is what Schultz is saying and a lot of people agree with him.

          Just a little trivia, do you know where Bill Clinton was polling at this point in his first term? 39% according to Gallup.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            So let me get this straight. Two prominent Virginia Democrats admit to doing blackface. One prominent Virginia Democrat (and a whole lot of other Democrats and their supportive media) have been accused, many proven, to have sexually assaulted women. A Democrat candidate for president who has denied using her fake Native American heritage to get jobs has been proven to have used her fake Native American heritage on her bar registration. All this in just 5 days??? Wow.
            Here’s what you better pray for con.

            If, as I want , they resign , there is going to be a LOT of pressure on GOP to purge their ranks of same ....

            It will be GLORIOUS!






                  Cartoon con is BACK.....

                  So Rep. Adam Schiff has cordially invited the Trump regime to
                  An ankle grabbing party , otherwise known as an oversight hearing ....


                  Obviously you are upset about that . Not going your way like it was ....


                    A 2014 report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that an abysmal 18 percent of American high school kids were proficient in US history.

                    What is being taught as "history" today is by leftist like Howard Zinn. No coincidence that AOC's alma mater is BU where Zinn was a political science professor.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Cartoon con is BACK.....

                      So Rep. Adam Schiff has cordially invited the Trump regime to
                      An ankle grabbing party , otherwise known as an oversight hearing ....


                      Obviously you are upset about that . Not going your way like it was ....
                      Who's afraid of Little Adam Schitt?

                      Just more disappointment waiting for you TMan.

                      Little Adam Schitt is not the savior you think he is.


                        Now that was not very nice.

                        Justin Fairfax said “f*ck that b*tch” as he tried to discredit his accuser during a private meeting Monday night, sources tell @NBCNews’ @GeoffRBennett and me.



                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          No need - he’s polling at less than 1%
                          By the lady who predicted Trump could win because she actually left New York and Washington to talk to the people in middle America.

                          A Pew survey on political ideology last November showed overall Americans place themselves close to the midpoint on the ideological scale. Why would someone running as a centrist get so much guff?

                          ... An independent candidate like Schultz hits both establishment parties' weaknesses; they care more about their donors and their activists than the majority of the people in this country, who is just looking for competent leadership.


                            Welcome to the America run by Progressive Democrats.

                            San Francisco is one of the richest cities it the world. It's given us music, technology and elegant architecture.

                            Now it gives us filthy homeless encampments.

                            One urban planner told me, "I just returned from the Tenderloin (a section of San Francisco). It's worse than slums of India, Haiti, Africa!"

                            So I went to San Francisco to make a video about that.

                            I've never seen slums in Africa, but I've seen them in Haiti and India.

                            What I saw in San Francisco looked similar. As one local resident put it, "There's **** everywhere. It's just a mess out here."

                            There's also lots of mental illness. One man told us, "Vampires are real. I'm paranoid as hell." San Francisco authorities mostly leave the mentally ill to fend for themselves on the street.

                            Other vagrants complain about them. "They make it bad for people like us that hang out with a sign," one beggar told us.

                            San Francisco is a pretty good place to "hang out with a sign." People are rarely arrested for vagrancy, aggressive panhandling or going to the bathroom in front of people's homes. In 2015, there were 60,491 complaints to police, but only 125 people were arrested.

                            Public drug use is generally ignored. One woman told us, "It's nasty seeing people shoot up -- right in front of you. Police don't do anything about it! They'll get somebody for drinking a beer but walk right past people using needles."

                            Each day in San Francisco, an average of 85 cars are broken into.

                            San Francisco is generous. It offers street people food stamps, free shelter, train tickets and $70 a month in cash.

                            "They're always offering resources," one man dressed as Santa told us. "San Francisco's just a good place to hang out."

                            So every week, new people arrive.


                              Meanwhile on the other coast.

                              Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that state income tax revenues plummeted by $2.3 billion since he introduced his new budget plan last month — a bombshell that will force him to curb spending.

                              Cuomo’s preliminary analysis claims much of the impact is coming from a drop in revenues from the state’s highest income earners most impacted by the loss of write-offs of state and local tax deductions, known as SALT.

                              The federal law approved by President Trump and the then-GOP controlled Congress limited SALT deductions to $10,000.

                              The loss of revenue from New York’s wealthiest puts New York in a bind because the state relies on a progressive income tax system that taxes the rich at a higher rate.

                              One percent of the state’s top income earners provide 46 percent of the state’s personal income tax revenues, officials said.

                              Cuomo said Albany can’t go to the well and tax the wealthy again because that would only worsen the situation, citing “anecdotal” evidence that high-income New Yorkers are already fleeing the state to lower-tax jurisdictions.

                              He offered no figures to back up the claim.

                              “I don’t believe raising taxes on the rich. That would be the worst thing to do. You would just expand the shortfall,” he said. “God forbid if the rich leave.”


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                A 2014 report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that an abysmal 18 percent of American high school kids were proficient in US history.

                                What is being taught as "history" today is by leftist like Howard Zinn. No coincidence that AOC's alma mater is BU where Zinn was a political science professor.
                                The stench of desperation inherent in that long reach around there has me giddy.

                                Your take that AOC had a bad day is shared by nine other than ....wait for it ...Peggy Noonan


                                You fear that 28 yr old congresswoman like nothing I’ve ever seen . Has more to say abiutntiu than her .

                                But let’s talk about the transcripts heading over to Mueller from the other target of your frothy rage ....Schiff ...think that leads to indictments ? Wanting your con tAke on those events


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