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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    I'm not saying this at are the "con" we all know this, stop spreading BS....your analogy for what happened to you when you were a "teen" is a poor one. A background check is standard procedure for any company or organization....they can go back into your history at birth if the organization wants too....they were doing a background check as you said...not investigating a crime.

    Usually when a crime is committed across multiple states than the matter...any matter becomes a federal matter, so FBI. If a crime is committed in a single state it is a local issue.
    Try to make sense . ^^^^ just blather

    The issue is this ....Trump and GOP, especially Grassley, TOLD us the Ramirez allegations were investigated, but apparently that was a LIE. Seven witnesses that Ramirez identified weren’t contacted by FBI, nor did they contact any of a larger group of 25 potential witnesses they knew of. Further, they didn’t investigate a second similar incident we didn’t know about .

    Simple music con.

    Now go defend your boy kavanaugh as the details of his behavior get put before public again. That will help you win hearts and minds in 2020.


      Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Try to make sense . ^^^^ just blather

      The issue is this ....Trump and GOP, especially Grassley, TOLD us the Ramirez allegations were investigated, but apparently that was a LIE. Seven witnesses that Ramirez identified weren’t contacted by FBI, nor did they contact any of a larger group of 25 potential witnesses they knew of. Further, they didn’t investigate a second similar incident we didn’t know about .

      Simple music con.

      Now go defend your boy kavanaugh as the details of his behavior get put before public again. That will help you win hearts and minds in 2020.
      Liberal "modern which hunting" in hi gear....there were no whiches in 1692 and there are no whiches today...obviously all BS propaganda...dems getting nervous as 2020 is coming fast.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Liberal "modern which hunting" in hi gear....there were no whiches in 1692 and there are no whiches today...obviously all BS propaganda...dems getting nervous as 2020 is coming fast.
        ^^^^ desperately doesn’t want to hear from over two dozen witnesses to kavanaughs depravity


        The book showing the “investigation “ was a sham going to be a doozy


          Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          ^^^^ desperately doesn’t want to hear from over two dozen witnesses to kavanaughs depravity


          The book showing the “investigation “ was a sham going to be a doozy
          all of a sudden "two dozen witnesses" ????? just like that two dozen does not sound fishy to you? were were the witnesses 5 years ago? 10 years ago? 20 years ago? none of this sounds fishy? typical liberal fools reading/listening and believing everything they read and hear but never questioning anything???!!! ever.....such fools you are.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            all of a sudden "two dozen witnesses" ????? just like that two dozen does not sound fishy to you? were were the witnesses 5 years ago? 10 years ago? 20 years ago? none of this sounds fishy? typical liberal fools reading/listening and believing everything they read and hear but never questioning anything???!!! ever.....such fools you are.
            Oh come on man.

            “Animal House” behaviors are one thing but from a future Supreme Court Justice ?

            Fishy. Have you read the Ramirez first hand account before judging ? I mean could you pass a quiz on the basic details of this story ? Or are you just doing the con thing of muddying waters regardless of truth , in your self interest of course .

            Ramirez herself provides the names of seven eyewitnesses I believe. Weren’t interviewed. Some of those present provided names of others so 25 potentially total.

            Then there is the independent but similar report.

            So you’d better defend ....would suck for you guys to lose that seat to the next president


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Liberal "modern which hunting" in hi gear....there were no whiches in 1692 and there are no whiches today...obviously all BS propaganda...dems getting nervous as 2020 is coming fast.
              😢 😭 😢 as much as you are loved to but all we see is another adult white make ❄️ whining about being held accountable for what was once standard tolerated white male behavior


              Times they are a’changing and it’s YOUR job to keep up with the times, paleface


                RBG must have a had a bad couple of days for the Times to do this. DNC is in a panic so they must try and take out Kavanaugh.
                Desperation in full view, and the 2020 Dem candidates pile on proves it.

                There will be no Impeachment. Of anyone.


                  Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  😢 😭 😢 as much as you are loved to but all we see is another adult white make ❄️ whining about being held accountable for what was once standard tolerated white male behavior


                  Times they are a’changing and it’s YOUR job to keep up with the times, paleface
                  ah yes coming from the white guy sitting in his swivel chair, with a privileged upbringing, living in MA who knows all about racism!!!! (hey you brought it up)!!!!! do us all a favor and stfu!!!!!!


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Liberal "modern which hunting" in hi gear....there were no whiches in 1692 and there are no whiches today...obviously all BS propaganda...dems getting nervous as 2020 is coming fast.
                    Dude if we don’t start taking sexual harassment seriously women will never feel safe and there is no better place to start applying a better standard than Supreme Court justices


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      ah yes coming from the white guy sitting in his swivel chair, with a privileged upbringing, living in MA who knows all about racism!!!! (hey you brought it up)!!!!! do us all a favor and stfu!!!!!!
                      It isn’t about race. Though nominally Caucasian I have a dusky hue and spend a lot of time outside. I am occasionally mistaken to be Hispanic.

                      You spend so much time in front of your computer in your 4000 square foot meth palace in the hinterlands of NH I just know you don’t get enough sunshine / Vitamin D.

                      Cons always see race.

                      Perhaps these cons should introduce their daughters to the young Republican kavanaugh s in training by taking them to the next CPAC convention


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        ^^^^ desperately doesn’t want to hear from over two dozen witnesses to kavanaughs depravity


                        The book showing the “investigation “ was a sham going to be a doozy
                        Insert fingers into con's ears and sing " LA LA LA LA"


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          all of a sudden "two dozen witnesses" ????? just like that two dozen does not sound fishy to you? were were the witnesses 5 years ago? 10 years ago? 20 years ago? none of this sounds fishy? typical liberal fools reading/listening and believing everything they read and hear but never questioning anything???!!! ever.....such fools you are.
                          No it wasnt' "all of a sudden." Many tried to contact the FBI themselves. Higher ups told investigators who they could and couldn't talk to and what questions they were allowed to ask. Amazingly this was all pre Bill Barr. If he'd been in charge no one would have been interviewed.


                            Just another News Cycle to fill. Nothing else is sticking , Dem 2020 hopefuls mostly Left, flopping around, so there needs to be another attack .

                            Russian Agent ? Zero
                            Russians threw the election for Trump ? Zero
                            Trump family in handcuffs ? Zero
                            Stock Market will crash under Trump ? Zero
                            Impeach Trump ? Zero

                            2020 Dems wants to put millions of Americans out of work so they can take everything over.
                            The word is getting out.


                            Have you see this guy on CNN and MSNBC lately ?Maybe he'll be back with more " evidence" against Kavanaugh .

                            Michael Avenatti, accused of attempted extortion, blames ‘vindictive’ prosecutors


                              Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              It isn’t about race. Though nominally Caucasian I have a dusky hue and spend a lot of time outside. I am occasionally mistaken to be Hispanic.

                              You spend so much time in front of your computer in your 4000 square foot meth palace in the hinterlands of NH I just know you don’t get enough sunshine / Vitamin D.

                              Cons always see race.

                              Perhaps these cons should introduce their daughters to the young Republican kavanaugh s in training by taking them to the next CPAC convention
                              hey con, you brought up the race thing...let me direct you to your post from 34 minutes ago:

                              "😢 😭 😢 as much as you are loved to but all we see is another adult white make ❄️ whining about being held accountable for what was once standard tolerated white male behavior


                              Times they are a’changing and it’s YOUR job to keep up with the times, paleface"


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Just another News Cycle to fill. Nothing else is sticking , Dem 2020 hopefuls mostly Left, flopping around, so there needs to be another attack .

                                Russian Agent ? Zero
                                Russians threw the election for Trump ? Zero
                                Trump family in handcuffs ? Zero
                                Stock Market will crash under Trump ? Zero
                                Impeach Trump ? Zero

                                2020 Dems wants to put millions of Americans out of work so they can take everything over.
                                The word is getting out.


                                Have you see this guy on CNN and MSNBC lately ?Maybe he'll be back with more " evidence" against Kavanaugh .

                                Michael Avenatti, accused of attempted extortion, blames ‘vindictive’ prosecutors
                                The only one getting desperate is Trump. His behavior gets more erratic by the week.


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