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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

    I suggest you suffer through the click and give it a read.
    That entire article is based on a fundamentally bogus premise. Mark Penn is apparently something of a dummy. Or will say anything for money.

    "President Trump needs to realize that his rhetoric and style have to change if he wants to keep his job for another six years."

    Lol! The criminal Trump won't make it to the end of his 1st term, let alone be re-elected to a second. Ain't got a thing to do with "rhetoric and style".


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Does mnuchin matter? With a court order will all career employees stand behind mnuchin or respect the court order ?
      Good point. Now that you mention it, if it were me I would ignore Mnuchin and hand it over.

      So, I guess the real question is... would Trump have any sway over which court / judge hears the case? A Trump-friendly judge, or a Letter of the Law Judge?


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Good point. Now that you mention it, if it were me I would ignore Mnuchin and hand it over.

        So, I guess the real question is... would Trump have any sway over which court / judge hears the case? A Trump-friendly judge, or a Letter of the Law Judge?
        I wouldn’t risk my pension either.

        Newt Gingrich has been heard to say that they will see whether the kavanaugh battle was worth it ....

        But I really think at that point a good civil servant will leak it ....trump THINKS he’s seen opposition....


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          That entire article is based on a fundamentally bogus premise. Mark Penn is apparently something of a dummy. Or will say anything for money.

          "President Trump needs to realize that his rhetoric and style have to change if he wants to keep his job for another six years."

          Lol! The criminal Trump won't make it to the end of his 1st term, let alone be re-elected to a second. Ain't got a thing to do with "rhetoric and style".

          Also, Penn is basically saying let's all just look the other way and ignore Trump's many crimes, up to and including treason, and hold hands and work together now. yeah.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Nah of the guys (Thomas , scalito , Roberts ) is just as likely to infarct. Rehnquist checked out prematurely as I recall and Roberts has some kind of chronic issue reportedly and Clarence as an elderly sedentary African American man should watch his blood pressure and kidney function at his age .

            Average life expectancy for African American males nationwide is 72 and Clarence has yet to reach “average” while Ginsburg overachieved ....

            I’m good with Ruth for two. Let’s roll the dice cons!

            You were saying TMan?

            Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, is hospitalized after fracturing 3 ribs in fall.



              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Federal law gives congressional tax committees the power to obtain anyone’s tax returns. If the taxpayer doesn’t consent in writing, the committees still have the power to obtain the returns in a secret meeting.

              In response to a written request, the law says, “the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.”

              Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin would review any such request with department lawyers “for legality,” according to a spokesperson.

              “I don’t think there’s any reasonable basis to resist,” said Steve Rosenthal, a senior fellow with the Tax Policy Center. But, he added, “there’s no telling what this president will do, whether he’ll flout the law.”

              It's not a question of if Trump will flout the law... of course he will. The question is will Mnuchin obey an order from Trump not to release the returns and be willing to defy a court order that he must? We're going to be in crazyland real soon.
              Seriously??? You don't think the Obama administration hadn't already done this in 2016? If there was anything actually there, we'd know about it by now. Just more BS come from the lefty socialist progressives formally known as Democrats.


                Twenty four hours later, and still no Republicans, rioting over losing the house.


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Does mnuchin matter? With a court order will all career employees stand behind mnuchin or respect the court order ?
                  Are you saying he might do what Rosenstein and others have done the past two years? Ignore Congressional subpoenas?


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    You were saying TMan?

                    Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, is hospitalized after fracturing 3 ribs in fall.


                    The Supreme Court says 85-year-old Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fractured three ribs in a fall in her office at the court and is in the hospital.

                    The court says the justice went to George Washington University Hospital in Washington early Thursday after experiencing discomfort overnight. The court says the fall occurred Wednesday evening.

                    Ginsburg was admitted to the hospital for treatment and observation after tests showed she fractured three ribs.

                    Ginsburg broke two ribs in a fall in 2012. She has had two prior bouts with cancer and had a stent implanted to open a blocked artery in 2014.


                    Like I said, better hope she stays upright and taking fluids.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      You were saying TMan?

                      Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, is hospitalized after fracturing 3 ribs in fall.

                      The lib are sh*tting themselves.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Also, Penn is basically saying let's all just look the other way and ignore Trump's many crimes, up to and including treason, and hold hands and work together now. yeah.
                        Another delusional post from the left wing.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          The lib are sh*tting themselves.
                          That would be awesome if the best President in modern history got another, or two/three, SJC appointment.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Another delusional post from the left wing.
                            Absolutely. If you read the article, there's lots to think about from both sides and the author is from the left.

                            But, anytime you point out anything they breaks their superiority complex, they just disregard it outright. Then, minutes later, they will cry about lack of bipartisanship.



                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              I don't blame him. When will Acosta realize he's not the only one who wants to ask a question?
                              If you or I acted like Acosta at one of our annual town meetings, we would be immediately escorted out the door by a police officer. Yet this clown has been able to get away with this BS...... at least until today.

                              And the lefties will whine, "Freedom of the press!" Wake me up when Trump does anything remotely like what Obama did to James Rosen of Fox, James Risen of the New York Times or any of the Associated Press reporters whose records he seized.




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