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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    I noticed he didn’t look well.

    The musky smell of “Eau de Trapped Rat “ was so thick in the room it cutnaxross the airwaves . He KNOWS this is trouble but doubled down and is trying to bully bully bully

    Sessions just resigned.





            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

            Sessions just resigned.
            No Trump shi× canned him not long after his incoherent 90 min press conference. He's unhinged and terrified of Mueller. Sessions replacement is a Trump loyalist who has written Trump's fimances should stay outside of the Mueller investigation.


              An American flag mural in a small town in New York was vandalized after several protesters started calling for a boycott, claiming it is a symbol of hate and oppression.

              The town of New Paltz rallied together a few weeks ago to help raise funds and show support for the patriotic painting proposed by La Bella Pizza Bistro owner Maria Lisante to*cover a rundown brick wall on the side of her building, which is across the street from an elementary school. Just days before the mural was completed, it was defaced.

              "I’m saddened and disappointed," said Garcia. "It’s one thing to disagree with something but it shouldn’t mean must destroy it. I feel bad for the artist who has put so much time and effort into this painting."

              Sadly, today, that is exactly what it means. If you disagree with something - you destroy it

              Scary times


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                No Trump shi× canned him not long after his incoherent 90 min press conference. He's unhinged and terrified of Mueller. Sessions replacement is a Trump loyalist who has written Trump's fimances should stay outside of the Mueller investigation.
                Yes trump reportedly asked for the resignation today and received an undated letter.

                So he was fired


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  An American flag mural in a small town in New York was vandalized after several protesters started calling for a boycott, claiming it is a symbol of hate and oppression.

                  The town of New Paltz rallied together a few weeks ago to help raise funds and show support for the patriotic painting proposed by La Bella Pizza Bistro owner Maria Lisante to*cover a rundown brick wall on the side of her building, which is across the street from an elementary school. Just days before the mural was completed, it was defaced.

                  "I’m saddened and disappointed," said Garcia. "It’s one thing to disagree with something but it shouldn’t mean must destroy it. I feel bad for the artist who has put so much time and effort into this painting."

                  Sadly, today, that is exactly what it means. If you disagree with something - you destroy it

                  Scary times
                  I think you are describing the GOP deal to impede Obama in 2008 there


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    I think you are describing the GOP deal to impede Obama in 2008 there
                    No, I'm talking about today's culture. It's the "I'm gonna' put my fingers in my ears and scream until you give me candy" tact that the Dems encourage.

                    Oh, wait. Sorry, it's "protest". No consideration for the owner, who paid for some art to pretty up the place. No consideration for the artist, who spent a lot of time and should feel proud for their work.

                    Nope - I don't like it so you can't enjoy it either.



                      The musky smell of “Eau de Trapped Rat“



                        You think Trump was unhinged today? When Mueller unloads on him and his kids he will go ape****. Someday your grandkids will be asking you how you could possibly have supported such a lunatic.


                          Federal law gives congressional tax committees the power to obtain anyone’s tax returns. If the taxpayer doesn’t consent in writing, the committees still have the power to obtain the returns in a secret meeting.

                          In response to a written request, the law says, “the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.”

                          Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin would review any such request with department lawyers “for legality,” according to a spokesperson.

                          “I don’t think there’s any reasonable basis to resist,” said Steve Rosenthal, a senior fellow with the Tax Policy Center. But, he added, “there’s no telling what this president will do, whether he’ll flout the law.”

                          It's not a question of if Trump will flout the law... of course he will. The question is will Mnuchin obey an order from Trump not to release the returns and be willing to defy a court order that he must? We're going to be in crazyland real soon.



                            I suggest you suffer through the click and give it a read.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              No, I'm talking about today's culture. It's the "I'm gonna' put my fingers in my ears and scream until you give me candy" tact that the Dems encourage.

                              Oh, wait. Sorry, it's "protest". No consideration for the owner, who paid for some art to pretty up the place. No consideration for the artist, who spent a lot of time and should feel proud for their work.

                              Nope - I don't like it so you can't enjoy it either.

                              I think when one party sets a trend for a decade while they have all the power, sudden lurches suggesting “softness” by the opposition are best accompanied by offering acts not words .



                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Federal law gives congressional tax committees the power to obtain anyone’s tax returns. If the taxpayer doesn’t consent in writing, the committees still have the power to obtain the returns in a secret meeting.

                                In response to a written request, the law says, “the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.”

                                Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin would review any such request with department lawyers “for legality,” according to a spokesperson.

                                “I don’t think there’s any reasonable basis to resist,” said Steve Rosenthal, a senior fellow with the Tax Policy Center. But, he added, “there’s no telling what this president will do, whether he’ll flout the law.”

                                It's not a question of if Trump will flout the law... of course he will. The question is will Mnuchin obey an order from Trump not to release the returns and be willing to defy a court order that he must? We're going to be in crazyland real soon.
                                Does mnuchin matter? With a court order will all career employees stand behind mnuchin or respect the court order ?


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