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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Cons don't like it women call them out on their bull*****. They prefer women like Sanders who do as they are told.
    You calling Bernie Sanders a woman? He is actually better looking than Kathy "I have a penis" Griffin.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Things are not currently trending in Democrats favor. Admit it.
      Thanks Nancy! Fantastic news.


        Amazing ....listen to them 🥜.

        Look . Day after “48 questions leaked” we learn Mueller considers subpoena for the CRIMINAL in the WH.

        The albatross approaches “ripeness.”

        Tee hee
        Bwa ha ha


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Amazing ....listen to them 🥜.

          Look . Day after “48 questions leaked” we learn Mueller considers subpoena for the CRIMINAL in the WH.

          The albatross approaches “ripeness.”

          Tee hee
          Bwa ha ha
          Lol. High-fiving each other over the brilliance of their Beyonce/Pelosi/Griffen posts ... and Trump will most likely resign sometime this year.

          Unless he's able to quickly gin-up a war with Iran, or N. Korea (if somehow the Trump/Kim Jong-un "summit" (lol) should go horribly wrong).


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Lol. High-fiving each other over the brilliance of their Beyonce/Pelosi/Griffen posts ... and Trump will most likely resign sometime this year.

            Unless he's able to quickly gin-up a war with Iran, or N. Korea (if somehow the Trump/Kim Jong-un "summit" (lol) should go horribly wrong).
            More predictions! More rooting against your country as long as Trump looks bad. Keep it up loser lefties, we love watching your contortions!


              “He dictated that whole letter. I didn’t write that letter,” Bornstein told CNN. “I just made it up as I went along.”

              Who would have EVER guessed? lol


                And the cons just eat it all up like the rubes they are ...



                  Hillary Clinton has ramped up her efforts to influence the Democratic Party and its voters in upcoming midterm elections, a move that some say only hands ammunition to Republican candidates.

                  Many thought Clinton's 2016 presidential election defeat -- which followed a failed 2008 primary campaign -- would end her political life. But the subsequent tour for the book "What Happened" has helped keep the former U.S. secretary of state visible despite her devastating loss to Donald Trump.

                  Man, she's like dog poo on the shoo - stinks and you just can't seem to get rid of all of it.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Lol. High-fiving each other over the brilliance of their Beyonce/Pelosi/Griffen posts ... and Trump will most likely resign sometime this year.

                    Unless he's able to quickly gin-up a war with Iran, or N. Korea (if somehow the Trump/Kim Jong-un "summit" (lol) should go horribly wrong).
                    The High Fives are appropriate. How many Administrations have tried to get peace in Korea ? Trump was brilliant building his relationship with China, which then related to North Korea coming to their senses. Previous Administrations will trot out the usual " you don't know who you're dealing with " scenario to bolster their image in the landscape of failure .

                    There will not be any war with Iran. That would not serve American interests. The Nuke deal that Obama signed will be in the dustbin, as it well should be. Obama is responsible for Iran and their influence in Iraq and Syria. Trump has been able to snuff ISIS out who swarmed in after Obama pulled up stakes.

                    Trump will meet with Kim maybe at the DMZ. It will be a terrific moment in history, the first step towards unification, if that's the goal. Regardless, the Nukes will be stopped .

                    Democrats will look really good in the mid terms trying to trash Trump with Russian Mueller Hysteria while he gets nominated for a Nobel Prize.

                    " Obstruction of Justice" what nonsense. He is the President. He can hire , fire, write Executive Orders , and use his Constitutionally granted authority to address the concerns of this country. No Prosecutor , Judge or Jury can Judge his opinions and policies, unless they CLEARLY break the Law. And that had been the problem all along, there isn't any evidence, and indication of any crime being committed.

                    What we hear from the Liberal MSM is the " potential for evidence " and the " possibility of evidence " and even " indications of evidence" . What nonsense, what trash. More than a year , and we still hear this crap.


                      ^^^ Why bother any longer? For all his faults and the deserved negativity toward him, Trump will never get any credit when he does something right, even historic. To give credit is a sign of weakness to a Liberal. It opens them up to the possibility to not being 100% correct all the time. That is a frightening thought to consider.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        ^^^ Why bother any longer? For all his faults and the deserved negativity toward him, Trump will never get any credit when he does something right, even historic. To give credit is a sign of weakness to a Liberal. It opens them up to the possibility to not being 100% correct all the time. That is a frightening thought to consider.
                        This quote from Reagan has never been more true.....

                        “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

                        ― Ronald Reagan

                        Liberals actively rooting for Trump to fail vs. advancing the interests of their own country. Think about that for a minute or two. Liberals would rather have failure in North Korea than have to give Trump any credit. They are so certain of their opinions, that any type of success is either discredited or rooted against. Unreal. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and scary.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          This quote from Reagan has never been more true.....

                          “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

                          ― Ronald Reagan

                          Liberals actively rooting for Trump to fail vs. advancing the interests of their own country. Think about that for a minute or two. Liberals would rather have failure in North Korea than have to give Trump any credit. They are so certain of their opinions, that any type of success is either discredited or rooted against. Unreal. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and scary.
                          I think that Trump Derangement syndrome is a manifestation of the Liberal Progressive Drumbeat over the past handful of decades. That being a constant effort to get things done their way, for their cause, for their ideology. It started in Academia, supported now by the Left leaning MSM , and heralded by the Limousine Liberals that strut around as enlightened.

                          Unchallenged most of the time in those environments, they ran into cold hard reality when their flawed candidate , the can't miss First Woman President was soundly trashed. Go back and look at the faces of the defeated on Election Night. Especially the Females. What is even scarier though now is that Trump's victory has brought out a new slate of wacko Feminists running for office, and in many cases , they are already in. Just listen to some of them speak, and you might think they are from another planet.


                            Homeless man breaks into California governor's residence, says he's an 'open-door policy kind of guy'


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Lol. Cons are so freaking clueless about what’s coming.
                              Ya, like the answer to the question why does he get two scoops of ice cream while everyone else gets only one.


                                A third woman has come forward to accuse longtime NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw of making an unwanted advance toward her early on in her journalism career.

                                Mary Reinholz claims in a new first-person testimonial that Brokaw, who was married at the time, attempted to kiss her inside her rented Los Angeles-area home 50 years ago after helping her with a story she was working on.

                                "We talked and then, abruptly, he was embracing me and giving me a French kiss," Reinholz wrote in a piece published by The Villager.

                                "I pulled away, reminding him that he was married and a tryst was out of the question," she wrote. "He said, 'Yes, it would be unfair to Meredith,' meaning his wife."

                                On Monday, NBC News staffers received a memo with guidance from the network’s standards and practices on how to handle reporting a sensitive story about sexual harassment allegations against Tom Brokaw.

                                The note, which Variety has obtained, stated: “As always in cases where sexual misconduct is alleged, we should be scrupulous in reflecting all sides.”

                                The network went on to enumerate, in great detail, exactly how on-air reporters should frame Brokaw’s side of the story. “Include relevant portions of Brokaw’s denial, his email and the email in support of him, signed by more than 60 colleagues,” read the instructions, which appeared in a company-wide system that producers and talent can access.

                                That mandate raised eyebrows among some staffers because it urged anchors to report on a document that has been the source of controversy in the newsroom. NBC News declined to comment


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