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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    After 1.5 hours the Dow is down 400. 5 more hours to go.
    <golf clap>

    Bore-us regale us about this please seem very quiet when the market PLUNGES in reaction to Trump

    What gives ?


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      <golf clap>

      Bore-us regale us about this please seem very quiet when the market PLUNGES in reaction to Trump

      What gives ?
      Jay -Z was on Letterman.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Cons not only did not try to remove him from office... they tried to make him president.
        Impeached him.

        Didn’t have the votes / didn’t want the bad press of trial in Senate

        That’s fhe ONLY reason.

        Now in trump’s case expect impeachment and removal . Senate wants to be rid of him more than nutters in house


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Jay -Z was on Letterman.
          Did he degrade the wonderful Trump culture you applaud? Ruin America?


            Con asked if the elected official who berated a teen wearing a Trump t-shirt should be removed from office.

            I responded by posting the McCain ‘joke’ about Chelsea. Was McCain removed from office? No. He became the Con party’s nominee for president.


              35 year old Benjamin Sparks, a prominent Republican political consultant who has worked for Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Scott Walker among others, was engaged to an unnamed woman. Sparks had his fiance sign a five page contract in which she agreed to be his “slave and property,” shortly after they started dating last November. This involved kneeling, looking at the ground while she spoke to him, being nude at all time, engaging in sex on demand at any time and wearing a collar. At the end of March he began to demand that she have sex with other men, while bound and blindfolded, while he watched. She refused. That led to a fight in which he allegedly attacked her. Sparks himself then called the police and then fled the scene. He apparently absconded to Texas where he is currently hiding out while there is a warrant for his arrest in Nevada.
              Bore-us? Shouldn’t you attack this man with 100 x the vehemence that you attack me?

              But you won’t.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Bore-us? Shouldn’t you attack this man with 100 x the vehemence that you attack me?

                But you won’t.
                Depends. Did he call me a racist at every juncture? Did he ask me to send over my wife and daughter so he could have his way with them? Did he brag that sex with my daughter would be the best she's ever had?

                I don't comment on what goes on inside their bedroom. If she was unwilling, then she should GTFO, and she did. If she wants to bring criminal charges, then she will.

                I thought Libs were vocal about staying out bedrooms?

                Where the line is crossed is when you reached into MY bedroom, whether you not you feel it's OK as long as you ask first, Aarav.


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Depends. Did he call me a racist at every juncture? Did he ask me to send over my wife and daughter so he could have his way with them? Did he brag that sex with my daughter would be the best she's ever had?

                  I don't comment on what goes on inside their bedroom. If she was unwilling, then she should GTFO, and she did. If she wants to bring criminal charges, then she will.

                  I thought Libs were vocal about staying out bedrooms?

                  Where the line is crossed is when you reached into MY bedroom, whether you not you feel it's OK as long as you ask first, Aarav.
                  Your daughter is in your bedroom?

                  Look Bore-us....for YEARS you regaled us about the perils of obama, Beyoncé , Clinton etc .
                  You droned on and on and on ....

                  Now that the Trump / con / GOP “movement” is a dumpster fire, you have turned your attention to me.

                  Long as you can tilt at a liberal totem, you happy.

                  For all YOU know on this anonymous forum I could be the Russian troll running YOU up the flagpole .....

                  But the bottom line is this. You are powerless to affect me at all. Get used to it.

                  Now go ********** until you pass out. That will take your edge of better than showing your HATE all afternoon .

                  Here’s what I’ll be doing



                    Trump just met with Loch Ness Pruitt Monster

                    Cons must be disappointed a true believer like him will NOT be replacing Sessions .

                    So many scalps in little over a year ....can’t even remember

                    What cabinet has EVER done this ?


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Your daughter is in your bedroom?

                      Look Bore-us....for YEARS you regaled us about the perils of obama, Beyoncé , Clinton etc .
                      You droned on and on and on ....

                      Now that the Trump / con / GOP “movement” is a dumpster fire, you have turned your attention to me.

                      Long as you can tilt at a liberal totem, you happy.

                      For all YOU know on this anonymous forum I could be the Russian troll running YOU up the flagpole .....

                      But the bottom line is this. You are powerless to affect me at all. Get used to it.

                      Now go ********** until you pass out. That will take your edge of better than showing your HATE all afternoon .

                      Here’s what I’ll be doing


                      You come after me, I point out your dirty thoughts don't fly here in America, Aarav.

                      The rest is word salad.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        You come after me, I point out your dirty thoughts don't fly here in America, Aarav.

                        The rest is word salad.
                        I'll toss your word salad.

                        Enjoy the beef.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          You come after me, I point out your dirty thoughts don't fly here in America, Aarav.

                          The rest is word salad.
                          I didn’t come after YOU Bore-us,

                          Did I not issue a BLANKET invitation for wives and daughters of CONS ....plural

                          I most certainly did. I’m a lib. I would NEVER discriminate and favor YOUR womenfolk.

                          See? Again this shows how you couldn’t resist PERSONALIZING all that.

                          Why it creates the impresssion that like trump and other cons , you might have an unhealthy relationship .

                          You didn’t take her to those daddy daughter charity proms did you?

                          On a more meta note, do you recall when cons used to revel in turning around “Alinsky rules”?

                          Good times .


                          Keep fiddling con world is BURNING


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            You come after me, I point out your dirty thoughts don't fly here in America, Aarav.

                            The rest is word salad.
                            So are you content now? Fulfilled your pedantic mission in life.

                            Oh boy. You’ve anonymously earned the world about some lib you hate .

                            Do your con leaders give you a trophy for that? Feel righteous ? Worth all your huffing and puffing?

                            Have you fulfilled your life’s dream yet? Imagining you are p’owning a single anonymous lib online?

                            Happy to be here to make your life worth living you low -rent hater !



                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              I didn’t come after YOU Bore-us,

                              Did I not issue a BLANKET invitation for wives and daughters of CONS ....plural

                              I most certainly did. I’m a lib. I would NEVER discriminate and favor YOUR womenfolk.

                              See? Again this shows how you couldn’t resist PERSONALIZING all that.

                              Why it creates the impresssion that like trump and other cons , you might have an unhealthy relationship .

                              You didn’t take her to those daddy daughter charity proms did you?

                              On a more meta note, do you recall when cons used to revel in turning around “Alinsky rules”?

                              Good times .


                              Keep fiddling con world is BURNING
                              Meant CHASTITY prom. for the dad’s saving the daughters for selves


                                So fvckin' sick

                                Enjoy your afternoon. Have to head home today so you can continue yelling at the sky in my absence.


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