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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Who is Rep Elizabeth Esty and what is the scandal associated with her?
    There definitely seems a problem in the Democrat Party with women covering for sexual harassers.

    I'm still trying to figure out why Wasserman Shultz was covering for Imran Awan.


      Speaking of background checks.....

      44 Dems, Including Wasserman Schultz, Exempted Pakistani IT Aides From Background Checks

      "Among the red flags in Abid’s background were a $1.1 million bankruptcy; six lawsuits against him or a company he owned; and at least three misdemeanor convictions including for DUI and driving on a suspended license, according to Virginia court records. Public court records show that Imran and Abid operated a car dealership referred to as CIA that took $100,000 from an Iraqi government official who is a fugitive from U.S. authorities. Numerous members of the family were tied to cryptic LLCs such as New Dawn 2001, operated out of Imran’s residence, Virginia corporation records show. Imran was the subject of repeated calls to police by multiple women and had multiple misdemeanor convictions for driving offenses, according to court records."


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Who is Rep Elizabeth Esty and what is the scandal associated with her?
        Liberal Democrat in CT.

        She had a Chief of Staff who punched an employee ( female staffer ) in the back, and in a drunken rage left her 50 voice mails saying that if" she didn't f-ing call him back he would f-ing kill her "

        Washington DC Police issued a Protective order.

        Esty did nothing for 3 months, he stayed employed in her office and may have harassed other staffers.

        She paid him off with $ 5000, vacation time, and covered his College Loans, them wrote a Letter of Recommendation for his new job, however it is unclear if the letter was used.

        All the while, she was pushing # Metoo Legislation and talking the talk.

        A classic case of a HYPOCRITE Democrat .

        She will not run for re-election. She refuses to resign.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Libs today are so easily distracted by the "shiny keys" it's embarrassing.

          JEFF GREENFIELD (five-time Emmy-winning network television analyst, currently hosting PBS's "Need To Know" and does political commentary on NBC Nightly News):

          "I’d add to this list what I call “magical cable news thinking.” My anecdotal sense is that countless liberals are drawn to the never-ending, numbing procession of TV panel after TV panel, all focused on the Mueller investigations and what they might yield. (Stormy Daniels has now become the second obsessive subject.) Whenever I click on CNN during prime time, it feels like Groundhog Day. Each hour seems to promise that any minute now, federal marshals will parade down Pennsylvania Avenue with warrants and cuffs."
          That's great, good description. And so true !


            What a disgrace.

            More than 1 million undocumented immigrants have received driver's licenses, the California Department of Motor Vehicles announced Wednesday.

            Assembly Bill 60, authored by then-Assemblyman Luis Alejo in 2013, required California DMV offices to issue driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants as long as they can prove their identity and residence within the state. The law has led to 1,001,000 undocumented immigrants receiving licenses as of March 31 but doesn't give the licensees carte blanche to drive outside of California or fly across state or federal borders.

            "Immigrants are getting tested, licensed and insured and this is making our roads safer for everyone," said Alejo, now a Monterey County supervisor, in a prepared statement. "Today, we see the law working the way it was intended to and has dramatically improved the lives of a million immigrants and their families."

            How has this improved the lives of American citizens? Laws intended to benefit illegals ? What has happened to this country ?


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              No we also need the ability to remove weapons from unstable people (Parkland ), better registration and licensing, track purchases (Vegas) and consistent laws state to state.

              Not the op


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Wasn't a cheap point. You should resign your position as resident liberal blowhard by using the term. It's offensive. Even members of the DNC think so. Shame, shame, shame.

                You, as you are so well versed in doing, shifted it to an unrelated matter and turned it into sex again.

                Leave it alone, Tee Hee. Going to give yourself sores.
                I don’t play your grade school game. Just because I don’t follow after you when you condemn some garden variety dem, I’m just pointing out truthfully that bad actors DO exist on both sides of aisle even though over GOP worse cause of that closet thing.

                See, that old dog don’t hunt anymore.



                  Con reality writ large

                  Senators from major soybean-producing states, including Republicans, are blaming Pres. Trump's aggressive actions against China for trade retaliation that could hit farmers and ranchers particularly hard.
                  Farm belt voters went 75% for Trump.He, and the GOP , NEED those margins there .

                  Good luck cons!


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    What a disgrace.

                    More than 1 million undocumented immigrants have received driver's licenses, the California Department of Motor Vehicles announced Wednesday.

                    Assembly Bill 60, authored by then-Assemblyman Luis Alejo in 2013, required California DMV offices to issue driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants as long as they can prove their identity and residence within the state. The law has led to 1,001,000 undocumented immigrants receiving licenses as of March 31 but doesn't give the licensees carte blanche to drive outside of California or fly across state or federal borders.

                    "Immigrants are getting tested, licensed and insured and this is making our roads safer for everyone," said Alejo, now a Monterey County supervisor, in a prepared statement. "Today, we see the law working the way it was intended to and has dramatically improved the lives of a million immigrants and their families."

                    How has this improved the lives of American citizens? Laws intended to benefit illegals ? What has happened to this country ?
                    The man you helped elect President is the disgrace. nothing positive will occur on immigration while he is there.

                    The big baby is sending his army men cause mommy and daddy won’t let him build his wall.

                    ^*^^ there is your disgrace


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      I don’t play your grade school game. Just because I don’t follow after you when you condemn some garden variety dem, I’m just pointing out truthfully that bad actors DO exist on both sides of aisle even though over GOP worse cause of that closet thing.

                      See, that old dog don’t hunt anymore.

                      Yes, bad actors are everywhere. So..your point? (Besides your thirst for turning things into sex)


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        The man you helped elect President is the disgrace. nothing positive will occur on immigration while he is there.

                        The big baby is sending his army men cause mommy and daddy won’t let him build his wall.

                        ^*^^ there is your disgrace
                        So, you are a-ok with providing driving licenses, an official state documentation and identification, to someone who is not legally allowed to be here?



                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Libs today are so easily distracted by the "shiny keys" it's embarrassing.

                          JEFF GREENFIELD ( old white bastion of “fake news Mainstream media fixture, currently hosting PBS's "Need To Know" and does political commentary on NBC Nightly News - PBS and NBC having zero credibility with conservatives ):

                          "I’d add to this list what I call “magical cable news thinking.” My anecdotal sense is that countless liberals are drawn to the never-ending, numbing procession of TV panel after TV panel, all focused on the Mueller investigations and what they might yield. (Stormy Daniels has now become the second obsessive subject.) Whenever I click on CNN during prime time, it feels like Groundhog Day. Each hour seems to promise that any minute now, federal marshals will parade down Pennsylvania Avenue with warrants and cuffs."
                          Wasn’t NBC seemed WORSE than CNN by your messiah? Now you LIKE them? Aren’t you dizzy?

                          Lie down ...the feeling will pass



                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Wasn’t NBC seemed WORSE than CNN by your messiah? Now you LIKE them? Aren’t you dizzy?

                            Lie down ...the feeling will pass

                            Not the OP, but it's always nice to show when the unhinged left gets one right


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Yes, bad actors are everywhere. So..your point? (Besides your thirst for turning things into sex)
                              Sorry but once again that was YOU.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Silicon Valley certainly has the money to fill the gaps.
                                Keep it up. Hope the cons are NEVER out of national power.



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