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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Legit concern under the previous administration and the policies. So, yes, many of us were banking it to see what the future would hold.

    Glad to pass out 4-figure checks to everyone as a Christmas surprise this year. Workers get the double-whammy: lower taxes and a better (unplanned) bonus.
    First he was the worker, now he's the super wealthy boss. Lol!


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      As I indicated...middle class. If that makes me a "wage slave" then I'm okay with that. Better than being a slave to the liberal hand out policies.
      If I perform well, then my salary and bonus will reflect. It helps when the economy is not stagnated, like the last decade.
      Nice to know that you turn your nose down at all of us wage earners aka the back bone of our society. Very revealing and typical of the liberal elite, do as I say not as I do clowns.
      Been a "maker". I decided that all the red tape and govt regs made for a miserable existence. I was glad to go back to being a "wage slave" and be around for my kids. Best decision I ever made!


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        First he was the worker, now he's the super wealthy boss. Lol!
        Different poster, Einstein. First post of the day.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Different poster, Einstein. First post of the day.
          Suure. Whatever you say. ;-)


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            As I indicated...middle class. If that makes me a "wage slave" then I'm okay with that. Better than being a slave to the liberal hand out policies.
            If I perform well, then my salary and bonus will reflect. It helps when the economy is not stagnated, like the last decade.
            Nice to know that you turn your nose down at all of us wage earners aka the back bone of our society. Very revealing and typical of the liberal elite, do as I say not as I do clowns.
            Didn’t you used to own your own small business?


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              First he was the worker, now he's the super wealthy boss. Lol!
              He’s the boss’s lackey ....distributing the checks to those who get l as “trickle down”


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Been a "maker". I decided that all the red tape and govt regs made for a miserable existence. I was glad to go back to being a "wage slave" and be around for my kids. Best decision I ever made!

                Like a chameleon ....his anecdotal experience changes to fit current circumstances....

                Still the same old perfesser here’s called integrity bore - us.


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Suure. Whatever you say. ;-)
                  In his mind he sees his “sock (sick) puppet” persona as separate ....


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    He’s the boss’s lackey ....distributing the checks to those who get l as “trickle down”
                    Think they just want Trump to “Golden shower” them ....that kind of “trickle down”

                    Be proud Bore -us. Be proud


                      Politico’s Eliana Johnson has learned that President Donald Trump nicknamed Bannon “Bam Bam” after allegations surfaced that Bannon beat his then-wife at his “meth pad” former residence in Miami, FL.
                      Love ❤️ 💕 💗 con-on-con violence

                      State of the union gonna be LIT!


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Love ❤️ 💕 💗 con-on-con violence

                        State of the union gonna be LIT!
                        Is dimentia prevalent in your family?


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Love ❤️ 💕 💗 con-on-con violence

                          State of the union gonna be LIT!
                          The *only* thing Trump does well is nick names. Much better than Shrub.
                          Gotta admit Bam Bam is pretty good.


                            Movie poster for the Trump/Bannon feud.



                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Is dimentia prevalent in your family?
                              Are you the loser who hectors others about typos mr dimentia ?





                                JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. And the tax cut has not been realized yet! Markets at all time highs and more to come.

                                And all the left can do is sputter about "Russia", or "Trump is unstable" or "Trump is not Presidential". He has gotten more done in 11 months than his predecessor did in 8 years.

                                Economy up.

                                Illegal immigration down.

                                Our enemies are weaker.

                                Our allies are stronger.

                                All this without any help from the left.

                                Happy New Year!


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