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    CBO just released its assessment if the Con tax plan. Says it will add $1.7 Trillion to the Debt over 10 years.

    Guess they’re back to “deficits don’t matter” again.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      CBO just released its assessment if the Con tax plan. Says it will add $1.7 Trillion to the Debt over 10 years.

      Guess they’re back to “deficits don’t matter” again.
      Deficits have little to do with it. The 2016 election was about many things but it was not deficits.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        They want to have health care for their children and they will vote to try to get it.

        Maybe you work for a company or belong to a union with health insurance offered as a benefit benefit of employment. Small business owners, or self employed folks, or employees of small companies, whose kids do not have access to the type of care that may be available to your children, have every right to vote in the interests of their children.
        Sure, at the expense of others.

        I have been in all of the above categories you have mentioned above. I voted in the interests of my children by working smarter, harder and climbing the socio economic ladder without taking any handouts. Leaving the fate of my family in the hands of the Government is surrendering, unless one becomes physically unable to work , or is a child. THAT was what Medicaid was intended for. Not as another type of insurance " coverage "


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          No kidding. Devours unbelievable resources and attention of people's lives and they are motivated to vote about it. - 2016 elections was an attempt to get some relief. Those chosen have bitterly disappointed and are destroying the broken relief that was available. Subsequent elections will also try to get some folks in office to solve this issue.

          Nope. This is just purely “butthurt” analysis. Won’t unpack it all - but it’s interesting that a 🥜 ter is even advancing a stiff upper lip fiscal argument and when the 🥜 ter party wants to add $1.7 trillion to defIcit?

          We laugh at you 🥜 teR’s until your ire raises for .....

          The House Republican tax reform plan would add $1.7 trillion to the U.S. national debt over the next decade, according to a preliminary debt calculation by the Congressional Budget Office, exceeding the limits Republicans agreed to for their reconciliation bill.
          What say you 🥜 🥜 🥜 ters? Gonna be ok with ^^^^^ and keep telling us the real people white rural population in Maine must die off faster for want of A half a billion budgeted over years?

          Without a detailed analysis backing you up, 🥜 ters must really get lost.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            CBO just released its assessment if the Con tax plan. Says it will add $1.7 Trillion to the Debt over 10 years.

            Guess they’re back to “deficits don’t matter” again.
            They are bipolar about his depending on which “phase” of the 🌙 the presidency was in

            They are losing credibility by the minute. A clown show


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Deficits have little to do with it. The 2016 election was about many things but it was not deficits.
              Fine but realize that backing it this NOW means 🥜 ters don’t get to concern troll on budget as Dems are more responsible adults.

              Trump also made a campaign promise to erase the debt. ‘Memeber?

              We do.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Sure, at the expense of others.

                I have been in all of the above categories you have mentioned above. I voted in the interests of my children by working smarter, harder and climbing the socio economic ladder without taking any handouts. Leaving the fate of my family in the hands of the Government is surrendering, unless one becomes physically unable to work , or is a child. THAT was what Medicaid was intended for. Not as another type of insurance " coverage "

                Make sure if your neighbor, like Rand paul’s, beats you down....don’t call the sheriff like the great self-reliant libertarian wonder paul.....handle it ....or take your beat down ....that’s a corallary of what you wrote above isn’t it?

                Nutters are less teachable than middle school kids. Sheesh


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                  Make sure if your neighbor, like Rand paul’s, beats you down....don’t call the sheriff like the great self-reliant libertarian wonder paul.....handle it ....or take your beat down ....that’s a corallary of what you wrote above isn’t it?

                  Nutters are less teachable than middle school kids. Sheesh
                  Comparing a physical, unprovoked assault to advocating against government hand-outs.


                  I mean...I've seen some serious logic-stretching on here, but this is a doozy.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                    Make sure if your neighbor, like Rand paul’s, beats you down....don’t call the sheriff like the great self-reliant libertarian wonder paul.....handle it ....or take your beat down ....that’s a corallary of what you wrote above isn’t it?

                    Nutters are less teachable than middle school kids. Sheesh
                    Not that he would , but neighbor isn't capable of beating me down. Matter of fact, I have never been beat down.
                    I suspect that you would be incapable of beating me down by the nonsense you write.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      CBO just released its assessment if the Con tax plan. Says it will add $1.7 Trillion to the Debt over 10 years.

                      Guess they’re back to “deficits don’t matter” again.

                      Based on quarterly data released by the US Treasury, the debt at the end of 2008 — just before Obama took office — stood at roughly $10,699,805,000,000.

                      As of the third quarter of 2016, the most recent data available, the debt as Obama is set to leave office stood at $19,573,445,000,000.

                      Based on the website, which extrapolates the US national debt in real time based on committed government spending, the debt will be roughly $19.97 trillion.

                      Thus, the national debt under Obama will have grown by about $9 trillion, or an increase of 86%.


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Comparing a physical, unprovoked assault to advocating against government hand-outs.


                        I mean...I've seen some serious logic-stretching on here, but this is a doozy.
                        Actually we are drilling down to the core.

                        For years you 🥜 ters stretched logic when it suited. Hey, have enough insurance and extra cash to protect your family’s health if someone contracts an expensive DISEASE. Don’t look for government help ....all on you.

                        But if a neighbor or intruder attacks the same family member, 🥜 ter is NOW ok with with govt help on the taxpayer dime ....

                        Think the 🥜 ters have to explain the stretch, not me. They went crazy when Elizabeth called them out on not building it all themselves


                        Not that he would , but neighbor isn't capable of beating me down. Matter of fact, I have never been beat down.
                        I suspect that you would be incapable of beating me down by the nonsense you write.
                        Hoped for ^^^^ when I initially drew him out that way. Never fails. Been tough days for the 🥜 ters so knew our little tin soldier would prop himself up this way.

                        Perhaps this is the same 🥜 ter who may have had a chance once, but was somehow 👀 ing for a Prius rather than pick-up. Perhaps via sat images from his Russian troll Farm for all we really know.

                        Tee Hee
                        Bwa ha ha


                          Word salad, even more unreadable than normal.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Based on quarterly data released by the US Treasury, the debt at the end of 2008 — just before Obama took office — stood at roughly $10,699,805,000,000.

                            As of the third quarter of 2016, the most recent data available, the debt as Obama is set to leave office stood at $19,573,445,000,000.

                            Based on the website, which extrapolates the US national debt in real time based on committed government spending, the debt will be roughly $19.97 trillion.

                            Thus, the national debt under Obama will have grown by about $9 trillion, or an increase of 86%.
                            Divert , deflect

                            All increase was interest on debt bush handed over. All obama expenditures were deficit neutral.

                            Old dogs don’t hunt like they used to when you are now a FREE SPENDING CONS

                            We’ve been through so many cycles of cons running upmthe credit card then Dems following in oval being fiscal grown ups.



                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Word salad, even more unreadable than normal.
                              If you threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue don’t expect us to help 🥜 ter


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Word salad, even more unreadable than normal.
                                Reading capacity beyond middle school level on your part might help!

                                Response was in kind to yours 🥜 ter. Gonna follow your lead


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