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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Worth reading the whole article.

    The Democrats use identity politics to develop their campaigns, organize their party and impose their will via government policy. Qualified people are excluded from service, good candidates are smeared, and Americans are put in danger. But somehow, Democrats think this is progress. They think this is justice. It is what they want to do more of when they are in power.
    And this is exactly why they will continue to lose. The few (and shrinking) rational Democrats are wondering what happened to their party. It is now being run by a group of activists whose primary goal is to espouse their fringe beliefs. This is no longer a party that even attempts to appeal to a majority of voters. It is all about blame, victimhood and a complete lack of self awareness or accountability.

    This is why Trump, a flawed candidate, who never held elected office, can fairly easily beat a career politician with more money, power and experience. With all of her advantages, HRC's message couldn't connect with voters. And she was considered too centrist by the Dems. Can't wait to see who they trot out next.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      And this is exactly why they will continue to lose. The few (and shrinking) rational Democrats are wondering what happened to their party. It is now being run by a group of activists whose primary goal is to espouse their fringe beliefs. This is no longer a party that even attempts to appeal to a majority of voters. It is all about blame, victimhood and a complete lack of self awareness or accountability.

      This is why Trump, a flawed candidate, who never held elected office, can fairly easily beat a career politician with more money, power and experience. With all of her advantages, HRC's message couldn't connect with voters. And she was considered too centrist by the Dems. Can't wait to see who they trot out next.
      ^^^^open a browser and catch up on Robert Mercer. That is an earthquake in the Trump right.

      You plan to “fiddle” through all this don’t you?


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        TMan still ignoring reality.

        Yesterday two Dems describe the party in trouble if they don't change their ways and now Brazile's bombshell. And still TMan believes Trump will be impeached. Talk about blind loyalty!

        Or is it religious zealotry to illiberalism?
        The End of Liberalism?

        “It’s not that I’m a Trump supporter. It’s just that you, my friend, are actively undermining the very foundations of everything you purport to defend.”

        “Democracy is just fine,” I might answer. “Liberalism, however, is slitting its own throat.”

        You didn’t have to be a Trump supporter to have seen all this coming. The brilliant Bulgarian political scientist Ivan Krastev predicted much of it ten years ago in a remarkable essay for the Journal of Democracy titled “The Strange Death of the Liberal Consensus.

        The European Union had stumbled into imposing a political conditionality in their accessions arrangements with the eager Central and East Europeans. You will not only reform your institutions to our standards, the eurocrats demanded, but you will also forbid a certain kind of political discourse to flourish in your countries. “In order to prevent anticapitalist mobilization, liberals successfully excluded anticapitalist discourse,” Krastev wrote, “but in doing so they opened up space for political mobilization around symbolic and identity issues, thus creating the conditions for their own destruction.” Another way to put it: after the Cold War, victorious liberals made liberalism into a moral matter, a set of tenets beyond political question. Instead of defending individual and property rights and free, open markets on rational grounds, they shut down discussion by casting anyone who happened to disagree as some kind of reprehensible throwback—not just wrong, but bad.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Did you actually read this article TeeHeeMan???

          Holy shyte!!!
          This is an absolutely fascinating article


            Bore-us is hard core.

            Look how Mercer is backing away from the alt-right Nazi racists ....

            When it comes to Yiannopoulos, Mercer said he felt outright regret for giving him financial backing. The controversial former Breitbart editor was busted via leaked emails directly engaging with white nationalists and helping them craft their narratives to garner more mainstream support.

            Mercer said he originally backed Yiannopoulos because he believed Yiannopoulos offered a refreshing alternative to “political correctness” that has purportedly taken over American college campuses.

            “But in my opinion, actions of and statements by Mr. Yiannopoulos have caused pain and divisiveness undermining the open and productive discourse that I had hoped to facilitate,” Mercer wrote. “I was mistaken to have supported him, and for several weeks have been in the process of severing all ties with him.”
            Hahahahahahahahahahahaha wonder what’s in the wind?


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Bore-us is hard core.

              Look how Mercer is backing away from the alt-right Nazi racists ....

              Hahahahahahahahahahahaha wonder what’s in the wind?
              Mr. Mercer, a "private citizen", at 71 years old, is selling his Breitbart stake to his Daughters and taking a step back from managing his firm.

              He stated he doesn't alway agree with Steve Bannon, (another private citizen) but respects him. And wants to distance himself from Milo. Milo is a provocateur, who makes his living on making people uncomfortable. Milo is also a "private" citizen.

              This is a real smoking gun, Tee Hee.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                ^^^^open a browser and catch up on Robert Mercer. That is an earthquake in the Trump right.

                You plan to “fiddle” through all this don’t you?
                I've lost count the number of liberals/Democrats trying to get the message out.

                Read the entire article TMan, "The End of Liberalism?" and maybe you'll start to catch on.

                I have noticed that a kind of sickly grey hope hangs around most people’s hottest anti-Trump vitriol, lingering like stale morning breath: a hope that once everything is sorted—all the disinformation exposed, all the dossiers verified, all the tax returns audited, and all the President’s men jailed—the “adults” will wrest back control of politics, and things can get back more or less to the way they were before. Established, institutionalized parties representing well-defined and time-tested electoral coalitions will once again vie for the affections of so-called “independent” voters, whose demands define a sensible middle ground where the parties are compelled to make concessions to common sense. We will still have disagreements about important issues, my friends might say to me—issues like abortion, taxes, trade, and immigration will of course remain divisive. Banishing Trump does not mean the end of politics: after all, we remain a deeply polarized country. But the bigger frame of the debates will no longer come into question. Our values, to which Trump personally and Trumpism more broadly is such an affront, will no longer be up for debate.


                But ten months into Year Zero of Trump’s first term, Trumpism has, if anything, strengthened its hold on the Republican Party. The press rapturously praised the recent remonstrations of Senators Corker and Flake, but without noting that their fine words largely fell on deaf ears among their constituents, and were rendered less than cheap by their decision to avoid discovering the true price in the upcoming elections. Whoever follows Trump on the Right almost certainly will not be a #NeverTrumper. Rather, it will probably be someone like Senator Tom Cotton, a man who has clearly read the mood of Republican voters and is willing to meet them more than halfway on most issues.

                ....For someone who had previously bought into that liberal consensus, these are disorienting times, to be sure. But the truth is, democracy is not only working, it’s working quite well. Popular discontent with an overweening and increasingly ossified ideology is finding its voice across Europe, and has found a (deeply flawed) tribune in the United States. The future of liberalism depends on smart politicians getting the message loud and clear, and then working out a path forward that preserves all the elements of the philosophical tradition that are worth preserving. The shrill screeching of the high priests of the liberal clerisy are not helping things at all."


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Mr. Mercer, a "private citizen", at 71 years old, is selling his Breitbart stake to his Daughters and taking a step back from managing his firm.

                  He stated he doesn't alway agree with Steve Bannon, (another private citizen) but respects him. And wants to distance himself from Milo. Milo is a provocateur, who makes his living on making people uncomfortable. Milo is also a "private" citizen.

                  This is a real smoking gun, Tee Hee.
                  Reality check for you ....

                  "I am hereby washing my hands of these kooky lunatics I created, nurtured, funded, and then made powerful and famous."

                  -- Bob Mercer

                  Don’t forget that ...

                  Bob Mercer peers into the math
                  With algorithmic rigor
                  Kills off his bad investments
                  With quite surprising vigor.

                  May have implications for you but please ....remain on trumps sinking ship untIl bitter end


                    It’s really all about hating libs ^^^^^ to the 🥜 🥜 🥜 ters. Hate their betters more than they love America. Look at the focus above in thread. During most historically important days since Vietnam


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Reality check for you ....

                      "I am hereby washing my hands of these kooky lunatics I created, nurtured, funded, and then made powerful and famous."

                      -- Bob Mercer

                      Don’t forget that ...

                      Bob Mercer peers into the math
                      With algorithmic rigor
                      Kills off his bad investments
                      With quite surprising vigor.

                      May have implications for you but please ....remain on trumps sinking ship untIl bitter end
                      Actually it looks like he is distancing himself from Breitbart and Milo. Not Trump. Trump distanced himself from Bannon by firing him. And not unusual at all to try and strike a more neutral tone to his employees. Political opinions and business don't usually mix all that well.

                      But keeping ignoring the knife fight on the Dem side! Amazing that two of the leaders on the left have both penned books about the dumpster fire that was 2016. Again, thank you for the assist on these. Two surefire best sellers, both written by women, on why and how they screwed up royally. Tremendously helpful to keep the ineptitude of the Democratic party front and center. The Main Stream Media cannot even ignore these two steamers.

                      Thanks again for all of the help!


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        It’s really all about hating libs ^^^^^ to the 🥜 🥜 🥜 ters. Hate their betters more than they love America. Look at the focus above in thread. During most historically important days since Vietnam
                        Hate the Libs? No way! They offer constant amusement and a benchmark for futility. It is like hating the Cleveland Browns, or a three legged dog. You feel so bad for them, that all you can muster is pity.

                        I really hope the scream at the sky parties are well covered by MSNBC, CNN and the like. I can't wait to watch. The very thought of it brings a smile......


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          No they did not, but New Republic literary editor, Leon Wieseltier, the egghead boy toy of such Hollywood elite as Barbra Streisand did.

                          Political journalism has been profoundly shaped by men like Leon Wieseltier and Mark Halperin

                          Wieseltier’s behavior, meanwhile, was so known that ex-New Republic editor Michelle Cottle says it can’t even be described as an open secret — “it was simply out in the open.” Wieseltier was lecherous, objectifying, demeaning, and bullying. He leered at his female employees, groped and kissed them at work functions, left them thank-you notes for wearing miniskirts to the office, and humiliated them when they rejected his advances.

                          What does it mean that these men — and so many others liked them — held the power to literally shape America’s political narrative?


                          I'm starting to see an emerging pattern here.

                          Liberals = hypocrites
                          Another one (or two or three) bites the dust.

                          NPR news chief Michael Oreskes resigns after sexual harassment accusations


                          Michael Oreskes is an American journalist. He worked at the New York Daily News before spending twenty years at The New York Times. Oreskes was then vice president and senior managing editor at the Associated Press before joining NPR as senior vice president of news and editorial director in 2015.

                          He's not an Ivy Leaguer though. His BA is from Bachelor of Arts degree from City College of New York and he did graduate work at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.

                          Six women accuse filmmaker Brett Ratner of sexual harassment or misconduct


                          He's not an Ivy leaguer either. He's a graduate of New York University.

                          Dustin Hoffman among stars facing new harassment accusations

                          Nope not an Ivy leaguer. He spent a year at at Santa Monica College.

                          Here's one that is a Harvard grad - James Toback

                          38 women have come forward to accuse director James Toback of sexual harassment


                          Woman claims she was groped by ‘Entourage’ actor Jeremy Piven


                          Nope, not an Ivy leauger. He attended Drake University and New York University's Tisch School of the Arts.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Reality check for you ....

                            "I am hereby washing my hands of these kooky lunatics I created, nurtured, funded, and then made powerful and famous."

                            -- Bob Mercer

                            Don’t forget that ...

                            Bob Mercer peers into the math
                            With algorithmic rigor
                            Kills off his bad investments
                            With quite surprising vigor.

                            May have implications for you but please ....remain on trumps sinking ship untIl bitter end

                            This is the text of the letter to his employees.....reasonable people can determine for themselves. Pretty vanilla stuff. In essence, "My positions have been mischaracterized, and I am a rich dude who doesn't really need this stuff anymore. I am going to go do whatever I want. The company is in good hands. If they need me I am a phone call away."

                            Dear Colleagues,

                            During the past year, I have been the object of a great deal of scrutiny from the press. I have declined to comment on what has been written about me, imagining that with time the attention would dissipate. Because that has yet to happen, I have decided to correct some of the misinformation that has been published about me. It is not my intention to impose the views I describe below on anyone else.

                            My goal is simply to explain my thinking, the very essence of which is that all of us should think for ourselves.

                            I believe that individuals are happiest and most fulfilled when they form their own opinions, assume responsibility for their own actions, and spend the fruits of their own labor as they see fit. I believe that a collection of individuals making their own decisions within the confines of a clear and concise set of laws that they have determined for themselves will advance society much more effectively than will a collection of experts who are confident in their knowledge of what is best for everyone else.

                            This is why I support conservatives, who favor a smaller, less powerful government.

                            A society founded on the basis of the individual freedom that flourishes under a limited federal government has no place for discrimination. Of the many mischaracterizations made of me by the press, the most repugnant to me have been the intimations that I am a white supremacist or a member of some other noxious group.

                            Discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, creed, or anything of that sort is abhorrent to me. But more than that, it is ignorant.

                            The press has also intimated that my politics marches in lockstep with Steve Bannon's. I have great respect for Mr. Bannon, and from time to time I do discuss politics with him. However, I make my own decisions with respect to whom I support politically. Those decisions do not always align with Mr. Bannon's.

                            Without individuals thinking for themselves, society as a whole will struggle to distinguish the signal of truth from the correlated noise of conformity. I supported Milo Yiannopoulos in the hope and expectation that his expression of views contrary to the social mainstream and his spotlighting of the hypocrisy of those who would close down free speech in the name of political correctness would promote the type of open debate and freedom of thought that is being throttled on many American college campuses today.

                            But in my opinion, actions of and statements by Mr. Yiannopoulos have caused pain and divisiveness undermining the open and productive discourse that I had hoped to facilitate. I was mistaken to have supported him, and for several weeks have been in the process of severing all ties with him.

                            For personal reasons, I have also decided to sell my stake in Breitbart News to my daughters.

                            I would also like to inform you of a decision I have reached with respect to my role at Renaissance, an organization I adore with colleagues whom I deeply respect and admire. I am 71 years old, the same age that Jim Simons was when he retired. I do not plan to retire, but I do plan to relinquish my management responsibilities.

                            Peter Brown and I have been Co-CEOs for the past eight years. On January 1, 2018, I will step down from my position as Co-CEO and resign from the board of directors. I will continue with the firm as a member of its technical staff, focusing on the research work that I find most fulfilling. Peter will continue on as CEO, and I will provide him with my counsel whenever he feels that I can be helpful to him and to the company where I have spent so many wonderful years.



                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Bore-us is hard core.

                              Look how Mercer is backing away from the alt-right Nazi racists ....

                              Hahahahahahahahahahahaha wonder what’s in the wind?
                              You've got to come up with better sources than Raw Story, TMan.

                              Factual Reporting: MIXED

                              Notes: The Raw Story is an American online news organization founded in 2004 by John Byrne. It covers current national and international political and economic news and publishes its own editorials and investigative pieces. The Raw Story describes itself as progressive, bringing attention to stories that it sees as downplayed or ignored by other media outlets. Raw Story demonstrates left wing bias in reporting and story selection. Raw Story has a Half-True claim with Politifact and an Unproven claim with Snopes. (5/15/2016)



                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Reality check for you ....

                                "I am hereby washing my hands of these kooky lunatics I created, nurtured, funded, and then made powerful and famous."

                                -- Bob Mercer

                                Don’t forget that ...

                                Bob Mercer peers into the math
                                With algorithmic rigor
                                Kills off his bad investments
                                With quite surprising vigor.

                                May have implications for you but please ....remain on trumps sinking ship untIl bitter end
                                Pink Fish Media, TMan??????



                                Oh how the mighty have fallen!!!!!


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