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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Perhaps one has to do what one has to do to catch TRAITORS in the act? one wants to talk about the obvious coordination. So the hysteria and fingerprints ting starts as a distraction.

    Is there a 🥜 ter who will answer this?

    How did Russians manage to organize anti-immigrant rallies through trump cAmpaigns official browArd county FB page .....

    The avalanche of data like this has begun .

    We see you TRAITORS
    With lefties whatever means gets you to the end. It's the Alinsky way.


      "With respect to the president's tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets. And we have looked carefully inside the FBI. The Department of Justice has asked me to assure you that the answer is the same for the Department of Justice and all its components," Comey testified before the House Intelligence Committee."

      Can you spell P E R J U R Y ?


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        "With respect to the president's tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets. And we have looked carefully inside the FBI. The Department of Justice has asked me to assure you that the answer is the same for the Department of Justice and all its components," Comey testified before the House Intelligence Committee."

        Can you spell P E R J U R Y ?
        But, but....Facebook Ads...Trolls....Russians...Meddling...Collusion... Influencing...


          On "The Story" last night, Former Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Richard Fowler discussed a new poll from the left-leaning Brookings Institution, which reported that 19 percent of undergraduate college students find violence to be an acceptable way to prevent controversial speech.


          1 in 5 thinks it's OK to smash someone in the face if you don't like what they are saying.



            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            On "The Story" last night, Former Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Richard Fowler discussed a new poll from the left-leaning Brookings Institution, which reported that 19 percent of undergraduate college students find violence to be an acceptable way to prevent controversial speech.


            1 in 5 thinks it's OK to smash someone in the face if you don't like what they are saying.

            "I'd like to punch him in the face."

            "Knock the crap out of him."

            "Part of the problem is nobody wants to hurt each other any more."


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              "I'd like to punch him in the face."

              "Knock the crap out of him."

              "Part of the problem is nobody wants to hurt each other any more."
              Let's have some real MEAT!

              Less than two weeks before Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination, his campaign chairman offered to provide briefings on the race to a Russian billionaire closely aligned with the Kremlin, according to people familiar with the discussions.
Paul Manafort made the offer in an email to an overseas intermediary, asking that a message be sent to Oleg Deripaska, an aluminum magnate with whom Manafort had done business in the past, these people said.
“If he needs private briefings we can accommodate,” Manafort wrote in the July 7, 2016, email, portions of which were read to The Washington Post along with other Manafort correspondence from that time.
              LOCK THEM UP!

              No distractions


                I enjoyed that feeble little death rattle bore-us attempted

                Today we learned that Trumps campaign manager offered private briefings on the campaign to Oleg deripaska , a close pal of putins and Russian oligarch .

                This was two weeks before trump accepted the nomination

                Recall trump told us that neither he or any of his people had anything to do with Russians

                Then we learned of so many things

                Trumps lies there speak for themselves so naturally the only recourse is deflection ....

                "Mueller is coming " and they won't be able to do anything about it. Remove mueller now and there just might be pitchforks and torches ....better be careful . I reject violence and would prefer to avoid it but I don't think the people will sit still for trump's illegitmate coupl for long



                  This is the best pleas watch portends what's coming



                    Fun Fact: Secret Service agents can be forced to testify against the people they protect.

                    Republicans might thank Ken Starr for establishing that precedent when Starr was investigating Bill Clinton's BJ so forgive me if I enjoy the Golden Rule symmetry here. I do pride myself on being a fair referee.

                    I read don Jr and Kellyanne recently terminated their secret service protection.

                    BOn apetit !



                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      I enjoyed that feeble little death rattle bore-us attempted

                      Today we learned that Trumps campaign manager offered private briefings on the campaign to Oleg deripaska , a close pal of putins and Russian oligarch .

                      This was two weeks before trump accepted the nomination

                      Recall trump told us that neither he or any of his people had anything to do with Russians

                      Then we learned of so many things

                      Trumps lies there speak for themselves so naturally the only recourse is deflection ....

                      "Mueller is coming " and they won't be able to do anything about it. Remove mueller now and there just might be pitchforks and torches ....better be careful . I reject violence and would prefer to avoid it but I don't think the people will sit still for trump's illegitmate coupl for long
                      It's being reported by the NY Times that Bob Mueller has been seen digging through the filing cabinets of Paul Manafort's elementary school. There have been some theories floating around that Manafort wrote a paper on the Russian Revolution in the fifth grade and he didn't use footnotes.


                        I have one question for the 🥜 🥜 🥜 ters today .....

                        First review:

                        REPORTER: Thank you. Yes or no answer on one of these questions involving Russia. Can you say whether you are aware that anyone who advised your campaign had contacts with Russia during the course of the election?

                        TRUMP: Well, I told you, General Flynn, obviously, was dealing, so that’s one person, but he was dealing, as he should have been.

                        REPORTER: During the election?

                        TRUMP: No, nobody that I know of.

                        REPORTER: You’re not aware of any contacts during the course of the election?

                        TRUMP: How many times do I have to answer this question?

                        REPORTER: Can you just say yes or no.

                        TRUMP: I know you have to get up and ask a question. Russia is a ruse. I have nothing to do with Russia. Haven’t made a phone call to Russia in years. Don’t speak to people from Russia. Not that I wouldn’t, I just have nobody to speak to. I spoke to Putin twice. He called me on the election. I told you this. And he called me on the inauguration a few days ago. We had a very good talk. Especially the second one, lasted for a pretty long period of time. I’m sure you probably get it because it was classified so I’m sure everybody in this room, perhaps, has it. But we had a very, very good talk. I have nothing to do with Russia. To the best of my knowledge, no person that I deal with does. Now, Manafort has totally denied it. He denied it. Now, people knew he was a consultant over in that part of the world for a while, but not for Russia. He represented people having to do with Ukraine or whatever. But people knew that.

                        REPORTER: In his capacity as your campaign manager, was he in touch with Russian officials during the election?

                        TRUMP: You know what, he said no. I can only tell you what he said. The election. Now, he was replaced long before you know that, right? He was replaced long before the election. When all of this stuff started coming out. But Paul Manafort, who’s a good man, also, by the way, Paul Manafort was replaced long before the election took place. He was only there for a short period of time.
                        How much longer should we stay here, folks? Five more minutes, is that okay? Five?
                        Too easy

                        Has TRUMP been LYING?


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                          Can you spell P E R J U R Y ?
                          Yes. Here's how:

                          "Jeff Sessions has his first oversight hearing scheduled for mid - Oct."

                          He's a little perjury addict, among other things. Should be fun if he's still AG by then. Never know. That's already about 2.5 "scaramooch" intervals from now ....


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            I have one question for the 🥜 🥜 🥜 ters today .....

                            First review:

                            Too easy

                            Has TRUMP been LYING?
                            Why don't you tell us.
                            Which part of that transcript is a lie? Please provide evidence.

                            If you have something...let's see it.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Fun Fact: Secret Service agents can be forced to testify against the people they protect.

                              Republicans might thank Ken Starr for establishing that precedent when Starr was investigating Bill Clinton's BJ so forgive me if I enjoy the Golden Rule symmetry here. I do pride myself on being a fair referee.

                              I read don Jr and Kellyanne recently terminated their secret service protection.

                              BOn apetit !

                              Maybe they recognized that the cost to taxpayers was unreasonable?
                              If only every administration shared that concern over unnecessary spending.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Why don't you tell us.
                                Which part of that transcript is a lie? Please provide evidence.

                                If you have something...let's see it.
                                Prove comey lied . PROVE clapper lies.

                                Prove something yourself.

                                When indictments come at least we will know Mueller cleared an
                                Evidentiary bar.

                                Trumps own DOJ knows he's lying and that's why no Comey investigation .

                                Really ...Kelly and the grown ups are just minding him until the process can work and remove him


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