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    1. A sitting president CANNOT be indicted. That’s official DOJ policy since 1973. Neither the Special Counsel nor the Southern District of New York (SDNY) nor Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein can defy that 45-year-old policy.

    2. SDNY is NOT expert in campaign finance violations and neither is the Clinton appointed district judge. They rarely handle campaign finance cases. The left-wing media and politicians are regurgitating what the prosecutors have merely filed in their own self-serving brief. The media and others intentionally refuse to look at the actual rules and context. They refuse to even question what these prosecutors have thrown together.

    3. The actual campaign rules and context do NOT include Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) or infinite other contracts, payments, arrangements, acts of a private nature, etc. as campaign contributions. These private payments can be made in any manner or any amount. Again, they’re private payments involving private matters. To underscore, there’s no reporting requirement because they’re not campaign payments made with or without campaign funds.

    4. SDNY inclusion of these charges in the Cohen plea deal was a sleazy political and PR attack. SDNY knew Cohen would plead. It, therefore, knew its absurd allegations would not be tested in any courtroom — district, circuit or Supreme Court. If they were tested, SDNY would be hammered like a nail. But it knew the left-wing media and politicians would use the mere over-the-top allegations from its office, with absolutely nothing more, to claim the president committed campaign felonies. No due process. No assumption of innocence.

    5. As for impeachment, NDAs involving wholly private matters occurring before the president was even a candidate and completely unrelated to his office cannot legitimately trigger the Constitution's impeachment clause.


      So awesome the cons are reduced to “sitting President can’t be indicted, criminal or not.”

      I’d like to try that in the courts since the guidances you refer to were issued by DOJ’s of presidents that had to deal with the looming prospects of ....indictments


      Keep jumping cons ...keep trying ....we enjoy your dizzying spin


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Again , where is the " from us " ?
        The Soybeans are not rotting away. They are not sitting on docks. They are a valuable commodity that continues to be purchased by other countries. Where the product ends up in the long haul is mostly unknown to the MSM and their " get Trump " mindset.

        Perishable products don’t sit on docks like that at length . You are really too uninformed to productively engage aren’t you?

        Brazilian farmers have USA’s market share in China now ....


          Michael Cohen
          Elliot Broidy
          Steve Wynn

          ^^^^ all criminals and all fundraisers for the RNC!


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Michael Cohen
            Elliot Broidy
            Steve Wynn

            ^^^^ all criminals and all fundraisers for the RNC!
            The RNC has yet to return a single dollar that these criminals raised for them. Funny, the cons screamed about every Weinstein dollar being returned ....


            Then bore-us rounds around and prattles about Lib hypocrites



              Remember when Hillary Clinton’s personal lawyer copped to crimes in court ?

              Me either.


                Credit to the OP-

                “Hillary Clinton is partying with Beyoncé in India.

                Michael Cohen is going to the hoosegow.

                Individual 1 probably just filled his diaper.

                This is hilarious.”


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                  Perishable products don’t sit on docks like that at length . You are really too uninformed to productively engage aren’t you?

                  Brazilian farmers have USA’s market share in China now ....
                  Really ? Members of my family owned and operated a farm in Iowa until they passed away and sold it. I was out there myself. The principal crop was soybeans. 3

                  Brazil has a different growing season .
                  Brazil can't produce enough to satisfy China's need.
                  Brazil's political climate, infrastructure and transportation logistics can present problems . Compared to the US, an entire different ball game.


                    MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brezezinski apologized on Wednesday for using a homophobic slur when describing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo a “butt-boy.”

                    Brezezinski took issue with Pompeo’s recent comments to Fox News regarding Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

                    “Why doesn’t Mike Pompeo care right now?” Brzezinski asked. “Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard when he appeared on ‘Fox and Friends,’ is that a patriot speaking, or a wannabe dictator’s buttboy? I’m dead serious. I’m asking, are these the words of a patriot?”



                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Really ? Members of my family owned and operated a farm in Iowa until they passed away and sold it. I was out there myself. The principal crop was soybeans.
                      I’ll takenon what you say seriously and with a straight face.

                      First, I’m sure that “the family” sold BEFORE they died. Care to place this event so we know whether or not they did this in the same “global” context as today ?

                      So my family “owned” (past tense ) wildcat mines (yes , coal mine equivalents of wildcat oil rigs.

                      Do you then accept my “expert” opinions on global coal? No?



                      Brazil has a different growing season .
                      But you just told us these commodities can wait for market ....albeit not on a dock like a moron like yourself asserts . You lose this point

                      Brazil can't produce enough to satisfy China's need.
                      Neither can we butnits lucrative to sell our porisuxtion there . You are a dope btw

                      Brazil's political climate, infrastructure and transportations logistics can present problems . Compared to the US, an entire different ball game.
                      You haven’t noticed how far we have fallen in world have you ?

                      FYI global good commodities are stores long term ....dairy ....OJ ....soybeans ....they just aren’t left on a Dock waiting like an ignorant Moron like yourself asserted

                      You know NOTHING about this con ....obviously .


                      But it’s a diversion for you in day presidents lawyer was criminally sentenced



                        Trump Judicial Nominees Largely Keep Marching Through Senate



                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brezezinski apologized on Wednesday for using a homophobic slur when describing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo a “butt-boy.”

                          Brezezinski took issue with Pompeo’s recent comments to Fox News regarding Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

                          “Why doesn’t Mike Pompeo care right now?” Brzezinski asked. “Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard when he appeared on ‘Fox and Friends,’ is that a patriot speaking, or a wannabe dictator’s buttboy? I’m dead serious. I’m asking, are these the words of a patriot?”

                          Oh Bore-us is hot, bothered, and fixated on NOBODY Mika Brezinski now ....his world turns today on her. Just like Beyoncé ....

                          So National Enquirer parent company had a non prosecutorial agreement ....they admitted the “catch and kill” on the McDougal story was for the purpose of affecting the election

                          Ruh roh Cons .....

                          DJT can obviously be charged with violating campaign finance laws


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Trump Judicial Nominees Largely Keep Marching Through Senate

                            Enjoy will you can ...after 2020....perhaps before ....

                            “Ch .....Ch ....Ch ....changes “


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Enjoy will you can ...after 2020....perhaps before ....

                              “Ch .....Ch ....Ch ....changes “
                              Oh cons ...go ahead and revolt ...happy to turn the water cannons etc on lawbreakers


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Oh Bore-us is hot, bothered, and fixated on NOBODY Mika Brezinski now
                                Can't even understand that the source fools like him use for his "I'm hearing" diatribes are just as hypocritical as he is.

                                That's it in a nutshell.


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