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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    His options are:

    -Fight impeachment, possibly losing (definitely will in the House).
    - Still run for 2020, possibly/probably losing (possibly by a huge margin)
    - Resign with some story (heart condition, "my job is done here", whatever to save face)

    Third option is the least embarrassing. The first two also run the risk that even more sh*t comes out, including his tax returns. All three face the prospect of years of charges, lawyers, court and a dwindling bank account (as soon as he steps out of office).
    More gas come out since you wrote this I think 😊


      Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      His options are:

      -Fight impeachment, possibly losing (definitely will in the House).
      - Still run for 2020, possibly/probably losing (possibly by a huge margin)
      - Resign with some story (heart condition, "my job is done here", whatever to save face)

      Third option is the least embarrassing. The first two also run the risk that even more sh*t comes out, including his tax returns. All three face the prospect of years of charges, lawyers, court and a dwindling bank account (as soon as he steps out of office).
      lmao!!!!! probably losing? too who? Kamala harris? Fauxahontas? (if thats her real name), sleepy joe? (does not look squeeky clean either).....for weeks I'm asking who can beat TRUMP 1v1....but loser libbys/progressives cant answer...but very quick calling others "potty mouth"...easy win for TRUMP 2020!!!


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        lmao!!!!! probably losing? too who? Kamala harris? Fauxahontas? (if thats her real name), sleepy joe? (does not look squeeky clean either).....for weeks I'm asking who can beat TRUMP 1v1....but loser libbys/progressives cant answer...but very quick calling others "potty mouth"...easy win for TRUMP 2020!!!
        Not the first time I’ve got that “typo” either.

        So we have you down for the mind of guy who struggles with “poll vs pole” and “to vs too”

        Wouldn’t mention save for this tool calling OTHERS “dummies.” Hilarious .

        But what does one expect from putin’s Troll.

        For the record a ham sandwich could beat Trump soon in 2020 but won’t have to. He won’t be running 😊


          Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Not the first time I’ve got that “typo” either.

          So we have you down for the mind of guy who struggles with “poll vs pole” and “to vs too”

          Wouldn’t mention save for this tool calling OTHERS “dummies.” Hilarious .

          But what does one expect from putin’s Troll.

          For the record a ham sandwich could beat Trump soon in 2020 but won’t have to. He won’t be running 😊
          still cant answer the question though huh? its not hard..... who is it?

          There, I'm making it easy for you...just pick one name, any name. Who can beat TRUMP 1v1 Next November 2020? who?


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            still cant answer the question though huh? its not hard..... who is it?

            There, I'm making it easy for you...just pick one name, any name. Who can beat TRUMP 1v1 Next November 2020? who?
            Biden, Warren and Sanders have ALL been faring well in polls against Trump and that’s BEFORE the last couple weeks.

            Voters are going to LOVE the fact that the associates of Trump’s personal attorney, Rudolph Giuliani, happened to have ONE-WAY international tickets on them when arrested at Dulles.

            They were fleeing, weren’t they ?


            Please come back and visit later as this story develops


            I’m going to want to take a few figurative whacks at my piñata


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              More gas come out since you wrote this I think 😊
              Hard to keep up


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Biden, Warren and Sanders have ALL been faring well in polls against Trump and that’s BEFORE the last couple weeks.

                Voters are going to LOVE the fact that the associates of Trump’s personal attorney, Rudolph Giuliani, happened to have ONE-WAY international tickets on them when arrested at Dulles.

                They were fleeing, weren’t they ?


                Please come back and visit later as this story develops


                I’m going to want to take a few figurative whacks at my piñata
                Poll last week showed all three well ahead of Trump in Wisconsin, a state Trump won by a few thousand votes. No doubt other swing states are similar, even more so after this week's stories.


                  "The Ukraine Scandal Was the Lid on the Trump Sewer and Now It's All Spilling Out"

                  Trump tried to get charges dropped against a Turkish-Iranian gold trader that Erdogan wanted out of jail. John Kelly told trump it was illegal. "While the efforts to secure Zarrab's release were ultimately unsuccessful, Zarrab ended up taking a plea deal in November 2017—and was speculated to be cooperating with Robert Mueller's team in their investigation of Michael Flynn and his relationship with Erdogan."

                  Maybe that's why Flynn still hasn't gone to jail yet - he's still talking


                    It gets astoundingly more insane !

                    The two guys arrested last night ? Rudy has lunch with them yesterday at the Trump Hotel DC.

                    That was two days after their attorney John Dowd (remember him?) told Congress they would refuse to testify.

                    Day after that the insane letter went to Congress from WH lawyer refusing to cooperate and DOJ simultaneously [b] asserting that US v Nixon was WRONGLY decided by a UNANIMOUS Supreme Court decision.

                    *THEN* these guys decided to flee the country

                    Cons have to start “spinning “ the obviously unspinnable.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      "The Ukraine Scandal Was the Lid on the Trump Sewer and Now It's All Spilling Out"

                      Trump tried to get charges dropped against a Turkish-Iranian gold trader that Erdogan wanted out of jail. John Kelly told trump it was illegal. "While the efforts to secure Zarrab's release were ultimately unsuccessful, Zarrab ended up taking a plea deal in November 2017—and was speculated to be cooperating with Robert Mueller's team in their investigation of Michael Flynn and his relationship with Erdogan."

                      Maybe that's why Flynn still hasn't gone to jail yet - he's still talking
                      Charges were mysteriously dropped against a number of Erdogan's body guards who beat the crap out of WH protestors in 2017


                        Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Charges were mysteriously dropped against a number of Erdogan's body guards who beat the crap out of WH protestors in 2017
                        So the washington post (yes we all know this is a liberal media)....mentioning the two "associates" well the question is who is the congressman that took the money? Hmm we would think that the washington post would gladly (and without remorse) let us know who this congressman is. Yes? ya its a liberal congressman!!!!!!! Muddy waters, oh muddy waters!!!!!!!


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          So the washington post (yes we all know this is a liberal media)....mentioning the two "associates" well the question is who is the congressman that took the money? Hmm we would think that the washington post would gladly (and without remorse) let us know who this congressman is. Yes? ya its a liberal congressman!!!!!!! Muddy waters, oh muddy waters!!!!!!!
                          Pete Sessions (R) was the Congressman they made straw donations to AND discussed getting help from.

                          They also made illegal max straw man donations to Kevin McCarthy (R). He’s the minority leader in the House and the guy who was once captured on tape telling Paul Ryan that he believed Trump and Dana Rohrbacher (R) were on Putin’s payroll

                          So you’ve belly flopped your landing again.

                          You garden variety Cons are going to provide so much comic relief over the next months . We need fhat while we root out all the 🐀 s so don’t change, ‘k?


                            Laxative and tarkanian seem to have got money too

                            Both republicans


                              Karl Rove says that guys like Parnas and Fruman pop up in every campaign — with an obvious "warning signal," of the money they throw around and promised connections — and he's "surprised" that Rudy Giuliani let himself get so close to such characters.
                              Telling on oneself Karl?

                              Anyone want to set up a whiplash clinic for DC Republicans ?


                                Happy Anniversary - see Trump’s 7 yr old “evergreen” post

                                Donald J. Trump

                                Has Barack Obama been caught red handed laundering money into his campaign from illegal online foreign donations? Media?
                                2:04 PM · Oct 10, 2012 ·Twitter Web Client


                                Tweet for EVERY occasion. Cons should be used to it



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