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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Sounds like Trump should get credit for nearly fuking it up. The military saved it.

    "...But Mr. Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw American forces from northern Syria disrupted the meticulous planning and forced Pentagon officials to press ahead with a risky, night raid before their ability to control troops and spies and reconnaissance aircraft disappeared, according to military, intelligence and counterterrorism officials. Mr. al-Baghdadi’s death, they said, occurred largely in spite of Mr. Trump’s actions."

    C.I.A. Got Tip on al-Baghdadi’s Location From Arrest of a Wife and a Courier
    CIA leaking again? Isn't that against the law? Should we believe an organization that is in charge of misinformation, who is currently being investigated for disseminating misinformation on an American citizen?


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Bye bye Katie. We hardly knew ya.... until everything was exposed on the internet.
      Funny stuff. Husband is a douche it seems but anyone who is dumb enough to take digital images of anything is ripe for attack.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        When Trump was shown on the big screen during the World Series game at Nationals Park the crowd began loudly chanting “LOCK HIM UP!”

        Cons, that’s what the real America thinks of your president. Trump will probably stick to his MAGAT rallies from here on out.
        Do you think he'd get the same reception in Houston away from the biased DC beltway? Or should I say DC swamp? After all I'm willing to bet a lot of those fans are sweating their jobs under Trump.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          CIA leaking again? Isn't that against the law? Should we believe an organization that is in charge of misinformation, who is currently being investigated for disseminating misinformation on an American citizen?
          Cons spin and spin and spin. They must get dizzy everyday.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Do you think he'd get the same reception in Houston away from the biased DC beltway? Or should I say DC swamp? After all I'm willing to bet a lot of those fans are sweating their jobs under Trump.
            Even Ted Cruz says TX is a huge risk

            "Texas Sen. Ted Cruz sounded the alarm on Thursday about Donald Trump and the Republican Party’s worsening political fortunes in the Lone Star State. According to the GOP senator, Texas Democrats are fired up and ready to send the president packing. Cruz said that what happened in 2018 – when Beto O’Rourke came within three points of winning a Senate seat in the state – isn’t an isolated incident.

            “I think the Texas election in 2018 is powerful foreshadowing for what to expect across the country in 2020,” Cruz said, according to Politico. “The Democrats in Texas increased their turnout more than 100 percent.”


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Sounds like Trump should get credit for nearly fuking it up. The military saved it.

              "...But Mr. Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw American forces from northern Syria disrupted the meticulous planning and forced Pentagon officials to press ahead with a risky, night raid before their ability to control troops and spies and reconnaissance aircraft disappeared, according to military, intelligence and counterterrorism officials. Mr. al-Baghdadi’s death, they said, occurred largely in spite of Mr. Trump’s actions."

              C.I.A. Got Tip on al-Baghdadi’s Location From Arrest of a Wife and a Courier
              Bwahahaha! The New York Times??? They have lost their credibility long ago.

              As has the Washington Post.

              The WaPo initially described Baghdadi as "terrorist-in-chief" in their headline before changing it to call him a ‘Austere Religious Scholar’.

              "Austere religious leader dies in darkness"


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Democrats and Republicans both gave credit when credit was due to Obama when Special Forces raided and Killed Bin Ladden.

                Democrats and Republicans both also gave credit when credit was due to Obama when Special Forces raided and captured Saddam Hussein (who was later hanged by his own people).

                Democrap Senator Shumer (ny) and maybe Trumps biggest critic is giving TRUMP credit for this since TRUMP is the commander in chief....YOU can show some class yourself and acknowledge this...otherwise, you will always be a lying sc_mbag.

                “ Military officials admit Trump almost ruined the Al-Baghdadi raid”



                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Cons spin and spin and spin. They must get dizzy everyday.
                  As usual, projecting your own behavior on others. It's like in the DNA of lefties. They can't help themselves. The spin is not answering the question - Isn't leaking illegal?


                    Trump “strikes out” at World Series game seems to be the lede today.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      “ Military officials admit Trump almost ruined the Al-Baghdadi raid”

                      Alter net??? Seriously???


                      AlterNet is rated "extreme left bias" by Media Bias Fact Check, Factual Reporting: MIXED

                      "AlterNet also frequently delves into pseudosciencewith the promotion of anti-GMO propaganda, which is not consistent with the consensus of science. AlterNet has conistently reported on the connection between cell phones and cancer, which is misleading as there is not a scientific consensus on whether radiation for cell phones causes cancer or not."


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        As usual, projecting your own behavior on others. It's like in the DNA of lefties. They can't help themselves. The spin is not answering the question - Isn't leaking illegal?
                        Different poster ....if the original comment was sufficient to get you rise and take the worm, do know I am LOVING how thin-skinned and brittle you are these days. Love love love it when you do your ❄️ act.


                          Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Different poster ....if the original comment was sufficient to get you rise and take the worm, do know I am LOVING how thin-skinned and brittle you are these days. Love love love it when you do your ❄️ act.
                          you are the one with the thin skin their snowflake....we all know this as you are the first one up every morning posting Bullsh_t anonymously on a public soccer forum many times before 7am!!!!! If it were not for TRUMP, You would have no reason for getting up every morning.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Bwahahaha! The New York Times??? They have lost their credibility long ago.

                            As has the Washington Post.

                            The WaPo initially described Baghdadi as "terrorist-in-chief" in their headline before changing it to call him a ‘Austere Religious Scholar’.

                            "Austere religious leader dies in darkness"

                            Genghis Khan, accomplished horseman and indefatigable traveler, breathes his last.

                            Mohamed Atta, skilled aviator and leader of men, dies at 33.

                            Adolph Hiter, Austrian housepainter and noted vegetarian died after a long and influential career.

                            Judas Iscariot, devoted disciple of Jesus and noted silver trader.

                            Joseph Stalin, former seminarian and noted agrarian reformer, dead at 74.

                            Mao Zedong, who saved 20-45 million of his own people from having to suffer through the struggle of existence, dies at 82.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Different poster ....if the original comment was sufficient to get you rise and take the worm, do know I am LOVING how thin-skinned and brittle you are these days. Love love love it when you do your ❄️ act.
                              Isn't leaking illegal? Can't you answer that question?


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                                Genghis Khan, accomplished horseman and indefatigable traveler, breathes his last.

                                Mohamed Atta, skilled aviator and leader of men, dies at 33.

                                Adolph Hiter, Austrian housepainter and noted vegetarian died after a long and influential career.

                                Judas Iscariot, devoted disciple of Jesus and noted silver trader.

                                Joseph Stalin, former seminarian and noted agrarian reformer, dead at 74.

                                Mao Zedong, who saved 20-45 million of his own people from having to suffer through the struggle of existence, dies at 82.
                                Meanwhile from CNN: "Trump kills father of three"


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