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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Ya that must have been why Republicans won so many political seats at both state and federal level when he was in office.
    The 2018 was the biggest midterm win in modern history on the numbers.

    That’s all you need to worry about right now. Along with your president’s plunging approval (starting to lose base). And his criminality . Worry about that too.


    You know about those words we get to shout them them



      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Lame. Embarrassing and lame.
      ^^^^ 🥜 ter opinion of one. Fact.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Man you guys are relentless.

        You exposed him. Mission accomplished.

        Let it go.

        -Sock Puppet
        On cue ....the imaginary playmate rises to lend support ....

        Hey sick puppy .....

        Join us in a chorus first popularized by one MJ Flynn?

        LOCK HIM UP
        LOCK HIM UP


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          On cue ....the imaginary playmate rises to lend support ....

          Hey sick puppy .....

          Join us in a chorus first popularized by one MJ Flynn?

          LOCK HIM UP
          YES, THATS RIGHT
          LOCK HIM UP
          You should know by now I don't respond to your attacks. I only did here as a gentle reminder.

          -Sock Puppet


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            You should know by now I don't respond to your attacks. I only did here as a gentle reminder.

            -Sock Puppet
            That’s fine .

            I’ll offer another round in your honor ....

            LOCK HIM UP
            YES, THAT’S RIGHT
            LOCK HIM UP.

            Have fun till we here from you again in a few months when you rise once again to offer your support to your fellow cons ....

            The same ones who threaten what’s been established and loosely used language today to
            Dance their edge ....

            Yes that’s right ....the you we’ve always known ....

            Just be careful Cons ....don’t do ANYTHING that might get you LOCKED UP Too!

            Bwa ha ha


              Lock him up
              lock them all up




                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  That’s fine .

                  I’ll offer another round in your honor ....

                  LOCK HIM UP
                  YES, THAT’S RIGHT
                  LOCK HIM UP.

                  Have fun till we here from you again in a few months when you rise once again to offer your support to your fellow cons ....

                  The same ones who threaten what’s been established and loosely used language today to
                  Dance their edge ....

                  Yes that’s right ....the you we’ve always known ....

                  Just be careful Cons ....don’t do ANYTHING that might get you LOCKED UP Too!

                  Bwa ha ha
                  This moron actually penned an earlier message criticizing another poster on clarity and writing style. The lack of self awareness is something else!


                    Sorry Nancy!


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Sorry Nancy!
                      He's such a toddler.


                        Guess who traveled to Iraq during the shutdown to “thank” the troops?

                        Trumpty - Dumpty


                        Trump can’t help vomiting all over himself like a crazy grandpa !


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          This moron actually penned an earlier message criticizing another poster on clarity and writing style. The lack of self awareness is something else!
                          Awwwww.....I think you are just wallowing in butt hurt now that your president is a laughingstock to all but 1/3


                          He’s a piñata !



                            The administration covered up the extent of family seperations, may have possibly even provided false info to federal judges. Cohen revealed he paid a survey firm to fudge results. Just another day in Trumplandia.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Awwwww.....I think you are just wallowing in butt hurt now that your president is a laughingstock to all but 1/3


                              He’s a piñata !

                              Bet Nancy wasn’t laughing when she took that bus back to the Capitol after OUR President denied her the use of military aircraft! Hilarious!

                              Didn’t she just claim they were equal in power? Doh!


                                I’m hearing Trump directed Cohen to lie in his testimony to Congress about the Trump Tower project and Cohen taped the conversation. The legal term is suborning penury.

                                Good Times!


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