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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    I've answered previously.

    Your turn.

    The rest is word salad.

    "Liberals are white supremacists"
    Didn't catch your answer . Please kindly repeat it in your reply and let it stand alone this way we make sure I catch it.



      The right-wing Wall Street Journal editorial page this week published an op-ed in which it backed up Sen. Bob Corker’s (R-TN) assessment that the Trump White House is akin to an “adult daycare center.”

      In particular, the editorial agreed with Corker that many people inside the White House see it as their patriotic duty to manage Trump and make sure he doesn’t do something rash that would harm America’s interests.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        The WSJ should wake up and realize that more and more Americans could care less about he " parties" , and the media, and care about changing the guard, draining the swamp. And that swamp is Congress, who Americans time and time again give the lowest approval ratings of all.

        They see Repubs unable to pass legislation, Dems hung up on their ideology, and a President who isn't taking their mounds of garbage served up to the American people. They see a MSM constantly in attack mode.

        They're not as stupid as the media makes them out to be. Add to this is the inability of Democrats to have an emerging leader, or even any kind of platform, and we are nearly headed towards a second term. Just wait until the weather influenced economy picks up steam over the next few quarters. Trump.....Wall Street is on course to set a record for percentage of growth for the first year of a Presidency. We already have had one quarter of estimated 3.1 % annual GDP growth, a figure not seen by Obama in 8 years.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Didn't catch your answer . Please kindly repeat it in your reply and let it stand alone this way we make sure I catch it.
          ^^^^ asked so nicely yet ignored so 🥜 ter can slaver on .....

          Evidence again about true agendas ....

          Bwa ha ha


            Bore us,

            Say what?

            Imagine the HOWLS if this was "acting like a king" obama or ..Egads ....Clinton!

            Bwa haha


            Most criminal administration ever and Bore-us was early ardent and now everlasting supporter ....


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Bore us,

              Say what?

              Imagine the HOWLS if this was "acting like a king" obama or ..Egads ....Clinton!

              Bwa haha


              Most criminal administration ever and Bore-us was early ardent and now everlasting supporter ....
              Have you installed your coal fired pizza oven yet ? King Obama has finally lost the war on coal. And we didn't even have to wait for the Supremes to smack him down.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                ^^^^ asked so nicely yet ignored so 🥜 ter can slaver on .....

                Evidence again about true agendas ....

                Bwa ha ha
                Again...never voted FOR Trump, have never defended him, and won't do so now. So, easy decision on which side I would align with as far as party preferences go.

                Your turn...


                  The days of the Democrat Party claiming to be the “Party of Women” are over.

                  Voters simply won’t buy it, given the series of scandals involving alleged sexual abuse, harassment and exploitation of women at the hands of powerful men within and around the party.

                  Harvey Weinstein, a big-time fundraiser for Democrat politicians and causes is the latest high-profile, egregious example. According to The New York Times, Weinstein’s outrageous sexual abuse and harassment of women went on for decades — while countless politicians including former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Sen. Chuck Schumer, Sen. Al Franken and other Democrats accepted donations from him.

                  Many Democrat pols who gladly accepted wads of Weinstein’s cash claim they didn’t know about the sexual harassment of actresses, journalists and other professional women.

                  Hard to believe, given Weinstein’s abuse was well-known in Hollywood circles .

                  So, while progressives including the Bay State’s Sen. Elizabeth Warren were accusing the Republican Party of waging a “War on Women,” Hollywood liberal Weinstein was truly waging war on women by depriving them of a safe work environment. Weinstein’s harassment resulted in at least eight legal settlements, according to reports.

                  And he’s not the only liberal who turned out to be a predator.

                  Anthony Weiner, husband of Hillary Clinton’s former top 2016 campaign staffer Huma Abedin, has been sentenced to prison for sexual misconduct with a minor. We’ll spare you the sexting details but know this: The former Democratic U.S. congressman —a convicted sex offender —is no one you want your daughters, sisters or female friends to be around.

                  Then there’s other former major Democrat donors like billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who back in 2008 was sentenced to jail for soliciting sex with a minor charges.

                  The Democrats somehow managed to weather having a president impeached for a highly inappropriate sexual relationship with a young, vulnerable intern.

                  But knowing what we know to date, Democrats cannot insult voters’ intelligence by continuing to spin the nonsense they are the “party of women,” protecting our rights and well-being, when some of the most powerful among them are abusing women — including minors.

                  This weekend, progressives have been besieging Democrats in emails with dire warnings of the GOP taking away birth control coverage in women’s health plans.

                  If they want to have a prayer of fixing that, they better address the deep problems in their own party.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    The days of the Democrat Party claiming to be the “Party of Women” are over.

                    Voters simply won’t buy it, given the series of scandals involving alleged sexual abuse, harassment and exploitation of women at the hands of powerful men within and around the party.

                    Harvey Weinstein, a big-time fundraiser for Democrat politicians and causes is the latest high-profile, egregious example. According to The New York Times, Weinstein’s outrageous sexual abuse and harassment of women went on for decades — while countless politicians including former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Sen. Chuck Schumer, Sen. Al Franken and other Democrats accepted donations from him.

                    Many Democrat pols who gladly accepted wads of Weinstein’s cash claim they didn’t know about the sexual harassment of actresses, journalists and other professional women.

                    Hard to believe, given Weinstein’s abuse was well-known in Hollywood circles .

                    So, while progressives including the Bay State’s Sen. Elizabeth Warren were accusing the Republican Party of waging a “War on Women,” Hollywood liberal Weinstein was truly waging war on women by depriving them of a safe work environment. Weinstein’s harassment resulted in at least eight legal settlements, according to reports.

                    And he’s not the only liberal who turned out to be a predator.

                    Anthony Weiner, husband of Hillary Clinton’s former top 2016 campaign staffer Huma Abedin, has been sentenced to prison for sexual misconduct with a minor. We’ll spare you the sexting details but know this: The former Democratic U.S. congressman —a convicted sex offender —is no one you want your daughters, sisters or female friends to be around.

                    Then there’s other former major Democrat donors like billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who back in 2008 was sentenced to jail for soliciting sex with a minor charges.

                    The Democrats somehow managed to weather having a president impeached for a highly inappropriate sexual relationship with a young, vulnerable intern.

                    But knowing what we know to date, Democrats cannot insult voters’ intelligence by continuing to spin the nonsense they are the “party of women,” protecting our rights and well-being, when some of the most powerful among them are abusing women — including minors.

                    This weekend, progressives have been besieging Democrats in emails with dire warnings of the GOP taking away birth control coverage in women’s health plans.

                    If they want to have a prayer of fixing that, they better address the deep problems in their own party.
                    The Dems will take the " high road" in all of this. Just ask Michelle.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Have you installed your coal fired pizza oven yet ? King Obama has finally lost the war on coal. And we didn't even have to wait for the Supremes to smack him down.
                      Obama hasn't lost the war on coal.

                      We have. On wrong side. Economics of it kills it.

                      We will be effed like whalers were once gas was available for lamps. Pity .

                      It's all the studlidity of the cons.

                      Now go celebrate your pyrrhic small-ball victory while you can ....LMAO

                      Anything on the toddler president


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Again...never voted FOR Trump, have never defended him, and won't do so now. So, easy decision on which side I would align with as far as party preferences go.

                        Your turn...
                        Never voted for Trump either but been consistent all the way

                        Show us some of YOUR posts from Oct 2016 where you opposed Trump as candidate , revealed who you were voting for and then outlined your nuances

                        Good luck!

                        Bwa ha ha

                        I think the smell of your GOP albatross (your party embraced him but you didn't ? Sure 😷 puppet sure ) is getting to you .


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Never voted for Trump either but been consistent all the way

                          Show us some of YOUR posts from Oct 2016 where you opposed Trump as candidate , revealed who you were voting for and then outlined your nuances

                          Good luck!

                          Bwa ha ha

                          I think the smell of your GOP albatross (your party embraced him but you didn't ? Sure 😷 puppet sure ) is getting to you .
                          You honestly expect me to go back and look through a year's worth of anonymous posts to prove an anonymous point to an anonymous poster? Seriously? You do the legwork...go find something complimentary I've ever said about the person. I'm not your lackey.

                          But, more to the point, you still won't decide which side of the civil war going on within the Dems you will fall on, will you? Asked a half-dozen times, answered your question twice, brushed off a serious of personal attacks and insults. Yet, still you are. Word-salading it all up and deflecting.




                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            You honestly expect me to go back and look through a year's worth of anonymous posts to prove an anonymous point to an anonymous poster? Seriously? You do the legwork...go find something complimentary I've ever said about the person. I'm not your lackey.
                            How WEAK is ^^^^^^^.

                            I smell a weasel. I smell an "anonymous" trump-loving MAGAt who reveled for months .....

                            Are you sayng it was NOT you repeated chortling "we have the house , we have the Senate , White House

                            Oh yes 🥜 🥜 🥜 ter and you made it clear you relished it .....

                            No caveats with "WE have the WH"

                            But now your albatross stinks so some anonymous former MAGAts want a mulligan ....


                            But, more to the point, you still won't decide which side of the civil war going on within the Dems you will fall on, will you? Asked a half-dozen times, answered your question twice, brushed off a serious of personal attacks and insults. Yet, still you are. Word-salading it all up and deflecting.
                            I asked you to quote me a dem throwing down on a civil war like Bannon is.

                            Can't , can you?

                            Tee hee

                            Bwa ha ha

                            So this is just your posturing to cover for that ....

                            How far you've fallen from Mr Cocksure in November 2016

                            Your great conservative dream is over already , isn't it ? <sniff>


                              Word Salad.

                              Deflecting as per usual.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Word Salad.

                                Deflecting as per usual.
                                ^^^^^ BORe-us leaving the playing field.

                                Please not the speed and efficiency with which so many people do the right thing re: Weinstein.

                                He's history. No one defending him.

                                Sixteen women came forward with similar accusations about Trump after he confessed to serial sexual assault in access Hollywood tape.

                                So when you do choose to step over the touch line again, oh magnificent coward Bore-us, explain why that GOP party you are with ( as opposed to trump - gee weren't you with the insurgent Bannon wing the other day? Even know Day to day?) continues to hold their "Harvey Weinstein" aloft as president

                                Bwa ha ha


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