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    Never complained about anonymous sources during eight obama years

    True dat!

    Now tell us categorically ....were voter qualifications touched? Were people turned away at polls because of Russian hacking?

    It's going to come out so please go on record specifically about this so your nose can be rubbed in your own pooh later


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      " apparently"

      Source ?
      Yeah report ain't done yet.

      I remind you that trump already copped to obstruction on national TV.

      How's work going on the freedom wall? Any pics?


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Patience grasshopper, patience. Mueller and team will show you the truth in time.
        Muellers "dream team" is going to run trump out of town. Like the ambulance chasers he hires are going To stand up to the BEST we have.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Never complained about anonymous sources during eight obama years

          True dat!

          Now tell us categorically ....were voter qualifications touched? Were people turned away at polls because of Russian hacking?

          It's going to come out so please go on record specifically about this so your nose can be rubbed in your own pooh later
          Russian dressing was placed in eating establishments close to polling places.....SINISTER!


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Yeah report ain't done yet.

            I remind you that trump already copped to obstruction on national TV.

            How's work going on the freedom wall? Any pics?
            I think the tin foil hat is on a bit tight this morning. Take it off, go for a walk, smell a flower.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Yeah report ain't done yet.

              I remind you that trump already copped to obstruction on national TV.

              How's work going on the freedom wall? Any pics?
              Trump said last night gonna be solar lol.

              I've renamed it the "freedom ditch"


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                1) in the runoff she spent 2.5 x more even with far higher name recognition

                2) she underperformed every R that ever ran there

                3) need 27 to flip house

                4) 71 seats bluer than GA-06

                I look forward to it.

                In the meantime #trumprussia

                Full speed ahead
                Who won? Oh that's right, the Republican. Dems were either convinced they could win this or they are idiots because they spent $30M and lost. Good try but still a very expensive loss for the Donkeys. Keep up the same playbook. Working really swell for us on the winning team. Thanks for Making America Great Again. We really couldn't be doing this without you. Much appreciated.

                P.S. Keep trotting good ole Maxine, Nancy, Lizzie, Chuck and Bernie out. Love to see Septuagenarians who have trouble sticking to the script be the face of your "movement". Really couldn't ask for any more from the Dems. Please don't change!


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Trump said last night gonna be solar lol.

                  I've renamed it the "freedom ditch"
                  SOLAR! With a wind turbine every 100 yards! The lefties will love it!


                    Sen. Tim Kaine, D-VA

                    While Democrats are quite unified and generally in step with the American public on social issues, we lag on the one issue that most people deem most important.

                    The Republicans have a simple economic message. What do they want to do to the economy? Grow it. How do they want to grow it? Fewer taxes and less regulation.

                    Set aside whether or not this is actually a sufficient growth strategy for the nation or for anybody other than those at the top. The Republican message is simple and consistent.

                    If you ask regular folks what Democrats want to do to the economy, not many will mention growth as the goal. (This is partly due to broad anti-business rhetoric that is directed toward Wall Street or multinationals but manages to scare off entrepreneurs and small businesses too.) The Democratic economic goal is more likely to be described as about fairness, regulation, taxation or redistribution.

                    And if you ask folks how the Democrats plan to accomplish their economic goal(s), you often get a blank look. We are wonky people and usually have a ten point plan with multiple sub-points about jobs and the economy. Complexity doesn't communicate well and we seldom deliver an economic message that really sticks.

                    My 23 years in state, local and federal politics have convinced me that Democrats will always lose on economic messaging unless we have a simple and compelling growth strategy. If the Republicans pitch growth and we pitch anything else, we lose. We can sometimes make it up on other issues, but why start behind on people’s key concern?

                    Democrats should focus on growth. History shows that job and income growth are typically higher under Democratic administrations. Stress that growth must be shared and sustainable, both economically and environmentally. Growth in GDP that just accrues to a narrow band of folks at the top is woefully inadequate. We should measure growth by wage growth and poverty reduction and business start-ups and increased economic mobility.

                    And how do Democrats plan to grow the economy? If the Republicans are about less taxes and less regulations, we should be about better skills, better jobs and better wages.

                    Better skills in our people and communities — through innovative K-12 education, affordable college, apprenticeships, job training, immigration — will make us more competitive in a world where talent is now the most precious resource. We need to double down on retraining people whose jobs are destroyed by shifts in trade. And when the main economic disruptor is not trade but technological advances, better skills are the most certain way for people and communities to keep up and get ahead. Finally, better skills are key to new waves of innovation that maintain our creative edge.

                    Better jobs are a natural for a party with strong ties to working people. Fighting for workers’ rights must stay central to what we do. Better health and child care allow people to work more productively. Incentives to promote job growth in rural America and our inner cities are critical. Pushing for sustained investment in our nation’s infrastructure — transportation, broadband, clean energy, school renovation — with the skills training to get the work done is a way to expand job opportunities while continually raising the platform for economic success.


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Yeah report ain't done yet.

                      I remind you that trump already copped to obstruction on national TV.

                      How's work going on the freedom wall? Any pics?


                      [uh-par-uh nt, uh-pair-]

                      Spell Syllables

                      Word Origin

                      See more synonyms on



                      readily seen; exposed to sight; open to view; visible:
                      The crack in the wall was readily apparent.


                      capable of being easily perceived or understood; plain or clear; obvious:
                      The solution to the problem was apparent to all.


                      according to appearances, initial evidence, incomplete results, etc.; ostensible rather than actual:
                      He was the apparent winner of the election.


                      entitled to a right of inheritance by birth, indefeasible except by one's death before that of the ancestor, to an inherited throne, title, or other estate.

                      You are one big Joke.


                        Solar? What happened to coal?


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Solar? What happened to coal?
                          Are you proposing a coal-wall? What's your point?


                            Yeah, Trump admitting to obstruction on national tv was hilarious. You could probably hear his lawyers heads exploding from miles away.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Solar? What happened to coal?
                              Yeah why isn't he proposing a coal fired electrical generation plant every 250 miles so that he can burn all the coal to be mined?


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Yeah, Trump admitting to obstruction on national tv was hilarious. You could probably hear his lawyers heads exploding from miles away.
                                That's why no real litigators will sign on. He's stuck with tv talking head lawyers like kasowitz and sekulow.


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