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      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

      Poor TMan. I suggest you actually read it. Dems will be in more deep doo doo if they continue with the myth "there's nothing there there". This is actually worse than the House Intell memo.
      Clinton associates were "feeding" allegations to Christopher Steele while he was compiling the anti-Trump dossier. Additionally the Senate Judiciary has records of the media groups Steele was leaking information to. All of which were included as basis for the FISA warrant.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Smart little quips change nothing TMan, and this just underlines my point.


        But the swamp is slowly being drained. Five will be gone before Trump's second term.

        Hey Dummy, you just keep embarrassing yourself over and over.

        All of the current FISA court judges have been appointed by Chief Justice John Roberts. 4 of the 11 judges were nominated to their judgeships by a Democratic President.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Con now suddenly loves polls. Even ones that show Trump is still historically unpopular.

          Lol, Dems aren’t sweating at all. It will be a bloodbath for Cons in November. There’s an excellent chance Trump won’t even be president by then. But please go right ahead and keep deluding yourself.
          " excellent chance"

          No Evidence. No collusion, no obstruction, no money laundering, no mental illness, no heart disease....
          An attempt to have electors change their votes, the boycott of the Inauguration, Lawsuit after lawsuit , " Resist " ! Howl at the Moon ! Russia...Russia...Russia


            Con can’t even get something as basic as the composition of the FISA court correct. Something that any 7th grader would be able to do after just a minute with Google.

            But he knows he’s right about everything. Lol
            Typical Trump voter. I.e., a moron.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Once again, TMan more intellectual dishonesty from you. Anyone who knows anything about stocks knows a correction has been expected; however, it can't be denied that the stock market has been bullish under Trump when Paul Krugman was predicting disaster.
              So daily increases in market are all positive moves based on confidence in Trump.

              When goes down it’s an expected correction.

              Got it.

              Good luck. I’m sure the guy on Main St won’t blame Trump the moment he feels it ....he will look at GOP Wh, Senate , House , Sc , state houses etc and say “blame the Dems “

              You are truly a moron


                Think the market will go down exactly 666 again?


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Think the market will go down exactly 666 again?
                  Never mind. Down 800 now.

                  The guy on Main st gonna wonder ....


                    Isn't it about time for Democrats in Congress to have another sit in ?
                    Let's face it, they have tried everything else to get rid of Trump. Nothing has worked. Approval ratings for Trump inching up....Dems are without a true leader to move the party forward, the ca$h isn't coming in like it used to, Clintons are toast...


                      Did Con really say in an earlier post that Papadopolous had been photoshopped into this picture?

                      Hey Con, provide a link for your analysis. Lol.



                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Did Con really say in an earlier post that Papadopolous had been photoshopped into this picture?

                        Hey Con, provide a link for your analysis. Lol.

                        All they have left is to lie (Trump never met Papadopoulos ) and then when the photo evidence floats , lie again ....

                        They are all three years old


                          You have to check literally everything a Con posts. Half their posts are flat-out lies and the rest are half-truths, distortions, etc.

                          Like that post about the composition of the FISA court.

                          Why lie about something so blatantly false? Stupidity? Ignorance? What.the.phuck?


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            You have to check literally everything a Con posts. Half their posts are flat-out lies and the rest are half-truths, distortions, etc.

                            Like that post about the composition of the FISA court.

                            Why lie about something so blatantly false? Stupidity? Ignorance? What.the.phuck?
                            'Tards, the lot of them.

                            Rump just called Dems "Treasonous" because they didn't clap at his sh!tshow the other night.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              You have to check literally everything a Con posts. Half their posts are flat-out lies and the rest are half-truths, distortions, etc.

                              Like that post about the composition of the FISA court.

                              Why lie about something so blatantly false? Stupidity? Ignorance? What.the.phuck?
                              Lies and half-truths are foundational requirements for con double speak.


                                increase in Dow Jones Industrial Average from president's Inauguration Day to Feb 5 of following year:
                                --Trump 22.7%
                                --Obama 38.5%

                                Cry more cons.


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