Originally posted by Unregistered
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They said that since the THPRD extends into Portland addresses and many of the PCU are actually in the THPRD district and are tax payers that PCU deserve the right to use the premier fields as well.
This will all be cheaper than paying to turf a field that doesn't belong to them and that helps other clubs, programs, and people beyond themselves.
Also hear the FC Portland and OSA are joining in on this fight for field space at THPRD since many of their club members also live in the THPRD district.
Only fair if all tax payers get a shot at using the field!!!
When all is said and done AUSC only gets to use a turf field once a month due to create a precedent that allows more teams than manageable to use the fields and eventually lead to an exponential rate of deterioration of the field and end up making the rec center looking like Liberty HS.