Originally posted by Unregistered
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OK. Let's be honest. There is no grand scheme by FKK. HM is a dumb soccer coach who could not balance a check book. You may love his development, you may think he knows the game better than anyone at OC, however, he ran CFK into massive debt and was so inept on club management that OC had to give him the boot. Now he convinces a few loyal CFK parents to help him build a new club and what does he do? First, violates the 15-mile rule. Who does that? Who is so stupid or arrogant or whatever you want to call it that they go ahead and break a rule right in the face of the club they left? And talk about gullible! What were the supposed soccer experienced parents thinking on the FKK board? Did HM give you assurances that FYSA would not uphold their own rules? That somehow FKK was special and would not need to abide by the same rules? And talk about going up and taunting the Lion at the cage!!! You knew OC had the resources to take this fight as far as they needed with FYSA. So that is what happened. OC challenged at the annual meeting and FKK was denied affiliation due to violation of the 5-mile rule. So what does HM and the BoD do? Why they strike a deal with Maitland to use their player passes for State Cup. Not to blend teams and play in the same leagues as Maitland. No, this is just for State Cup. It is a clear gaming of the FYSA rules and more sanctions are coming. Of course the propaganda war starts on TS with the accusations of OC trying to take over youth soccer when the truth is that HM had it in his plan back when he came to CFK. His plan was derailed when he thought he could run OC after he met with Phil and misjudged the man and his money. HM thought Phil would just let him run OCYS as he wished. The truth is that HM could not handle the size and scope of administering the merger of FSA and CFK. Kids went without uniforms. Not enough coaches. Simple gaffs made by the leadership, including HM, that he then flipped against the "Corporate English" as he was dismissed.
The truth is that HM is just a dumb jock who has no business anywhere near the front office. He stumbles at every turn, runs roughshod over regulations and literally spends more money than he takes in. This will lead to another ruinous turn for FKK and the parents who were duped into believing him.
The truth is that HM is just a dumb jock who has no business anywhere near the front office. He stumbles at every turn, runs roughshod over regulations and literally spends more money than he takes in. This will lead to another ruinous turn for FKK and the parents who were duped into believing him.
Wendy Lynn