no it is not its a 2008 kid who is still in 8th grade who cant play hs league (clearly) and has no fall league because everyone u15 is playing hs league therefore they are "trapped" and essentially are allowed to "play down" because they are trapped
Can kids born in June, July or August of 2008 play on 2009 team or is it kids born September - December 2008 only?
Doesn't sound like you understand the trapped-player issue. Is mostly an issue for younger 8th graders whose teams are HS-aged and don't have a fall season (most of those players are playing HS soccer). For example, 08 players are U15 now, but there are some players born in 08 who are in 8th grade. U15 has no fall season and 8th grade has no HS soccer, so those young 08 players have no place to play unless the league their team plays in allows 08 players to play down in U14 in the fall. and ENCL allows this
Doesn't sound like you understand the trapped-player issue. Is mostly an issue for younger 8th graders whose teams are HS-aged and don't have a fall season (most of those players are playing HS soccer). For example, 08 players are U15 now, but there are some players born in 08 who are in 8th grade. U15 has no fall season and 8th grade has no HS soccer, so those young 08 players have no place to play unless the league their team plays in allows 08 players to play down in U14 in the fall. and ENCL allows this
I don't think you understood my question about limits on birth months. There are current 8 graders born in June, July or August of 2008 (not just September -December 2008). These kids will be year and half older than kids born in December 2009. In my kids grade there is a boy is born in April, 2008 that is current 8 grader. Parents hold him a year specifically for sports. He is going to be able to play against 2009 kids even he is almost 2 years older to some of them.
I don't think you understood my question about limits on birth months. There are current 8 graders born in June, July or August of 2008 (not just September -December 2008). These kids will be year and half older than kids born in December 2009. In my kids grade there is a boy is born in April, 2008 that is current 8 grader. Parents hold him a year specifically for sports. He is going to be able to play against 2009 kids even he is almost 2 years older to some of them.
I don't think you understood my question about limits on birth months. There are current 8 graders born in June, July or August of 2008 (not just September -December 2008). These kids will be year and half older than kids born in December 2009. In my kids grade there is a boy is born in April, 2008 that is current 8 grader. Parents hold him a year specifically for sports. He is going to be able to play against 2009 kids even he is almost 2 years older to some of them.
Only as a “trapped” player this fall season-once spring comes he will play on age again. also, ECNL rules only allow 2 to roster to play with an 09 team (or year younger). The other teams have a similar “advantage”.
Only as a “trapped” player this fall season-once spring comes he will play on age again. also, ECNL rules only allow 2 to roster to play with an 09 team (or year younger). The other teams have a similar “advantage”.
Only as a “trapped” player this fall season-once spring comes he will play on age again. also, ECNL rules only allow 2 to roster to play with an 09 team (or year younger). The other teams have a similar “advantage”.
I don’t really mind the rule, but I so not think it’s particularly necessary. The trapped player is not missing out on an ECNL season bc in hs the season switches to winter and spring. I wouldn’t mind if they simply allowed the trap players to practice with younger girls but when season points are being factored into league games it seems a bit unfair. I guarantee you a trap player will cause a team to miss the playoffs.
I agree with it being unnecessary. I have a trapped son and we have no interest in him playing down and our club doesn't offer that option anyway. He can play on his MS team, play in tournaments with other trapped players and just do some training and watching his friend's HS games. It is actually a really nice break of sorts for him.