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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Please tell me that was sarcasm. I'm begging you, please.
    Maybe. Maybe not.... ;)


      Leaked emails indicate that the Trump campaign said that they could isolate a "Jew" primary opponent by equating him as an atheist to "Southern Baptist" voters. They also referred to Latino voters as the "taco bowl demographic".

      JUST KIDDING! Those emails were from the DNC written by Democrats and released this week by Wikileaks.



        The scuttlebutt over Wasserman Shultz is going to hurt Clinton even further.

        July 25, 2016

        (CNN)The bounce is back.

        Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson (9%) and Jill Stein (3%) and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Leaked emails indicate that the Trump campaign said that they could isolate a "Jew" primary opponent by equating him as an atheist to "Southern Baptist" voters. They also referred to Latino voters as the "taco bowl demographic".

          JUST KIDDING! Those emails were from the DNC written by Democrats and released this week by Wikileaks.


          This is why it was dangerous to cast Trump, and Cons, in a certain light when the Libs are no better. Bern and Trump at least tried to get out of the establishment. Trump succeeded, but the Dems weren't going to let that happen to them.

          Hope everyone is happy...


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            The scuttlebutt over Wasserman Shultz is going to hurt Clinton even further.

            July 25, 2016

            (CNN)The bounce is back.

            Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson (9%) and Jill Stein (3%) and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups.

            Can't stand either candidate so I am voting for Johnson. That being said if Trump wins and tries to further marginalize Hispanics, the undocumented, gays, liberals, blacks, & women seeking free reproductive rights this country is going to make the 60's look like a walk on the beach. There will be riots. I guarantee it.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Can't stand either candidate so I am voting for Johnson. That being said if Trump wins and tries to further marginalize Hispanics, the undocumented, gays, liberals, blacks, & women seeking free reproductive rights this country is going to make the 60's look like a walk on the beach. There will be riots. I guarantee it.
              I can't see Trump following through with half the stuff he thinks he will. He still has to get major activity through Congress and the Senate. Still has to pass the SC test, too in some cases. If he's made people think, open their eyes, that will be enough. I can't see very many in the party fully supporting some of his ideas as they still have to get re-elected in their home states.

              I could be wrong...won't be the first nor last time.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Can't stand either candidate so I am voting for Johnson. That being said if Trump wins and tries to further marginalize Hispanics, the undocumented, gays, liberals, blacks, & women seeking free reproductive rights this country is going to make the 60's look like a walk on the beach. There will be riots. I guarantee it.
                worse than now you mean? Those hyphenated Americans were the same ones yelling " ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES" when their guy won. I would say the same!


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Can't stand either candidate so I am voting for Johnson. That being said if Trump wins and tries to further marginalize Hispanics, the undocumented, gays, liberals, blacks, & women seeking free reproductive rights this country is going to make the 60's look like a walk on the beach. There will be riots. I guarantee it.
                  Hasn't marginalized Hispanics, gays, African Americans, or women.
                  Liberals and undocumented/ILLEGALS - yes.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                    This is why it was dangerous to cast Trump, and Cons, in a certain light when the Libs are no better. Bern and Trump at least tried to get out of the establishment. Trump succeeded, but the Dems weren't going to let that happen to them.

                    Hope everyone is happy...
                    To use a sports analogy.
                    Wouldn't it be nice to have the referee in your corner? I hope nobody lost a wager on the field vs. Hillary. Vegas would have to refund those winnings, yet Wasserman-Schultz gets a job on the winning team.

                    Where's Roger Goodell when you need him, talk about a lack of integrity. Funny, that our professional sports leagues hold themselves to a higher standard than the Democratic Party.

                    Can't make this stuff up!


                      I really cannot believe Hillary would hire about bad optics.

                      I love how Pelosi (speaking of crackpots) mentioning this is a non-issue, and the DNC Chair really does nothing anyway. Ouch.


                        Meant to add...watched CurlyDeb a few times on CNN, wasn't a fan. Ask her how the weather is, and she'd turn the conversation toward Trump and his environmental policies. Ask her how her mom's doing, and she'd reply Trump and the Republicans are targeting the elderly. Ask her what kind of shoes she's wearing, and she goes on about the Trump's war on woman.

                        Of course I'm hyperbolizing (not a word), but it was pretty weird in how she deflected. As a Chair of the party, puzzling.


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I really cannot believe Hillary would hire about bad optics.

                          I love how Pelosi (speaking of crackpots) mentioning this is a non-issue, and the DNC Chair really does nothing anyway. Ouch.
                          Wonder how much the position pays? Taxpayer funded?
                          Pelosi is acknowledging that taxpayers a paying for a person who's sole responsibility is to rig the election to go a certain way?
                          Are we talking about the Democratic Party or the Mafia? I think they call that person a "fixer".


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            I really cannot believe Hillary would hire about bad optics.

                            I love how Pelosi (speaking of crackpots) mentioning this is a non-issue, and the DNC Chair really does nothing anyway. Ouch.
                            I cannot believe she is presiding over the convention. What a horrible decision. Her resignation is effective AFTER the convention. Trump may be on to something regarding Hillary's decision making.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              I cannot believe she is presiding over the convention. What a horrible decision. Her resignation is effective AFTER the convention. Trump may be on to something regarding Hillary's decision making.
                              Could you imagine the activity on here if the same fodder came out last week about the RNC?

                              I still am not convinced that Trump can win, but I do chuckle when thinking of the look on Hillary's face should she lose...


                                BY JOSE LAMBIET

                                While developer Donald Trump was busy getting the Republican Party’s presidential nomination this week, he was losing big in a Miami-Dade County courtroom.

                                Circuit Court Judge Jorge Cueto, presiding over a lawsuit related to unpaid bills brought by a local paint store against the Trump National Doral Miami golf resort, ordered the billionaire politician’s company to pay the Doral-based mom-and-pop shop nearly $300,000 in attorney’s fees.

                                All because, according to the lawsuit, Trump allegedly tried to stiff The Paint Spot on its last payment of $34,863 on a $200,000 contract for paint used in the renovation of the home of golf’s famed Blue Monster two years ago.

                                Trump National’s insistence that it had “paid enough” for the paint despite a contract, according to the lawsuit, caused The Paint Spot to slap a lien on the property and Cueto to order the foreclosure sale of the resort.

                                In time, Donald Trump’s company got the judge to cancel the June 28 courthouse auction after it placed the $34,000 in escrow, and the case was put on hold while Trump National’s owner, Trump Endeavor, considered an appeal.

                                But the lien remained.

                                And Cueto was asked to rule on the fees for The Paint Spot’s three $500-an-hour attorneys and two $150-an-hour paralegals that lawsuit loser Trump Endeavor will have to pay.

                                The golf company, according to the court file, objected to the hourly rates because it paid its lawyers $400 an hour, according to court records.

                                This week, Cueto ruled that the fees were reasonable, and then some.

                                First, he ruled Trump should pay for nearly 500 hours of legal work, since the store’s legal team had to prepare for a trial that never took place.

                                Then, Cueto tacked on a 75 percent “risk” fee, partly because the store’s lawyers took the risk that they would never be paid if they lost.

                                Total: $282,949 and 91 cents, including copying and expert testimony.

                                “I’m happy I have a judgment,” said Juan Carlos Enriquez, owner of The Paint Spot. “But he [Trump] hasn’t paid yet.

                                “You know how he says he’ll surround himself with the greatest people if he is president? In this case, he might not be surrounded by the right people.”

                                Trump bought the property in 2012 for $150 million then launched into a major renovation.

                                Alan Garten, Trump’s in-house lawyer, didn’t return a call for comment.


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