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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Whoa, I get your point but Obama dealt with some nastiness as well, so I don't think you can say this is strictly reactionary.

    I attribute it more to the rise of social media than anything else. I have no doubt it would've been just as nasty over the years if there was a platform to vent it.

    -Sock Puppet
    Social media has certainly exacerbated the problem, but didn't Obama get it as a form of retaliation that goes back to Quayle? The point is, if Quayle is a moron for tagging an "e" on the end of potato, then Obama is a moron for saying he's visited 57 states and using the logic above, "Quayle wasn't President of the United States was he". But I really don't recall anyone in the liberal media calling Obama a moron throughout his political career for that.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

      Now that you have the most toxic president ever who you supported you are going to try to sell this ?

      Too funny ....

      No ...the gop cult of personality that brought you a moron like Sarah palin as a Vp candidate and a b movie actor Reagan brought your reality star President

      No the people who brought trump are the MINORITY of Americans that cited for him


      Nice to see you show up sick puppet. Supporting the personal attacks you see on me ? You ok with them or not considering your usual high minded posture ....

      Please address your fellow con who is obsesssd with me . Please comment ...


      Doubt we’ll be hearing too much More from you ....

      Besides OCD, TMan suffers from paranoia.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Here we go again .....

        The personal obsession just never stops does it ?

        Meanwhile , trump and his followers are simply our piñatas foenthe holiday season

        Trump and the gop conspired against the USA ....going to leave a mark can carp all you want about all the small ball you want but you know how you will go down in history

        USA has always dealt harshly with traitors . Nothing has changed
        As well as delusional.


          Now here is a world leader that is going down. This is far more concerning to most of the European world than anything Trump might do.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Now here is a world leader that is going down. This is far more concerning to most of the European world than anything Trump might do.
            Macron Fans the Flames of Illiberalism


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Social media has certainly exacerbated the problem, but didn't Obama get it as a form of retaliation that goes back to Quayle? The point is, if Quayle is a moron for tagging an "e" on the end of potato, then Obama is a moron for saying he's visited 57 states and using the logic above, "Quayle wasn't President of the United States was he". But I really don't recall anyone in the liberal media calling Obama a moron throughout his political career for that.
              Could because he isn't one? You usually don't graduate Harvard law as an idiot. He proved his intellect many times while in office, whether or not you agreed with his politics. Trump, on the other hand, while he attended good schools he was regarded as a poor student. That's what happens when daddy buys your way in.

              When Quayle was VP the media wasn't nearly as divided politically as it is now. He had many spectacular gaffes but by and large was an effective VP. But, when the 2nd in command doesn't appear to be a mensa member it is concerning as they're next in line. McCain's pick of Palin certainly didn't help him. The Bush campaign didn't do much to help change public perception of Quayle either

              "Yet the Bush campaign, masterful in other respects, botched Quayle’s roll out and Quayle paid a price. Little time was spent preparing Quayle for his initial convention appearances and accordingly some did not go well. The Bush campaign was not prepared to present his accomplishments or defend him against allegations, never substantiated, that his family had used influence to secure a spot for him in the National Guard to avoid service in Vietnam. Quayle never recovered from the drag of those negative first impressions on his image."


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Macron Fans the Flames of Illiberalism
                ^^^^^ Wow, does this sound familiar? ^^^^^^

                "Those wondering how this dangerous political divide opened up in the motherland of revolutionary democracy can do no better than turn to "Returning to Reims," a recently re-published memoir by Didier Eribon, the French sociologist. When it first appeared in 2009, the book shocked French readers with its account of a famous public intellectual who had concealed his working-class origins and distanced himself from his parents and brothers in order to be accepted into metropolitan intellectual circles.

                Coming from a family of window washers, factory workers and domestic cleaners, Eribon was the first in his family to finish secondary school. He brilliantly uses the experiences of his parents and siblings to describe how inequality replicated itself through the country’s educational system. He goes on to analyze how mainstream French politics became indifferent in recent decades to the plight of ordinary people, opening up scope for demagogic movements and spontaneous political eruptions.

                His father, along with most of his working-class peers, was once on the left, reflexively prejudiced against parties and personalities of the right. Working-class solidarity was what gave struggling men and women identity and dignity in circumstances that threatened to undermine both.

                But beginning in the 1980s, France’s left grew less responsive to the situation of the workers, and came to resemble its rivals on the technocratic center-right. It replaced talk of "exploitation and resistance" with buzzwords like "modernization" and "reform." The discussion of "unequal opportunities" gave way to meritocratic rhetoric of "individual responsibility."

                At the same time, social mobility remained an illusion -- confined to the better-educated and the already privileged. One result was that people like Eribon’s father started to see the far-right as a truer representative of their interests. However racist, the far-right seemed to offer a persuasive explanation for the bitter disappointments of ordinary people: Metropolitan liberals and leftists, in its view, were pampering foreigners and immigrants at the expense of the native-born."


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Could because he isn't one?
                  And neither was Quayle, but the liberal media certainly portrayed him as one, didn't they. The hubris of the left in action.


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Could because he isn't one? You usually don't graduate Harvard law as an idiot. He proved his intellect many times while in office, whether or not you agreed with his politics. Trump, on the other hand, while he attended good schools he was regarded as a poor student. That's what happens when daddy buys your way in.

                    When Quayle was VP the media wasn't nearly as divided politically as it is now. He had many spectacular gaffes but by and large was an effective VP. But, when the 2nd in command doesn't appear to be a mensa member it is concerning as they're next in line. McCain's pick of Palin certainly didn't help him. The Bush campaign didn't do much to help change public perception of Quayle either

                    "Yet the Bush campaign, masterful in other respects, botched Quayle’s roll out and Quayle paid a price. Little time was spent preparing Quayle for his initial convention appearances and accordingly some did not go well. The Bush campaign was not prepared to present his accomplishments or defend him against allegations, never substantiated, that his family had used influence to secure a spot for him in the National Guard to avoid service in Vietnam. Quayle never recovered from the drag of those negative first impressions on his image."
                    Seriously??? After the mess Obama made in 8 years, you still think it's all about a Harvard degree? And btw we don't know what kind of grades Obama got in college, now do we? Why is that?


                      Trump. A never-ending embarrassment to the U.S.



                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Sick puppet -

                        Did you see that I found the email threatening me and posted it a few weeks ago?

                        Please comment on how your sick puppet values view the threats I showed in the email ...

                        I haven't seen it, but I have seen a lot of threatening propaganda on here flowing both ways; from you included.

                        Something tells me you're a big boy and can handle yourself. Maybe you could comment on your own parties' indiscretions and your own posts as a starting point, and we can go from there?

                        How's that sound?

                        -Sock Puppet


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Now here is a world leader that is going down. This is far more concerning to most of the European world than anything Trump might do.
                          Add to that this.....

                          Is It Time to Bury Merkel's Legacy?


                          And let's not forget what's going on in England.

                          So let's summarize.

                          Macron's approval is at 26%, Theresa May's at 30% and Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian allies fell to just 29%. That makes Trump and Republican numbers look pretty good, doesn't it?

                          Please don't respond with outlier numbers TMan. The RCP averages are pretty easy to look up.


                            Trump will be the only president to never break 50%.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              And neither was Quayle, but the liberal media certainly portrayed him as one, didn't they. The hubris of the left in action.
                              There really wasn't a "liberal media" back then. Most Americans still got their news from the big networks and newspapers, back when there some actual journalism going on in TV and print. CNN was still very much a startup, Fox even less than that.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Seriously??? After the mess Obama made in 8 years, you still think it's all about a Harvard degree? And btw we don't know what kind of grades Obama got in college, now do we? Why is that?
                                Show us Donald's. He claims he was at the top of class but it's been proven he wasn't. Wharton wishes he'd stop mentioning the school; it's hurting their reputation.


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