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Turkey fans BOO during pre-match minute's silence for the victims of Paris attacks an

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    You’ve tried to have it both ways con.

    How do you suppose a daughter feels when a father compares her to the women he cheated on her mother with, cheats on current wife with etc?

    I mean you are the protector of decency now right? So take that on. POTUS attitudes toward women has far more impact on how your daughter may be treated than me.

    But you are as silent as trump is on putin.


    Trump damages your wife and daughter andnyiu don’t care . Might as well pack them off to someone who would treat them like trump would

    For the record that isn’t me . Need to find a fellow con to abuse your wimeb
    I'm not the protector of anything. I've never uttered a single complementary word toward Trump. I call out filth when I see it. And, requests to send over wives and daughters so you can have their way with them; boasting about how it would be the best sex of their lives = filth, Aarav.

    You can backtrack all you want, but you put it all out here for us all to see.



      From Craigslist DC

      Tee hee
      Bwa ha ha


      compensation: Client is a hugely wealthy man. Hugely successful. Everyone says it.
      employment type: contract

      Seeking a lead attorney to represent client involved in an ongoing Federal investigation. Must be familiar with laws and procedures around discovery, executive privilege, international financing of licensed real estate, election law and the Logan Act. Working knowledge of social media, especially Twitter is a plus, as is a better than average knowledge of the adult film industry and a collection of Playboy magazines from 1985-2010. Must look the part - Gregory Peck or Tommy Lee Jones type. Prior appearances on Fox News a huge plus.
      No fatties.

      Must be prepared to work with a client who is very forceful and opinionated about his defense and is his own best counsel.

      Basically your job boils down to keeping him from testifying under oath and hoping the rest comes out in the wash.

      Ask about our other openings on our staff and submit your resume to be considered for potential openings in the near future. Perhaps the very near future. Like, hit refresh on your browser now. Now again.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        I'm not the protector of anything. I've never uttered a single complementary word toward Trump. I call out filth when I see it. And, requests to send over wives and daughters so you can have their way with them; boasting about how it would be the best sex of their lives = filth, Aarav.

        You can backtrack all you want, but you put it all out here for us all to see.
        Keep claiming you aren’t a con trump fan.

        NO ONE believes that.

        As far as the rest I’m GLAD it bugs you so much. Cry more. And keep crying. Your tears are like honeysuckle and rainbows to me

        But DO feel self satisfied that you continue to fail about something I clearly set up just to get under your skin like this .

        Keep it up. You are already seen as crazed . Maybe someone will finally throw that net over you and drag you away for
        The help you need.

        Tee hee
        Bwa ha ha


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Keep claiming you aren’t a con trump fan.

          NO ONE believes that.

          As far as the rest I’m GLAD it bugs you so much. Cry more. And keep crying. Your tears are like honeysuckle and rainbows to me

          But DO feel self satisfied that you continue to fail about something I clearly set up just to get under your skin like this .

          Keep it up. You are already seen as crazed . Maybe someone will finally throw that net over you and drag you away for
          The help you need.

          Tee hee
          Bwa ha ha
          Pretty sick, Aarav. Yeah, when I think about abuse of a child, no matter the child, and even if your culture seems to allow it, it is sad. It's really not a laughing matter, and shame on you for even thinking it.

          Really sad and sick, Aarav. Sad and sick.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            The red state meth heads and bible and gun thumpers hanging on fox have seen their 401k’s swell?

            �� �� ��

            Hannity was he house painter is their pied piper?
            Remember" they cling to guns and religion "
            Remember " basket of deplorables "

            They remember , and so do millions of others.

            This is why you lost. and it is why you will lose again. Back to the basement for you.
            I don't know if it would ever be better than Nov 2016. All those disappointed Progressives. CNN especially, they were ready for another dance number.

            Go ahead, go to You Tube. Watch it . It is great viewing. So satisfying.


              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Pretty sick, Aarav. Yeah, when I think about abuse of a child, no matter the child, and even if your culture seems to allow it, it is sad. It's really not a laughing matter, and shame on you for even thinking it.

              Really sad and sick, Aarav. Sad and sick.
              Absolutely. Sad and sick is correct. Beyond sick.


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Pretty sick, Aarav. Yeah, when I think about abuse of a child, no matter the child, and even if your culture seems to allow it, it is sad. It's really not a laughing matter, and shame on you for even thinking it.

                Really sad and sick, Aarav. Sad and sick.
                I just want to point out that it is YOUR mind that always runs to “abuse of a child”

                Does the abuse of “Katie Johnson” motivate you? Evidence that it’s a billion times more real than what you are decompensating about

                I guess when a child is allegeldly raped by the sitting President , you consider that a sacrament while you obviously attack libs with lies

                Katie Johnson. Wasn’t she 13? Concerned ?


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Remember" they cling to guns and religion "
                  Remember " basket of deplorables "

                  They remember , and so do millions of others.

                  This is why you lost. and it is why you will lose again. Back to the basement for you.
                  I don't know if it would ever be better than Nov 2016. All those disappointed Progressives. CNN especially, they were ready for another dance number.

                  Go ahead, go to You Tube. Watch it . It is great viewing. So satisfying.
                  Yeah ....gonna lose right ....the most unpopular President ever won’t take even the typical bath in mid-terms

                  Rrrrtright please keep believing ....


                  Where is Mitch ?

                  Where is Paul?

                  Tee hee


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Absolutely. Sad and sick is correct. Beyond sick.
                    Talking to yourself like this isn’t healthy



                      I honestly haven’t laughed at you THIS hard since BEFORE Nov 2016

                      Thank you. Thank you so much for all the entertainment


                      And you are STILL obsessed with me rather than supporting trump ...but question

                      YOu CLAIM you aren’t a trump accolyte (Cult45) but nthen you jump to taint abouT trump winning again ...with a fever pitch

                      I think you are a card carrying Cult45 member


                        Katie Johnson story will rise from the ashes .

                        Get ready Cons ....remeber years of piling on Bill C?

                        Open up and say “aah”


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I just want to point out that it is YOUR mind that always runs to “abuse of a child”

                          Does the abuse of “Katie Johnson” motivate you? Evidence that it’s a billion times more real than what you are decompensating about

                          I guess when a child is allegeldly raped by the sitting President , you consider that a sacrament while you obviously attack libs with lies

                          Katie Johnson. Wasn’t she 13? Concerned ?
                          Well, you did ask for me to send my wife and DAUGHTER over to you so you can "HAVE YOUR WAY WITH THEM". And, bragged it would be the "BEST SEX OF HER LIFE". Here in the States, that's considered abuse.

                          I get that's acceptable practice over there, but here...yeah...when you want to abuse someone, my mind runs there and it should be called out, Aarav.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Yeah ....gonna lose right ....the most unpopular President ever won’t take even the typical bath in mid-terms

                            Rrrrtright please keep believing ....


                            Where is Mitch ?

                            Where is Paul?

                            Tee hee
                            But the Polls, the Polls, still show him above 40 . After the non stop onslaught of the MSM and sniping and backstabbing by Dems. There he is . Still alive.

                            And now he is kicking Russians out, as part of a coalition with other countries . The UN, a favorite of the Lefty Progressives is inactive and neutered.
                            That isn't doing so well with the " collusion" narrative is it ?
                            Next ? Iran. Too bad he can't get those pallets of cash back Obama sent . Think any of it was used to finance the hacking from the Iranians just indicted ?


                              I actually think it's a bit telling when he admits he "haven’t laughed at you THIS hard since BEFORE Nov 2016". Been nothing but crying since.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Well, you did ask for me to send my wife and DAUGHTER over to you so you can "HAVE YOUR WAY WITH THEM". And, bragged it would be the "BEST SEX OF HER LIFE". Here in the States, that's considered abuse.

                                I get that's acceptable practice over there, but here...yeah...when you want to abuse someone, my mind runs there and it should be called out, Aarav.

                                I see you can’t let go.

                                Excellent !!!!

                                Keep crying .

                                You are clearly more concerned with an anonymous blow to your EGO nothing more but showing all the readers that rules you while you are really unconcerned about whether or not trump raped a thirteen year old?

                                Excellent ! Keep it up. Show EVERYONE who you are


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