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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent!!!
    Gabbard Backs Trump Syria Move, Slams "Addiction to Regime Change"

    REP. TULSI GABBARD: For the benefit of your viewers, let's talk about what this CIA program actually was. It has been widely reported that for years now, the CIA was provding arms, intelligence, money, and other types of support to these armed militants who were working hand in hand, and who are working hand in hand, and oftentimes under the command of al-Qaeda in Syria.

    This isn't a matter of giving weapons to people, but they end up falling into the wrong hands. We are directly arming militants who are working under the command of al-Qaeda, all in this effort to overthrow the Syrian government.

    It is this addiction to regime change. And this idea that somehow this is what must be done, without actually looking at the facts. We have been providing direct and indirect support to al-Qaeda, the very group which attacked us on 9/11, that we are supposedly continuing to fight against and trying to defeat.

    The thing that should make everyone feel sick is that people would rather support, directly and indirectly, al-Qaeda, than actually give up their regime change goals.


      "On July 4 American targeters observed Kin Jung Un milling around smoking cigarettes for about 70 minutes".

      Smoking is bad for your is having the eyes of the US Military on you-waiting for command to pull the trigger.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

        1) deride the enemy party for cartoon use

        2) take page out of same playbook but only when desperate not when having fun

        Ivanka lawyered up today.


        Drip drip drip

        Republicans got the family heading a Crime syndicate elected POTUS with Russia. Help.

        So awesome! Be proud cons!!!!
        Busy day today - Teehee. Maxine must be on her sixth or seventh gin and tonic.


          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Busy day today - Teehee. Maxine must be on her sixth or seventh gin and tonic.
          When Bob Mueller has some free time, can he take a look into Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani IT guys? The head guy was picked up at Dulles last night attempting to board an overseas flight, coincidentally, right after learning the FBI was looking for him. Maybe Bob can look into the rash of suicides by people that have dirt on the Clintons too.

          Oh, that's right, I forgot he's busy trying to figure out how Putin was able to cast millions of votes for Trump in the election.


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Says the guy who posted some really disgusting cartoons.

            illiberals = hypocrites
            Wrong guy again bore - us, I didn't post them but I confess I "tee hee'd" along to most of them.

            Someone else with good sense and a humorous flair on the board problemo there.

            You are just feeling beleaguered as main posters break about 66-44 AGAINST Trump much like population at large


              What an *****. And the Trumpies will lick it up.

              "Sometimes, they say, ‘He doesn’t act presidential,’” Trump said of his critics. “And I say, ’Hey look ― great schools, smart guy ― it’s so easy to act presidential. But that’s not going to get it done. ... With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that’s ever held this office. That I can tell you. It’s real easy.”


                Do you find this cartoon funny, TeeHeeMan?



                  How about this one, TeeHeeMan?



                    How about this one?



                      Is Bezos using the Washington Post to get back at Trump for his comments in regards to stopping the Amazon monopoly?

                      Why hadn't Democrats done anything about this? Oh ya, I forgot. These are both big Democrat donors.



                        Dems need to get Trump out of office ASAP before this sh*t hits the fan.


                        The National Security Agency and FBI violated specific civil liberty protections during the Obama administration by improperly searching and disseminating raw intelligence on Americans or failing to promptly delete unauthorized intercepts, according to newly declassified memos that provide some of the richest detail to date on the spy agencies’ ability to obey their own rules.

                        The memos reviewed by The Hill were publicly released on July 11 through Freedom of Information Act litigation by the American Civil Liberties Union.



                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          When Bob Mueller has some free time, can he take a look into Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani IT guys? The head guy was picked up at Dulles last night attempting to board an overseas flight, coincidentally, right after learning the FBI was looking for him. Maybe Bob can look into the rash of suicides by people that have dirt on the Clintons too.

                          Oh, that's right, I forgot he's busy trying to figure out how Putin was able to cast millions of votes for Trump in the election.

                          Maybe Mueller will also have time to look into this :

                          The Key Event

                          July 5, 2016: In the early evening, Eastern Daylight Time, someone working in the EDT time zone with a computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network, copied 1,976 MegaBytes of data in 87 seconds onto an external storage device. That speed is many times faster than what is physically possible with a hack.

                          It thus appears that the purported “hack” of the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 (the self-proclaimed WikiLeaks source) was not a hack by Russia or anyone else, but was rather a copy of DNC data onto an external storage device. Moreover, the forensics performed on the metadata reveal there was a subsequent synthetic insertion—a cut-and-paste job using a Russian template, with the clear aim of attributing the data to a “Russian hack.” This was all performed in the East Coast time zone.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            When Bob Mueller has some free time, can he take a look into Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani IT guys? The head guy was picked up at Dulles last night attempting to board an overseas flight, coincidentally, right after learning the FBI was looking for him. Maybe Bob can look into the rash of suicides by people that have dirt on the Clintons too.

                            Oh, that's right, I forgot he's busy trying to figure out how Putin was able to cast millions of votes for Trump in the election.
                            Wasserman Schultz refused to fire Imran despite knowing her was a criminal suspect in a cybersecurity probe and has blocked Capitol Police from searching a laptop they confiscated because it was tied to him.

                            Democratic members of Congress, including Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York, have suggested that police had framed the Pakistani-born brothers out of Islamophobia.

                            The Congressional Federal Credit Union let's him wire almost $300,000 to Pakistan even though anyone with half a brain would smell a rat and the police let the wife walk with a suitcase with $12,000 in cash???


                              Funny how the MSM isn't making much of any of this, isn't it?

                              House Intelligence Committee met with Ben Rhodes: Report

                              The Intelligence Committee is also investigating intelligence leaks, and Rhodes has become a person of interest for certain Republicans as someone who may be playing a role in the leaking of classified information from the Trump administration to reporters.



                                Dear non-nutters,

                                We have reached a new phase.

                                Today, to cover up his massive defeat on the battlefield of health care, nutter in chief felt compelled to provoke and throw some read meat to the base with his transgender ban.

                                DoD is already largest employer of transgendered people in world . Estimated at 15,000 so realize like other parts of trumpism (wall, Muslim ban etc) will never happen.

                                Keep the faith. We are making progress. Americans need to take this country back from a man who has no god, no country no moral core


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