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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Obama showing the same level of class that Bill Clinton did. None. Wonder if the Obamas will steal art and furniture from the WH like the Clintons did?

    Bush showed Obama incredible grace and poise. Too bad Obama can't do the same. Just showing how small and weak a man and leader he is. Embarrassingly self absorbed. His legacy will fit into a thimble.
    It is Obama Unchained. He doesn't need to worry about the election , he has now stabbed Israel in the back , and will pardon more and more criminals until January 20th at 11:59 AM.

    When their vacation is over, Michelle " shaken to the core " will try and start packing for the short trip across town in a few weeks. Mom is moving in with them , once again, so it will be one big happy family.


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      It is Obama Unchained. He doesn't need to worry about the election , he has now stabbed Israel in the back , and will pardon more and more criminals until January 20th at 11:59 AM.

      When their vacation is over, Michelle " shaken to the core " will try and start packing for the short trip across town in a few weeks. Mom is moving in with them , once again, so it will be one big happy family.
      Are we going to still be paying for her too???

      Ya, we are. She was given a government pension.


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Deny , deflect, avoid

        Should serve you but only for a short while Boris

        Your weak man boy is already crying like a cuck whining that Obama somehow isn't kissing his ass sufficiently. Gonna be something. Fours years of a weak depraved president with man boobs. Awesome
        Says the guy who won't answer the questions put to him.



          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Are we going to still be paying for her too???

          Ya, we are. She was given a government pension.
          In Law suite at the new house.

          The real questions are if Michelle will plant a Garden in the backyard , and can they keep Malia under control while she takes a year off ?


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            He sure will TeeHeeMan!

            Trump to inherit more than 100 court vacancies, plans to reshape judiciary

            "The estimated 103 judicial vacancies that President Obama is expected to hand over to Trump in the Jan. 20 transition of power is nearly double the 54 openings Obama found eight years ago following George W. Bush’s presidency."


            And because Democrats shot themselves in the foot by changing the senatorial rules on approving judicial appointments with a simple majority there is not much they can do about it.

            Just another example of the incompetence of Democrat leadership.

            Just think TeeHeeMan, state gun control laws, abortion restrictions, voter laws, anti-discrimination measures and immigrant issues are all matters that will be heard by federal judges appointed by Trump.



              “It appears we’re going to have an old-folks’ home. We’ve got [Elizabeth] Warren; she’ll be 71. Biden will be 78. Bernie [Sanders] will be 79.” - outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid referring to the potential 2020 Democratic presidential field.



                "I believe one of the failures of the Democratic Party has been the DNC. The Democratic National Committee has been worthless." - outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid



                  The news gets better and better. What party was TeeHeeMan pontificating about a civil war?


                  "At his year-end press con*fer*ence, Pres*id*ent Obama said he wanted to play a lead*ing role in re*build*ing the Demo*crat*ic Party. But in a sign of how Obama’s pro*gress*ive ideo*logy blinds him to polit*ic*al real*ity, his ad*min*is*tra*tion’s fi*nal act be*fore the new year put his party in an even deep*er hole."

                  "By de*clin*ing to veto a res*ol*u*tion con*demning Is*rael at the United Na*tions, Obama un*der*scored how out-of-step his views are from the rest of the coun*try—and on this is*sue, even with his own party. Al*low*ing the anti-Is*rael res*ol*u*tion to pass was widely con*demned, by both the in*com*ing Re*pub*lic*an ad*min*is*tra*tion and the most in*flu*en*tial Demo*crat in Con*gress, in*com*ing Sen*ate Minor*ity Lead*er Chuck Schu*mer. Jew*ish groups across the ideo*lo*gic*al spec*trum cri*ti*cized the de*cision in harsh terms, while even dovish Demo*crats such as Ohio’s Sher*rod Brown dis*tanced them*selves from the Obama ad*min*is*tra*tion’s ac*tion. Former DNC chair*wo*man Debbie Wasser*man Schultz, who sup*por*ted Obama’s con*tro*ver*sial Ir*an nuc*le*ar deal, called the U.N. res*ol*u*tion an “ir*re*spons*ible ac*tion [that] moves us fur*ther away from peace and hastens the like*li*hood that we lose the trust of our al*lies around the world.” She called the Obama ad*min*is*tra*tion’s ab*sten*tion “reck*less.”

                  "At a time when Demo*crats are try*ing to win back voters that aban*doned them in this year’s pres*id*en*tial elec*tion, they can’t af*ford to ali*en*ate a bed*rock con*stitu*ency of their party. But that’s ex*actly what Obama’s last-minute slam of Is*rael threatens to do. It’s no co*in*cid*ence that Obama waited un*til after the pres*id*en*tial elec*tion to take a fi*nal slap at Is*rael, know*ing full well that it would have dam*aged Hil*lary Clin*ton’s pres*id*en*tial cam*paign. Even though most Jews will con*tin*ue to vote Demo*crat*ic, small-scale de*fec*tions among Demo*crat*ic voters who care about Is*rael can make a big dif*fer*ence in states with siz*able Jew*ish pop*u*la*tions, such as Flor*ida, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Trump’s nar*row mar*gin of vic*tory in all three states is a re*mind*er that every vote counts. It simply makes no polit*ic*al sense to gra*tu*it*ously ali*en*ate a con*stitu*ency that could spell the dif*fer*ence in a close race."

                  "Obama’s po*s*i*tion*ing on Is*rael threatens to un*der*mine his party’s fun*drais*ing cap*ab*il*it*ies. Clin*ton’s five biggest fin*an*cial back*ers in the pres*id*en*tial cam*paign were Jew*ish, ac*cord*ing to an ana*lys*is by The Times of Is*rael, with Demo*crat*ic megadonor Haim Saban an out*spoken ad*voc*ate for the Jew*ish state. But pro-Is*rael Demo*crat*ic donors will now have second thoughts about writ*ing big checks to party or*gan*iz*a*tions. For over five years, the Demo*crat*ic Na*tion*al Com*mit*tee was led by Wasser*man Schultz, a re*li*able ad*voc*ate of Is*rael’s in*terests. If Rep. Keith El*lis*on of Min*nesota, one of Is*rael’s lead*ing crit*ics in Con*gress, be*comes the new party chair*man, it will freeze up once-re*li*able dona*tions from pro-Is*rael Demo*crats." At a time when the coun*try is badly po*lar*ized, Pres*id*ent-elect Don*ald Trump will find back*ing Is*rael to be a risk-free way to win bi*par*tis*an sup*port.....need*lessly handed Trump an early polit*ic*al vic*tory.

                  Bwahahahaha! The incompetence of Democrats knows no end!



                    Sup*port for Is*rael, while slip*ping among the most lib*er*al Demo*crats, is bi*par*tis*an and wide*spread. A Pew Re*search Cen*ter’s April 2016 sur*vey showed that 54 per*cent of Amer*ic*ans sym*path*ize with Is*rael*is, while just 19 per*cent fa*vor the Palestini*ans—a his*tor*ic high in ap*prov*al for the Jew*ish state. GOP back*ing for the Jew*ish state is near-uni*ver*sal, and Demo*crats fa*vor the Is*rael*is over the Palestini*ans by a sol*id 14-point mar*gin, 43 to 29 per*cent.



                      Trump is already gaining supporters from the left.


                      "Before the enactment of this resolution, I was not in favor of Trump immediately moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. I advocated that such a move should take place in stages, over time, and with consultation among America’s Muslim allies in the region. But now that the UN has made it a continuing international crime for there to be any Israeli presence in disputed areas of Jerusalem, including areas whose Jewish provenance is beyond dispute, there is a need for immediate action by Trump, upon taking office, to untie his hands and to undo the damage wrought by his predecessor. Congress will surely approve such a move, since the overwhelming majority of its members disapproved of the American decision not to veto the resolution, and since, in 1995, Congress enacted a statute, signed by President Clinton, declaring that the “United States maintains it embassy in the functioning capital of every country except in the case of our democratic friend and strategic ally, the State of Israel” and urged “the United States [to] conduct official meetings and other business in the city of Jerusalem in de facto recognition of its status as the capital of Israel. Obama’s ill-advised, lame duck, and undemocratic effort to tie his successor’s hands must not be allowed to destroy the prospects for a negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinians."

                      Alan M. Dershowitz is professor emeritus of law at Harvard University



                        Boris full us in on how many journalists have been murdered in Putin's Russia. Might as well ask how many of his own citizens he killed.

                        Putin's lap dog was making excuses for Russia again last night.

                        Sanctions will be announced today. Patriotic Americans will support commies (like you) and stooges (trump) won't. But The optics are clear. You defend and express your admiration for Russia every day


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          Not that I actually thought my questions would be answered by the poster who had previously put forth 8 questions, I have consolidated them in a second attempt to get answers.

                          - Do you back Farrakhan's endorsement of Obama?
                          - Do you support the New Black Panthers endorsing Obama and certain members of that party being given access to the private residence at the White House?*
                          - What is your opinion of Democrats within the DNC inciting violence at Trump rallies?
                          - Are we speaking of a "vast right wing conspiracy" and videos being the cause of the death of four Americans in Benghazi or something else?
                          - Should someone who deletes emails after they received a subpoena for those emails be charged with obstruction?
                          -Should employees of government agencies who specifically target and harass citizens and their civic groups who might have oppose the current sitting administration be held responsible or should they just be allowed to retire and collect their government pensions?
                          - Do you support the misrepresentation of what someone says, whether it be Trump or anyone else, by a biased media?
                          Okay Larry, learn to recognize when a joke has run its course already. The Boris nonsense, just isn't funny, kind of sad that is all you have as a retort.

                          Enough deflection and avoiding. Try to answer.


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            Boris full us in on how many journalists have been murdered in Putin's Russia. Might as well ask how many of his own citizens he killed.

                            Putin's lap dog was making excuses for Russia again last night.

                            Sanctions will be announced today. Patriotic Americans will support commies (like you) and stooges (trump) won't. But The optics are clear. You defend and express your admiration for Russia every day
                            Hey TeeHee, we ain't speaking about Putin any more. We're speaking about Obama 's disastrous foreign policy, stabbing Isreal in the back, and how he's klling the Democratic Party (which is OK with me). And you've confused Boris 's posts with mine, Natasha . Nice dodge though. Too bad it doesn't work.


                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              Okay Larry, learn to recognize when a joke has run its course already. The Boris nonsense, just isn't funny, kind of sad that is all you have as a retort.

                              Enough deflection and avoiding. Try to answer.
                              Larry is a one trick donkey. He has traded in the filthy talk with accusing everyone of being a russian. Douche.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                                Larry is a one trick donkey. He has traded in the filthy talk with accusing everyone of being a russian. Douche.
                                $85 million for eight years of Obama vacations! Just think about that for a minute.


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