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Merry Christmas from Donald Trump

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    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Are those your "billion" friends on facebook?
    Don’t have Facebook or Twitter but Trump does.

    Glue yourself to Trumps speech @3pm and listen to the Orange retard announce a National Emergency, the same Retard who two weeks ago said this was a Hoax.

    PeeWee too many Trumpsters live in his Cult world. There’s nothing one can say in convincing you that he’s a CON artist


      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
      Trump should have listened, the Chinese are giving us pay back for those Tariff hikes.
      who should he have listened to?- the Chinese? yea that's who I want determining US trade policy

      pay back? by wrecking their own economy and actually showing the world how stupid it was to outsource all its manufacturing to one big communist country?

      somehow I don't think this works out well for them


        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        Don’t have Facebook or Twitter but Trump does.

        Glue yourself to Trumps speech @3pm and listen to the Orange retard announce a National Emergency, the same Retard who two weeks ago said this was a Hoax.

        PeeWee too many Trumpsters live in his Cult world. There’s nothing one can say in convincing you that he’s a CON artist

        he didn't say the virus was a hoax- he said the media was overblowing it (and they are)

        Trump says enough things you can whine about-BS what he says only degrades your argument


          When will the fed start printing more money????


            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            he didn't say the virus was a hoax- he said the media was overblowing it (and they are)

            Trump says enough things you can whine about-BS what he says only degrades your argument
            Here it is Pee Wee Cult follower -February 28th 2020 South Carolina Rally.



              Dr. Fauci - Trump should get tested and self quarantine until he gets results. The Brazilian president supposedly tested negative but the other guy was positive. The tests aren't 100% reliable either.

              Susan Collins - Trump should stop being the face of the pandemic and let the experts speak

              or something to that effect :)


                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Here it is Pee Wee Cult follower -February 28th 2020 South Carolina Rally.

                Just three days ago he said to "stay calm" and "it will go away". Seven days ago both Kudlow and Kelly Ann Conway said "It's contained"

                cons can't take it when you resent them with facts.


                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Here it is Pee Wee Cult follower -February 28th 2020 South Carolina Rally.

                  you do know that you can go on you tube and get exactly what he said from his own mouth

                  he didn't say the virus was a hoax as I stated before, he said the dems are using it as their new hoax same as Russia-BTW some very interesting new FBI memos came out about that yesterday
                  lots of dem favs reputations are going to take a very big hit shortly- be nice to see someone perp walked- time will tell

                  I get you hate Trump, I don't care, but if you want to call him out don't take what he says out of context- not all of us are lazy. we will do the research and then you look foolish


                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Just three days ago he said to "stay calm" and "it will go away". Seven days ago both Kudlow and Kelly Ann Conway said "It's contained"

                    cons can't take it when you resent them with facts.
                    lets discuss your FACTS
                    so what you are saying is to panic and it will NEVER go away?
                    do you really believe that?

                    if that's the case -*** cares what happens, its over, right?


                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      When will the fed start printing more money????
                      They have been doing it since 2016... take a look at the National Debt figures since then...


                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        They have been doing it since 2016... take a look at the National Debt figures since then...
                        Not a lot of tricks up Donnie's sleeve either. When Biden takes over in January 2021 he will have to clean up the financial disaster Trump and the GOP left for him. Sounds very familiar. See: Clinton & Obama


                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          lets discuss your FACTS
                          so what you are saying is to panic and it will NEVER go away?
                          do you really believe that?

                          if that's the case -*** cares what happens, its over, right?

                          You’re the perfect Fux news viewer by posting your own exaggerated opinion of another persons comment and then claiming it to be a fact.

                          Always a giveaway when it starts out by saying “ so what you’re saying”


                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            They have been doing it since 2016... take a look at the National Debt figures since then...
                            Printing money during an economic expansion. We are so phucked. No wonder we cant3 afford testing for the Trumpvirus.


                              JUST IN: White House puts out memo from Trump's physician saying his exposure to two people who developed coronavirus doesn't require self-quarantine or a test.

                              Here's the funny part, this physician is not a MD.
                              He is a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO). Trump crime family could not find a real doctor to compromise himself.

                              Too funny.


                                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                                You’re the perfect Fux news viewer by posting your own exaggerated opinion of another persons comment and then claiming it to be a fact.

                                Always a giveaway when it starts out by saying “ so what you’re saying”
                                I didn't enter any facts I used the OPs supposed facts and simply took them at face value and took them to the conclusion
                                you don't have to like the answers but they are the answers to that set of Facts


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